stream-ws 0.1.0

A layer over WebSocket enables carrying byte stream, for both native and WebAssembly. failed to build stream-ws-0.1.0
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A layer over WebSocket enables carrying byte stream, for both native and WebAssembly.

Providing methods able to wrap any WebSocket message stream implementation, and impl [AsyncRead], [AsyncBufRead] and [AsyncWrite].


run cargo add stream-ws to bring it into your crate.

Examples in examples/.


With feature tungstenite.

For WebSocketStream in either crate tokio-tungstenite or async-tungstenite, use let stream = stream_ws::tungstenite::WsByteStream::new(inner).

Gloo (for WebAssembly)

With feature gloo.

use let stream = stream_ws::gloo::WsByteStream::new(inner).

Wrapping underlying stream of other WebSocket implementation

Your WebSocket implementation should have a struct S satisfying trait bound Stream<Item = Result<Msg, E>> + Sink<Msg, Error = E> + Unpin where Msg and E are message and error type of the implementation.

Create a struct Handler and impl [WsMessageHandle], which is easy, and then call Handler::wrap_stream(underlying_stream) to get a [WsByteStream].

Crate features

  • tokio: impl tokio's [AsyncRead], [AsyncBufRead] and [AsyncWrite] variants
  • tungstenite: handlers for message and error type from crate tungstenite
  • gloo: handlers for message and error type from crate gloo