stm32l1xx-hal 0.1.0

Peripheral access API for STM32L1 series microcontrollers

    feature = "stm32l100",
    feature = "stm32l151",
    feature = "stm32l152",
    feature = "stm32l162"
compile_error!("This crate requires one of the following features enabled: stm32l100, stm32l151, stm32l152 or stm32l162");

extern crate bare_metal;
extern crate cast;
extern crate cortex_m;
extern crate void;

pub extern crate embedded_hal as hal;
pub extern crate nb;
pub extern crate stm32l1;

pub use nb::block;

#[cfg(feature = "stm32l100")]
pub use stm32l1::stm32l100 as stm32;

#[cfg(any(feature = "stm32l151", feature = "stm32l152"))]
pub use crate::stm32l1::stm32l151 as stm32;

#[cfg(feature = "stm32l162")]
pub use crate::stm32l1::stm32l162 as stm32;

#[cfg(feature = "rt")]
pub use crate::stm32::interrupt;

mod bb;

pub mod adc;
pub mod dac;
pub mod delay;
pub mod dma;
pub mod exti;
pub mod gpio;
pub mod i2c;
pub mod prelude;
pub mod pwm;
pub mod qei;
pub mod rcc;
pub mod serial;
pub mod spi;
pub mod time;
pub mod timer;
pub mod watchdog;