storage-proofs-core 12.0.0

Core parts for proofs of storage
use std::cmp::min;

use anyhow::ensure;
use bellperson::{
    gadgets::boolean::{AllocatedBit, Boolean},
    ConstraintSystem, SynthesisError,
use ff::PrimeField;
use merkletree::merkle::get_merkle_tree_row_count;

use crate::{error::Error, settings::SETTINGS};

pub const NODE_SIZE: usize = 32;

/// Returns the start position of the data, 0-indexed.
pub fn data_at_node_offset(v: usize) -> usize {
    v * NODE_SIZE

/// Returns the byte slice representing one node (of uniform size, NODE_SIZE) at position v in data.
pub fn data_at_node(data: &[u8], v: usize) -> anyhow::Result<&[u8]> {
    let offset = data_at_node_offset(v);

        offset + NODE_SIZE <= data.len(),
        Error::OutOfBounds(offset + NODE_SIZE, data.len())

    Ok(&data[offset..offset + NODE_SIZE])

/// Converts bytes into their bit representation, in little endian format.
pub fn bytes_into_bits(bytes: &[u8]) -> Vec<bool> {
        .flat_map(|&byte| (0..8).map(move |i| (byte >> i) & 1u8 == 1u8))

/// Converts bytes into their bit representation, in little endian format.
pub fn bytes_into_bits_opt(bytes: &[u8]) -> Vec<Option<bool>> {
        .flat_map(|&byte| (0..8).map(move |i| Some((byte >> i) & 1u8 == 1u8)))

/// Converts bytes into their bit representation, in big endian format.
pub fn bytes_into_bits_be(bytes: &[u8]) -> Vec<bool> {
        .flat_map(|&byte| (0..8).rev().map(move |i| (byte >> i) & 1u8 == 1u8))

/// Converts the bytes into a boolean vector, in little endian format.
pub fn bytes_into_boolean_vec<Scalar: PrimeField, CS: ConstraintSystem<Scalar>>(
    mut cs: CS,
    value: Option<&[u8]>,
    size: usize,
) -> Result<Vec<Boolean>, SynthesisError> {
    let values = match value {
        Some(value) => bytes_into_bits(value).into_iter().map(Some).collect(),
        None => vec![None; size],

    let bits = values
        .map(|(i, b)| {
                cs.namespace(|| format!("bit {}", i)),
        .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, SynthesisError>>()?;


/// Converts the bytes into a boolean vector, in big endian format.
pub fn bytes_into_boolean_vec_be<Scalar: PrimeField, CS: ConstraintSystem<Scalar>>(
    mut cs: CS,
    value: Option<&[u8]>,
    size: usize,
) -> Result<Vec<Boolean>, SynthesisError> {
    let values = match value {
        Some(value) => bytes_into_bits_be(value).into_iter().map(Some).collect(),
        None => vec![None; size],

    let bits = values
        .map(|(i, b)| {
                cs.namespace(|| format!("bit {}", i)),
        .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, SynthesisError>>()?;


fn bool_to_u8(bit: bool, offset: usize) -> u8 {
    if bit {
        1u8 << offset
    } else {

/// Converts a slice of bools into their byte representation, in little endian.
pub fn bits_to_bytes(bits: &[bool]) -> Vec<u8> {
        .map(|bits| {
            bool_to_u8(bits[7], 7)
                | bool_to_u8(bits[6], 6)
                | bool_to_u8(bits[5], 5)
                | bool_to_u8(bits[4], 4)
                | bool_to_u8(bits[3], 3)
                | bool_to_u8(bits[2], 2)
                | bool_to_u8(bits[1], 1)
                | bool_to_u8(bits[0], 0)

/// Reverse the order of bits within each byte (bit numbering), but without altering the order of bytes
/// within the array (endianness) — when bit array is viewed as a flattened sequence of octets.
/// Before intra-byte bit reversal begins, zero-bit padding is added so every byte is full.
pub fn reverse_bit_numbering(bits: Vec<Boolean>) -> Vec<Boolean> {
    let mut padded_bits = bits;
    // Pad partial bytes
    while padded_bits.len() % 8 != 0 {

        .flat_map(|chunk| chunk.iter().rev())

// If the tree is large enough to use the default value (per-arity), use it.  If it's too small to cache anything (i.e. not enough rows), don't discard any.
pub fn default_rows_to_discard(leafs: usize, arity: usize) -> usize {
    let row_count = get_merkle_tree_row_count(leafs, arity);
    if row_count <= 2 {
        // If a tree only has a root row and/or base, there is
        // nothing to discard.
        return 0;
    } else if row_count == 3 {
        // If a tree only has 1 row between the base and root,
        // it's all that can be discarded.
        return 1;

    // row_count - 2 discounts the base layer (1) and root (1)
    let max_rows_to_discard = row_count - 2;

    // This configurable setting is for a default oct-tree
    // rows_to_discard value, which defaults to 2.
    let rows_to_discard = SETTINGS.rows_to_discard as usize;

    // Discard at most 'constant value' rows (coded below,
    // differing by arity) while respecting the max number that
    // the tree can support discarding.
    match arity {
        2 => min(max_rows_to_discard, 7),
        4 => min(max_rows_to_discard, 5),
        _ => min(max_rows_to_discard, rows_to_discard),

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    use bellperson::{gadgets::num::AllocatedNum, util_cs::test_cs::TestConstraintSystem};
    use blstrs::Scalar as Fr;
    use ff::Field;
    use filecoin_hashers::{sha256::Sha256Function, HashFunction};
    use fr32::fr_into_bytes;
    use merkletree::hash::Algorithm;
    use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng};
    use rand_xorshift::XorShiftRng;

    use crate::TEST_SEED;

    fn test_bytes_into_boolean_vec() {
        let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::<Fr>::new();
        let rng = &mut XorShiftRng::from_seed(TEST_SEED);

        for i in 0..100 {
            let data: Vec<u8> = (0..i + 10).map(|_| rng.gen()).collect();
            let bools = {
                let mut cs = cs.namespace(|| format!("round: {}", i));
                bytes_into_boolean_vec(&mut cs, Some(data.as_slice()), 8)
                    .expect("bytes into boolean vec failure")

            let bytes_actual: Vec<u8> = bits_to_bytes(
                    .map(|b| b.get_value().expect("get_value failure"))

            assert_eq!(data, bytes_actual);

    fn test_bool_to_u8() {
        assert_eq!(bool_to_u8(false, 2), 0b0000_0000);
        assert_eq!(bool_to_u8(true, 0), 0b0000_0001);
        assert_eq!(bool_to_u8(true, 1), 0b0000_0010);
        assert_eq!(bool_to_u8(true, 7), 0b1000_0000);

    fn test_bits_into_bytes() {
            bits_to_bytes(&[true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false]),
            bits_to_bytes(&[true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true]),

    fn test_bytes_into_bits() {
            vec![true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false]

        let rng = &mut XorShiftRng::from_seed(TEST_SEED);

        for i in 10..100 {
            let bytes: Vec<u8> = (0..i).map(|_| rng.gen()).collect();

            let bits = bytes_into_bits(bytes.as_slice());
            assert_eq!(bits_to_bytes(bits.as_slice()), bytes);

    fn test_reverse_bit_numbering() {
        for _ in 0..100 {
            let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::<Fr>::new();
            let rng = &mut XorShiftRng::from_seed(TEST_SEED);

            let val_fr = Fr::random(rng);
            let val_vec = fr_into_bytes(&val_fr);

            let val_num = AllocatedNum::alloc(cs.namespace(|| "val_num"), || Ok(val_fr))
                .expect("alloc failure");
            let val_num_bits = val_num
                .to_bits_le(cs.namespace(|| "val_bits"))
                .expect("to_bits_le failure");

            let bits =
                bytes_into_boolean_vec_be(cs.namespace(|| "val_bits_2"), Some(&val_vec), 256)
                    .expect("bytes_into_boolean_vec_be failure");

            let val_num_reversed_bit_numbering = reverse_bit_numbering(val_num_bits);

            let a_values: Vec<bool> = val_num_reversed_bit_numbering
                .map(|v| v.get_value().expect("get_value failure"))

            let b_values: Vec<bool> = bits
                .map(|v| v.get_value().expect("get_value failure"))
            assert_eq!(&a_values[..], &b_values[..]);

    fn hash_leaf_bits_circuit() {
        let mut cs = TestConstraintSystem::<Fr>::new();
        let mut rng = XorShiftRng::from_seed(TEST_SEED);

        let left_fr = Fr::random(&mut rng);
        let right_fr = Fr::random(&mut rng);
        let left: Vec<u8> = fr_into_bytes(&left_fr);
        let right: Vec<u8> = fr_into_bytes(&right_fr);
        let height = 1;

        let left_bits: Vec<Boolean> = {
            let mut cs = cs.namespace(|| "left");
            bytes_into_boolean_vec(&mut cs, Some(left.as_slice()), 256).expect("left bits failure")

        let right_bits: Vec<Boolean> = {
            let mut cs = cs.namespace(|| "right");
            bytes_into_boolean_vec(&mut cs, Some(right.as_slice()), 256)
                .expect("right bits failure")

        let out = Sha256Function::hash_leaf_bits_circuit(
            cs.namespace(|| "hash_leaf_circuit"),
        .expect("key derivation function failed");

        assert!(cs.is_satisfied(), "constraints not satisfied");
        assert_eq!(cs.num_constraints(), 45_387);

        let expected: Fr = Sha256Function::default()
            .node(left_fr.into(), right_fr.into(), height)

            out.get_value().expect("get_value failure"),
            "circuit and non circuit do not match"