stm32f3xx-hal 0.9.1

Peripheral access API for STM32F3 series microcontrollers
//! # Serial
//! Asynchronous serial communication using the interal USART peripherals
//! The serial modules implement the [`Read`] and [`Write`] traits.
//! [`Read`]: embedded_hal::serial::Read
//! [`Write`]: embedded_hal::serial::Write

use core::{
    convert::{Infallible, TryFrom},

use crate::{
    gpio::{gpioa, gpiob, gpioc, AF7},
    hal::{blocking, serial, serial::Write},
        usart1::{cr1::M_A, cr1::PCE_A, cr1::PS_A, RegisterBlock},
        Interrupt, USART1, USART2, USART3,
    rcc::{self, Clocks},

use crate::pac::RCC;

use cfg_if::cfg_if;
#[cfg(feature = "enumset")]
use enumset::{EnumSet, EnumSetType};

use crate::dma;
use cortex_m::interrupt;

/// Interrupt and status events.
/// All events can be cleared by [`Serial::clear_event`] or [`Serial::clear_events`].
/// Some events are also cleared on other conditions.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "enumset", derive(EnumSetType))]
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "enumset"), derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq))]
// TODO: Split up in transmission and reception events (RM0316 29.7)
pub enum Event {
    /// Transmit data register empty / new data can be sent.
    /// This event is set by hardware when the content of the TDR register has been transferred
    /// into the shift register. It is cleared by [`Serial`]s [`serial::Write::write()`]
    /// implementation to the TDR register.
    #[doc(alias = "TXE")]
    /// CTS (Clear to Send) event.
    /// This event is set by hardware when the CTS input toggles, if the CTSE bit is set.
    #[doc(alias = "CTSIF")]
    /// Transmission complete
    /// This event is set by hardware if the transmission of a frame containing data is complete and
    /// if TXE is set.
    /// It is cleared by [`Serial`]s [`serial::Write::write()`] implementaiton to the USART_TDR register.
    #[doc(alias = "TC")]
    /// Read data register not empty / new data has been received.
    /// This event is set by hardware when the content of the RDR shift register has been
    /// transferred to the RDR register.
    /// It is cleared by [`Serial`]s [`serial::Read::read()`] to the USART_RDR register.
    #[doc(alias = "RXNE")]
    /// Overrun Error detected.
    /// This event is set by hardware when the data currently being received in the shift register
    /// is ready to be transferred into the RDR register while
    /// [`Event::ReceiveDataRegisterNotEmpty`] is set.
    /// See [`Error::Overrun`] for a more detailed description.
    #[doc(alias = "ORE")]
    /// Idle line state detected.
    /// This event is set by hardware when an Idle Line is detected.
    /// Parity error detected.
    /// This event is set by hardware when a parity error occurs in receiver mode.
    /// Parity can be configured by using [`config::Parity`] to create a [`config::Config`].
    #[doc(alias = "PE")]
    /// Noise error detected.
    /// This event is set by hardware when noise is detected on a received frame.
    #[doc(alias = "NF")]
    /// Framing error detected
    /// This event is set by hardware when a de-synchronization, excessive noise or a break character
    /// is detected.
    #[doc(alias = "FE")]
    /// LIN break
    /// This bit is set by hardware when the LIN break is detected.
    #[doc(alias = "LBDF")]
    /// The received character matched the configured character.
    /// The matching character can be configured with [`Serial::match_character()`]
    #[doc(alias = "CMF")]
    /// Nothing was received since the last received character for
    /// [`Serial::receiver_timeout()`] amount of time.
    /// # Note
    /// Never set for UART peripheral, which does not have [`ReceiverTimeoutExt`]
    /// implemented.
    #[doc(alias = "RTOF")]
    // TODO(Sh3Rm4n): SmartCard Mode not implemented, no use as of now.
    // EndOfBlock,
    // TODO(Sh3Rm4n): The wakeup from stop mode is alittle bit more complicated:
    // - UESM has to be enabled so that it works (RM0316 29.8.1)
    // - Only works with LSI and HSI (which are not configurable yet)
    // - ...
    // /// The peripheral was woken up from "Stop Mode".
    // ///
    // /// This event is set by hardware, when a wakeup event is detected.
    // ///
    // /// The condition, when it does wake up can be configured via
    // /// [`Serial::set_wakeup_from_stopmode_reason()`]
    // #[doc(alias = "WUF")]
    // WakeupFromStopMode,

/// Serial error
/// As these are status events, they can be converted to [`Event`]s, via [`Into`].
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub enum Error {
    /// Framing error
    /// This error is thrown by hardware when a de-synchronization, excessive noise or a break
    /// character is detected.
    /// Noise error
    /// This error is thrown by hardware when noise is detected on a received frame.
    /// RX buffer overrun
    /// # Cause
    /// An overrun error occurs when a character is received when RXNE has not been reset. Data can
    /// not be transferred from the shift register to the RDR register until the RXNE bit is
    /// cleared. The RXNE flag is set after every byte received. An overrun error occurs if RXNE
    /// flag is set when the next data is received or the previous DMA request has not been
    /// serviced.
    /// # Behavior
    /// - The RDR content will not be lost. The previous data is available when a read to USART_RDR
    ///   is performed.
    /// - The shift register will be overwritten. After that point, any data received
    ///   during overrun is lost
    /// Parity check error
    /// This error is thrown by hardware when a parity error occurs in receiver mode.

impl From<Error> for Event {
    fn from(error: Error) -> Self {
        match error {
            Error::Framing => Event::FramingError,
            Error::Overrun => Event::OverrunError,
            Error::Noise => Event::NoiseError,
            Error::Parity => Event::ParityError,

/// The error type returned when a [`Event`] to [`Error`] conversion failed.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct TryFromEventError(pub(crate) ());

impl TryFrom<Event> for Error {
    type Error = TryFromEventError;
    fn try_from(event: Event) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        Ok(match event {
            Event::FramingError => Error::Framing,
            Event::OverrunError => Error::Overrun,
            Event::NoiseError => Error::Noise,
            Event::ParityError => Error::Parity,
            _ => return Err(TryFromEventError(())),

/// An convinicnce enum for the most typical baud rates
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub enum BaudTable {

impl From<BaudTable> for Baud {
    fn from(baud: BaudTable) -> Self {
        match baud {
            BaudTable::Bd1200 => Baud(1200),
            BaudTable::Bd9600 => Baud(9600),
            BaudTable::Bd19200 => Baud(19200),
            BaudTable::Bd38400 => Baud(38400),
            BaudTable::Bd57600 => Baud(57600),
            BaudTable::Bd115200 => Baud(115200),
            BaudTable::Bd230400 => Baud(230400),
            BaudTable::Bd460800 => Baud(460800),

/// The error type returned when a [`Baud`] to [`BaudTable`] conversion failed.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct TryFromBaudError(pub(crate) ());

impl TryFrom<Baud> for BaudTable {
    type Error = TryFromBaudError;
    fn try_from(baud: Baud) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        Ok(match baud {
            Baud(1200) => BaudTable::Bd1200,
            Baud(9600) => BaudTable::Bd9600,
            Baud(19200) => BaudTable::Bd19200,
            Baud(38400) => BaudTable::Bd38400,
            Baud(57600) => BaudTable::Bd57600,
            Baud(115200) => BaudTable::Bd115200,
            Baud(230400) => BaudTable::Bd230400,
            Baud(460800) => BaudTable::Bd460800,
            _ => return Err(TryFromBaudError(())),

/// TX pin
pub trait TxPin<Usart>: crate::private::Sealed {}

/// RX pin
pub trait RxPin<Usart>: crate::private::Sealed {}

impl<Otype> TxPin<USART1> for gpioa::PA9<AF7<Otype>> {}
impl<Otype> TxPin<USART1> for gpiob::PB6<AF7<Otype>> {}
impl<Otype> TxPin<USART1> for gpioc::PC4<AF7<Otype>> {}
impl<Otype> RxPin<USART1> for gpioa::PA10<AF7<Otype>> {}
impl<Otype> RxPin<USART1> for gpiob::PB7<AF7<Otype>> {}
impl<Otype> RxPin<USART1> for gpioc::PC5<AF7<Otype>> {}

impl<Otype> TxPin<USART2> for gpioa::PA2<AF7<Otype>> {}
impl<Otype> TxPin<USART2> for gpiob::PB3<AF7<Otype>> {}
impl<Otype> RxPin<USART2> for gpioa::PA3<AF7<Otype>> {}
impl<Otype> RxPin<USART2> for gpiob::PB4<AF7<Otype>> {}

impl<Otype> TxPin<USART3> for gpiob::PB10<AF7<Otype>> {}
impl<Otype> TxPin<USART3> for gpioc::PC10<AF7<Otype>> {}
impl<Otype> RxPin<USART3> for gpioc::PC11<AF7<Otype>> {}

cfg_if! {
    if #[cfg(any(feature = "gpio-f303", feature = "gpio-f303e", feature = "gpio-f373"))] {
        use crate::gpio::{gpiod, gpioe};

        impl<Otype> TxPin<USART1> for gpioe::PE0<AF7<Otype>> {}
        impl<Otype> RxPin<USART1> for gpioe::PE1<AF7<Otype>> {}

        impl<Otype> TxPin<USART2> for gpiod::PD5<AF7<Otype>> {}
        impl<Otype> RxPin<USART2> for gpiod::PD6<AF7<Otype>> {}

        impl<Otype> TxPin<USART3> for gpiod::PD8<AF7<Otype>> {}
        impl<Otype> RxPin<USART3> for gpiod::PD9<AF7<Otype>> {}
        impl<Otype> RxPin<USART3> for gpioe::PE15<AF7<Otype>> {}

cfg_if! {
    if #[cfg(not(feature = "gpio-f373"))] {
        impl<Otype> TxPin<USART2> for gpioa::PA14<AF7<Otype>> {}
        impl<Otype> RxPin<USART2> for gpioa::PA15<AF7<Otype>> {}

        impl<Otype> RxPin<USART3> for gpiob::PB11<AF7<Otype>> {}

cfg_if! {
    if #[cfg(any(feature = "gpio-f303", feature = "gpio-f303e",))] {
        use crate::pac::{UART4, UART5};
        use crate::gpio::AF5;

        impl<Otype> TxPin<UART4> for gpioc::PC10<AF5<Otype>> {}
        impl<Otype> RxPin<UART4> for gpioc::PC11<AF5<Otype>> {}
        impl<Otype> TxPin<UART5> for gpioc::PC12<AF5<Otype>> {}
        impl<Otype> RxPin<UART5> for gpiod::PD2<AF5<Otype>> {}

pub mod config;

/// Serial abstraction
/// This is an abstraction of the UART peripheral intended to be
/// used for standard duplex serial communication.
pub struct Serial<Usart, Pins> {
    usart: Usart,
    pins: Pins,

mod split {
    use super::Instance;
    /// Serial receiver
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
    pub struct Rx<Usart, Pin> {
        usart: Usart,
        pub(crate) pin: Pin,

    /// Serial transmitter
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
    pub struct Tx<Usart, Pin> {
        usart: Usart,
        pub(crate) pin: Pin,

    impl<Usart, Pin> Tx<Usart, Pin>
        Usart: Instance,
        Pin: super::TxPin<Usart>,
        pub(crate) fn new(usart: Usart, pin: Pin) -> Self {
            Tx { usart, pin }

        /// Destruct [`Tx`] to regain access to underlying USART and pin.
        pub(crate) fn free(self) -> (Usart, Pin) {

    impl<Usart, Pin> Tx<Usart, Pin>
        Usart: Instance,
        /// Get a reference to internal usart peripheral
        /// # Safety
        /// This is unsafe, because the creation of this struct
        /// is only possible by splitting the the USART peripheral
        /// into Tx and Rx, which are internally both pointing
        /// to the same peripheral.
        /// Therefor, if getting a mutuable reference to the peripheral
        /// or changing any of it's configuration, the exclusivity
        /// is no longer guaranteed by the type system.
        /// Ensure that the Tx and Rx implemtation only do things with
        /// the peripheral, which do not effect the other.
        pub(crate) unsafe fn usart(&self) -> &Usart {

        /// Get a reference to internal usart peripheral
        /// # Saftey
        /// Same as in [`Self::usart()`].
        pub(crate) unsafe fn usart_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Usart {
            &mut self.usart

    impl<Usart, Pin> Rx<Usart, Pin>
        Usart: Instance,
        Pin: super::RxPin<Usart>,
        pub(crate) fn new(usart: Usart, pin: Pin) -> Self {
            Rx { usart, pin }

        /// Destruct [`Rx`] to regain access to the underlying pin.
        /// The USART is omitted, as it is returnend from Tx already to avoid
        /// beeing able to crate a duplicate reference to the same underlying
        /// peripheral.
        pub(crate) fn free(self) -> Pin {

    impl<Usart, Pin> Rx<Usart, Pin>
        Usart: Instance,
        /// Get a reference to internal usart peripheral
        /// # Safety
        /// This is unsafe, because the creation of this struct
        /// is only possible by splitting the the USART peripheral
        /// into Tx and Rx, which are internally both pointing
        /// to the same peripheral.
        /// Therefor, if getting a mutuable reference to the peripheral
        /// or changing any of it's configuration, the exclusivity
        /// is no longer guaranteed by the type system.
        /// Ensure that the Tx and Rx implemtation only do things with
        /// the peripheral, which do not effect the other.
        pub(crate) unsafe fn usart(&self) -> &Usart {

        /// Get a reference to internal usart peripheral
        /// # Saftey
        /// Same as in [`Self::usart()`].
        pub(crate) unsafe fn usart_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Usart {
            &mut self.usart

pub use split::{Rx, Tx};

impl<Usart, Tx, Rx> Serial<Usart, (Tx, Rx)>
    Usart: Instance,
    /// Configures a USART peripheral to provide serial communication
    pub fn new<Config>(
        usart: Usart,
        pins: (Tx, Rx),
        config: Config,
        clocks: Clocks,
        apb: &mut <Usart as rcc::RccBus>::Bus,
    ) -> Self
        Usart: Instance,
        Tx: TxPin<Usart>,
        Rx: RxPin<Usart>,
        Config: Into<config::Config>,
        use config::*;

        let config = config.into();

        // Enable USART peripheral for any further interaction.
        // Disable USART because some configuration bits could only be written
        // in this state.
        usart.cr1.modify(|_, w| w.ue().disabled());

        let brr = Usart::clock(&clocks).integer() / config.baudrate.integer();
        crate::assert!(brr >= 16, "impossible baud rate");
        usart.brr.write(|w| w.brr().bits(brr as u16));

        // We currently support only eight data bits as supporting a full-blown
        // configuration gets complicated pretty fast. The USART counts data
        // and partiy bits together so the actual amount depends on the parity
        // selection.
        let (m0, ps, pce) = match config.parity {
            Parity::None => (M_A::BIT8, PS_A::EVEN, PCE_A::DISABLED),
            Parity::Even => (M_A::BIT9, PS_A::EVEN, PCE_A::ENABLED),
            Parity::Odd => (M_A::BIT9, PS_A::ODD, PCE_A::ENABLED),

            .modify(|_, w| w.stop().variant(config.stopbits.into()));
        usart.cr1.modify(|_, w| {
  ; // set parity mode
            w.pce().variant(pce); // enable parity checking/generation
            w.m().variant(m0); // set data bits
  ; // enable receiver
            w.te().enabled() // enable transmitter

        // Finally enable the configured UART.
        usart.cr1.modify(|_, w| w.ue().enabled());

        Self { usart, pins }

    /// Get access to the underlying register block.
    /// # Safety
    /// This function is not _memory_ unsafe per se, but does not guarantee
    /// anything about assumptions of invariants made in this implementation.
    /// Changing specific options can lead to un-expected behavior and nothing
    /// is guaranteed.
    pub unsafe fn peripheral(&mut self) -> &mut Usart {
        &mut self.usart

    /// Releases the USART peripheral and associated pins
    pub fn free(self) -> (Usart, (Tx, Rx)) {
            .modify(|_, w| w.ue().disabled().re().disabled().te().disabled());
        (self.usart, self.pins)

    /// Joins previously [`Serial::split()`] serial.
    /// This is often needed to access methods only implemented for [`Serial`]
    /// but not for [`Tx`] nor [`Rx`].
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// let dp = pac::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
    /// (tx, rx) = Serial::new(dp.USART1, ...).split();
    /// // Do something with tx and rx
    /// serial = Serial::join(tx, rx);
    /// ```
    pub fn join(tx: split::Tx<Usart, Tx>, rx: split::Rx<Usart, Rx>) -> Self
        Tx: TxPin<Usart>,
        Rx: RxPin<Usart>,
        let (usart, tx_pin) =;
        let rx_pin =;
        Self {
            pins: (tx_pin, rx_pin),

impl<Usart, Pins> Serial<Usart, Pins>
    Usart: Instance,
    /// Serial read out of the read register
    /// No error handling and no additional side-effects, besides the implied
    /// side-effects when reading out the RDR register.
    /// Handling errors has to be done manually. This can be done, by checking
    /// the triggered events via [`Serial::triggered_events`].
    /// Returns `None` if the hardware is busy.
    /// ## Embedded HAL
    /// To have a more managed way to read from the serial use the [`embeded_hal::serial::Read`]
    /// trait implementation.
    #[doc(alias = "RDR")]
    pub fn read_data_register(&self) -> Option<u8> {
        if {
            return None;
        Some( as u8)

    /// Check if the USART peripheral is busy.
    /// This can be useful to block on to synchronize between peripheral and CPU
    /// because of the asynchronous nature of the peripheral.
    pub fn is_busy(&mut self) -> bool {

    /// Obtain the associated interrupt number for the serial peripheral.
    /// Used to unmask / enable the interrupt with [`cortex_m::peripheral::NVIC::unmask()`].
    /// This is useful for all `cortex_m::peripheral::INTERRUPT` functions.
    /// # Note
    /// This is the easier alternative to obatain the interrupt for:
    /// ```
    /// use cortex_m::peripheral::INTERRUPT;
    /// use stm32f3xx_hal::pac::USART1;
    /// use stm32f3xx_hal::interrupt::InterruptNumber;
    /// const INTERRUPT: Interrupt = <USART1 as InterruptNumber>::INTERRUPT;
    /// ```
    /// though this function can not be used in a const context.
    #[doc(alias = "unmask")]
    pub fn interrupt(&self) -> <Usart as crate::interrupts::InterruptNumber>::Interrupt {
        <Usart as crate::interrupts::InterruptNumber>::INTERRUPT

    /// Enable the interrupt for the specified [`Event`].
    pub fn enable_interrupt(&mut self, event: Event) {
        self.configure_interrupt(event, Toggle::On);

    /// Disable the interrupt for the specified [`Event`].
    pub fn disable_interrupt(&mut self, event: Event) {
        self.configure_interrupt(event, Toggle::Off);

    /// Enable or disable the interrupt for the specified [`Event`].
    pub fn configure_interrupt(&mut self, event: Event, enable: impl Into<Toggle>) {
        // Do a round way trip to be convert Into<Toggle> -> bool
        let enable: Toggle = enable.into();
        let enable: bool = enable.into();
        match event {
            Event::TransmitDataRegisterEmtpy => self.usart.cr1.modify(|_, w| w.txeie().bit(enable)),
            Event::CtsInterrupt => self.usart.cr3.modify(|_, w| w.ctsie().bit(enable)),
            Event::TransmissionComplete => self.usart.cr1.modify(|_, w| w.tcie().bit(enable)),
            Event::ReceiveDataRegisterNotEmpty => {
                self.usart.cr1.modify(|_, w| w.rxneie().bit(enable))
            Event::ParityError => self.usart.cr1.modify(|_, w| w.peie().bit(enable)),
            Event::LinBreak => self.usart.cr2.modify(|_, w| w.lbdie().bit(enable)),
            Event::NoiseError | Event::OverrunError | Event::FramingError => {
                self.usart.cr3.modify(|_, w| w.eie().bit(enable))
            Event::Idle => self.usart.cr1.modify(|_, w| w.idleie().bit(enable)),
            Event::CharacterMatch => self.usart.cr1.modify(|_, w| w.cmie().bit(enable)),
            Event::ReceiverTimeout => self.usart.cr1.modify(|_, w| w.rtoie().bit(enable)),
            // Event::EndOfBlock => self.usart.cr1.modify(|_, w| w.eobie().bit(enable)),
            // Event::WakeupFromStopMode => self.usart.cr3.modify(|_, w| w.wufie().bit(enable)),

    /// Enable or disable interrupt for the specified [`Event`]s.
    /// Like [`Serial::configure_interrupt`], but instead using an enumset. The corresponding
    /// interrupt for every [`Event`] in the set will be enabled, every other interrupt will be
    /// **disabled**.
    #[cfg(feature = "enumset")]
    #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "enumset")))]
    pub fn configure_interrupts(&mut self, events: EnumSet<Event>) {
        for event in events.complement().iter() {
            self.configure_interrupt(event, false);
        for event in events.iter() {
            self.configure_interrupt(event, true);

    /// Check if an interrupt is configured for the [`Event`]
    pub fn is_interrupt_configured(&self, event: Event) -> bool {
        match event {
            Event::TransmitDataRegisterEmtpy =>,
            Event::CtsInterrupt =>,
            Event::TransmissionComplete =>,
            Event::ReceiveDataRegisterNotEmpty =>,
            Event::ParityError =>,
            Event::LinBreak =>,
            Event::NoiseError | Event::OverrunError | Event::FramingError => {
            Event::Idle =>,
            Event::CharacterMatch =>,
            Event::ReceiverTimeout =>,
            // Event::EndOfBlock =>,
            // Event::WakeupFromStopMode =>,

    /// Check which interrupts are enabled for all [`Event`]s
    #[cfg(feature = "enumset")]
    #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "enumset")))]
    pub fn configured_interrupts(&mut self) -> EnumSet<Event> {
        let mut events = EnumSet::new();

        for event in EnumSet::<Event>::all().iter() {
            if self.is_interrupt_configured(event) {
                events |= event;


    /// Check if an interrupt event happend.
    pub fn is_event_triggered(&self, event: Event) -> bool {
        let isr =;
        match event {
            Event::TransmitDataRegisterEmtpy => isr.txe().bit(),
            Event::CtsInterrupt => isr.ctsif().bit(),
            Event::TransmissionComplete =>,
            Event::ReceiveDataRegisterNotEmpty => isr.rxne().bit(),
            Event::OverrunError => isr.ore().bit(),
            Event::Idle => isr.idle().bit(),
            Event::ParityError =>,
            Event::LinBreak => isr.lbdf().bit(),
            Event::NoiseError =>,
            Event::FramingError => isr.fe().bit(),
            Event::CharacterMatch => isr.cmf().bit(),
            Event::ReceiverTimeout => isr.rtof().bit(),
            // Event::EndOfBlock => isr.eobf().bit(),
            // Event::WakeupFromStopMode => isr.wuf().bit(),

    /// Get an [`EnumSet`] of all fired interrupt events.
    /// # Examples
    /// This allows disabling all fired event at once, via the enum set abstraction, like so
    /// ```rust
    /// for event in {
    ///     serial.listen(event, false);
    /// }
    /// ```
    #[cfg(feature = "enumset")]
    #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "enumset")))]
    pub fn triggered_events(&self) -> EnumSet<Event> {
        let mut events = EnumSet::new();

        for event in EnumSet::<Event>::all().iter() {
            if self.is_event_triggered(event) {
                events |= event;


    /// Clear the given interrupt event flag.
    pub fn clear_event(&mut self, event: Event) {
        self.usart.icr.write(|w| match event {
            Event::CtsInterrupt => w.ctscf().clear(),
            Event::TransmissionComplete => w.tccf().clear(),
            Event::OverrunError => w.orecf().clear(),
            Event::Idle => w.idlecf().clear(),
            Event::ParityError => w.pecf().clear(),
            Event::LinBreak => w.lbdcf().clear(),
            Event::NoiseError => w.ncf().clear(),
            Event::FramingError => w.fecf().clear(),
            Event::CharacterMatch => w.cmcf().clear(),
            Event::ReceiverTimeout => w.rtocf().clear(),
            // Event::EndOfBlock => w.eobcf().clear(),
            // Event::WakeupFromStopMode => w.wucf().clear(),
            Event::ReceiveDataRegisterNotEmpty => {
                // Flush the register data queue, so that this even will not be thrown again.
                self.usart.rqr.write(|w| w.rxfrq().set_bit());
            // Do nothing with this event (only useful for Smartcard, which is not
            // supported right now)
            Event::TransmitDataRegisterEmtpy => w,

    /// Clear **all** interrupt events.
    pub fn clear_events(&mut self) {
        // SAFETY: This atomic write clears all flags and ignores the reserverd bit fields.
        self.usart.icr.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(u32::MAX) });

    /// Enable or disable overrun detection
    /// When overrun detection is disabled and new data is received while the
    /// [`Event::ReceiveDataRegisterNotEmpty`] flag is still set,
    /// the [`Event::OverrunError`] flag is not set and the new received data overwrites the
    /// previous content of the RDR register.
    #[doc(alias = "OVRDIS")]
    pub fn detect_overrun(&mut self, enable: bool) {
        let uart_enabled =;
        self.usart.cr1.modify(|_, w| w.ue().disabled());
        self.usart.cr3.modify(|_, w| w.ovrdis().bit(!enable));
        self.usart.cr1.modify(|_, w| w.ue().bit(uart_enabled));

    /// Configuring the UART to match each received character,
    /// with the configured one.
    /// If the character is matched [`Event::CharacterMatch`] is generated,
    /// which can fire an interrupt, if enabled via [`Serial::configure_interrupt()`]
    pub fn set_match_character(&mut self, char: u8) {
        // Note: This bit field can only be written when reception is disabled (RE = 0) or the
        // USART is disabled
        let enabled =;
        self.usart.cr1.modify(|_, w| w.ue().disabled());
        self.usart.cr2.modify(|_, w| w.add().bits(char));
        self.usart.cr1.modify(|_, w| w.ue().bit(enabled));

    /// Read out the configured match character.
    pub fn match_character(&self) -> u8 {

impl<Usart, Tx, Rx> Serial<Usart, (Tx, Rx)>
    Usart: Instance + ReceiverTimeoutExt,
    /// Set the receiver timeout value.
    /// The RTOF flag ([`Event::ReceiverTimeout`]) is set if, after the last received character,
    /// no new start bit is detected for more than the receiver timeout value, where the value
    /// is being a counter, which is decreased by the configured baud rate.
    /// A simple calculation might be `time_per_counter_value = 1 / configured_baud_rate`
    /// ## Note
    /// - If the value is None, the receiver timeout feature is disabled.
    /// - This value must only be programmed once per received character.
    /// - Can be written on the fly. If the new value is lower than or equal to the counter,
    ///   the RTOF flag is set.
    /// - Values higher than 24 bits are truncated to 24 bit max (16_777_216).
    pub fn set_receiver_timeout(&mut self, value: Option<u32>) {
        if let Some(value) = value {
            self.usart.cr2.modify(|_, w| w.rtoen().enabled());
            self.usart.rtor.modify(|_, w| w.rto().bits(value))
        } else {
            self.usart.cr2.modify(|_, w| w.rtoen().disabled());

    /// Read out the currently set timeout value
    /// The relationship between the unit value and time is described in
    /// [`Serial::receiver_timeout`].
    /// - If the value is None, the receiver timeout feature is disabled.
    pub fn receiver_timeout(&self) -> Option<u32> {
        if {
        } else {

/// Implementation of the [`embedded_hal::serial::Read`] trait
/// shared between [`Rx::read()`] and [`Serial::read()`]
fn eh_read<Usart>(usart: &mut Usart) -> nb::Result<u8, Error>
    Usart: Instance,
    let isr =;

    Err(if {
        usart.icr.write(|w| w.pecf().clear());
    } else if isr.fe().bit_is_set() {
        usart.icr.write(|w| w.fecf().clear());
    } else if {
        usart.icr.write(|w| w.ncf().clear());
    } else if isr.ore().bit_is_set() {
        usart.icr.write(|w| w.orecf().clear());
        // Flush the receive data
        // Imagine a case of an overrun, where 2 or more bytes have been received by the hardware
        // but haven't been read out yet: An overrun is signaled!
        // The current state is: One byte is in the RDR (read data register) one one byte is still
        // in the hardware pipeline (shift register).
        // With this implementation, the overrun flag would be cleared but the data would not be
        // read out, so there are still to bytes waiting in the pipeline.
        // In case the flush wasn't called: The next read would then be successful, as the RDR is
        // cleared, but the read after that would again report an overrun error, because the byte
        // still in the hardware shift register would signal it.
        // This means, that the overrun error is not completely handled by this read()
        // implementation and leads to surprising behavior, if one would explicitly check for
        // Error::Overrun and think, that this error would than be handled, which would not be the
        // case.
        // This is because, with this function signature, the data can not be returned
        // simultainously with the error.
        // To mitigate this and have an implementation without these surprises flush the RDR
        // register. This leads to loosing a theoretically still receivable data byte! But at least
        // no cleanup is needed, after an overrun is called.
        usart.rqr.write(|w| w.rxfrq().set_bit());
    } else if isr.rxne().bit_is_set() {
        return Ok( as u8);
    } else {

// TODO: Check if u16 for WORD is feasiable / possible
impl<Usart, Tx, Rx> serial::Read<u8> for Serial<Usart, (Tx, Rx)>
    Usart: Instance,
    type Error = Error;

    /// Getting back an error means that the error is defined as "handled":
    /// This implementation has the side effect for error handling, that the [`Event`] flag of the returned
    /// [`Error`] is cleared.
    /// This might be a problem, because if an interrupt is enabled for this particular flag, the
    /// interrupt handler might not have the chance to find out from which flag the interrupt
    /// originated.
    /// So this function is only intended to be used for direct error handling and not leaving it
    /// up to the interrupt handler.
    /// To read out the content of the read register without internal error handling, use
    /// [`Serial::read()`].
    /// ...
    // -> According to this API it should be skipped.
    fn read(&mut self) -> nb::Result<u8, Error> {
        eh_read(&mut self.usart)

impl<Usart, Pin> serial::Read<u8> for Rx<Usart, Pin>
    Usart: Instance,
    Pin: RxPin<Usart>,
    type Error = Error;

    /// This implementation shares the same effects as the [`Serial`]s [`serial::Read`] implemenation.
    fn read(&mut self) -> nb::Result<u8, Error> {
        eh_read(unsafe { self.usart_mut() })

impl<Usart, Pins> serial::Write<u8> for Serial<Usart, Pins>
    Usart: Instance,
    // NOTE(Infallible) See section "29.7 USART interrupts"; the only possible errors during
    // transmission are: clear to send (which is disabled in this case) errors and
    // framing errors (which only occur in SmartCard mode); neither of these apply to
    // our hardware configuration
    type Error = Infallible;

    fn flush(&mut self) -> nb::Result<(), Infallible> {
        if {
        } else {

    fn write(&mut self, byte: u8) -> nb::Result<(), Infallible> {
        if {
            self.usart.tdr.write(|w| w.tdr().bits(u16::from(byte)));
        } else {

impl<Usart, Pins> fmt::Write for Serial<Usart, Pins>
    Serial<Usart, Pins>: serial::Write<u8>,
    fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> fmt::Result {
            .try_for_each(|c| nb::block!(self.write(c)))
            .map_err(|_| fmt::Error)

impl<USART, TX, RX> blocking::serial::write::Default<u8> for Serial<USART, (TX, RX)> where
    USART: Instance

impl<Usart, Pin> serial::Write<u8> for Tx<Usart, Pin>
    Usart: Instance,
    Pin: TxPin<Usart>,
    // NOTE(Infallible) See section "29.7 USART interrupts"; the only possible errors during
    // transmission are: clear to send (which is disabled in this case) errors and
    // framing errors (which only occur in SmartCard mode); neither of these apply to
    // our hardware configuration
    type Error = Infallible;

    fn flush(&mut self) -> nb::Result<(), Infallible> {
        let isr = unsafe { self.usart() };

        if {
        } else {

    fn write(&mut self, byte: u8) -> nb::Result<(), Infallible> {
        // NOTE(unsafe) atomic read with no side effects
        let isr = unsafe { self.usart() };

        if isr.txe().bit_is_set() {
            // NOTE(unsafe) atomic write to stateless register
            unsafe { self.usart().tdr.write(|w| w.tdr().bits(u16::from(byte))) };
        } else {

impl<Usart, Pin> fmt::Write for Tx<Usart, Pin>
    Tx<Usart, Pin>: serial::Write<u8>,
    fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> fmt::Result {
            .try_for_each(|c| nb::block!(self.write(c)))
            .map_err(|_| fmt::Error)

impl<Usart, Pin> Rx<Usart, Pin>
    Usart: Instance + Dma,
    /// Fill the buffer with received data using DMA.
    pub fn read_exact<B, C>(self, buffer: B, mut channel: C) -> dma::Transfer<B, C, Self>
        Self: dma::OnChannel<C>,
        B: dma::WriteBuffer<Word = u8> + 'static,
        C: dma::Channel,
        // NOTE(unsafe) usage of a valid peripheral address
        unsafe {
                &self.usart().rdr as *const _ as u32,

        dma::Transfer::start_write(buffer, channel, self)

impl<Usart, Pin> blocking::serial::write::Default<u8> for Tx<Usart, Pin>
    Usart: Instance,
    Pin: TxPin<Usart>,

impl<Usart, Pin> Tx<Usart, Pin>
    Usart: Instance + Dma,
    Pin: TxPin<Usart>,
    /// Transmit all data in the buffer using DMA.
    pub fn write_all<B, C>(self, buffer: B, mut channel: C) -> dma::Transfer<B, C, Self>
        Self: dma::OnChannel<C>,
        B: dma::ReadBuffer<Word = u8> + 'static,
        C: dma::Channel,
        // NOTE(unsafe) usage of a valid peripheral address
        unsafe {
                &self.usart().tdr as *const _ as u32,

        dma::Transfer::start_read(buffer, channel, self)

impl<Usart, Pin> dma::Target for Rx<Usart, Pin>
    Usart: Instance + Dma,
    fn enable_dma(&mut self) {
        // NOTE(unsafe) critical section prevents races
        interrupt::free(|_| unsafe {
            self.usart().cr3.modify(|_, w| w.dmar().enabled());

    fn disable_dma(&mut self) {
        // NOTE(unsafe) critical section prevents races
        interrupt::free(|_| unsafe {
            self.usart().cr3.modify(|_, w| w.dmar().disabled());

impl<Usart, Pin> dma::Target for Tx<Usart, Pin>
    Usart: Instance + Dma,
    Pin: TxPin<Usart>,
    fn enable_dma(&mut self) {
        // NOTE(unsafe) critical section prevents races
        interrupt::free(|_| unsafe {
            self.usart().cr3.modify(|_, w| w.dmat().enabled());

    fn disable_dma(&mut self) {
        // NOTE(unsafe) critical section prevents races
        interrupt::free(|_| unsafe {
            self.usart().cr3.modify(|_, w| w.dmat().disabled());

impl<Usart, Pins> Serial<Usart, Pins>
    Usart: Instance + Dma,
    /// Fill the buffer with received data using DMA.
    pub fn read_exact<B, C>(self, buffer: B, mut channel: C) -> dma::Transfer<B, C, Self>
        Self: dma::OnChannel<C>,
        B: dma::WriteBuffer<Word = u8> + 'static,
        C: dma::Channel,
        // NOTE(unsafe) usage of a valid peripheral address
        unsafe {
                .set_peripheral_address(&self.usart.rdr as *const _ as u32, dma::Increment::Disable)

        dma::Transfer::start_write(buffer, channel, self)

    /// Transmit all data in the buffer using DMA.
    pub fn write_all<B, C>(self, buffer: B, mut channel: C) -> dma::Transfer<B, C, Self>
        Self: dma::OnChannel<C>,
        B: dma::ReadBuffer<Word = u8> + 'static,
        C: dma::Channel,
        // NOTE(unsafe) usage of a valid peripheral address
        unsafe {
                .set_peripheral_address(&self.usart.tdr as *const _ as u32, dma::Increment::Disable)

        dma::Transfer::start_read(buffer, channel, self)

impl<Usart, Pins> dma::Target for Serial<Usart, Pins>
    Usart: Instance + Dma,
    fn enable_dma(&mut self) {
            .modify(|_, w| w.dmar().enabled().dmat().enabled())

    fn disable_dma(&mut self) {
            .modify(|_, w| w.dmar().disabled().dmat().disabled())

/// Marker trait for DMA capable UART implementations.
pub trait Dma: crate::private::Sealed {}

impl Dma for USART1 {}
impl Dma for USART2 {}
impl Dma for USART3 {}

/// Marker trait for Receiver Timeout capable UART implementations.
pub trait ReceiverTimeoutExt: crate::private::Sealed {}

impl ReceiverTimeoutExt for USART1 {}
#[cfg(not(any(feature = "gpio-f333")))]
impl ReceiverTimeoutExt for USART2 {}
#[cfg(not(any(feature = "gpio-f333")))]
impl ReceiverTimeoutExt for USART3 {}

/// UART instance
pub trait Instance:
    Deref<Target = RegisterBlock>
    + crate::interrupts::InterruptNumber
    + crate::private::Sealed
    + rcc::Enable
    + rcc::Reset
    fn clock(clocks: &Clocks) -> Hertz;

macro_rules! usart {
            $USARTX:ident: ($INTERRUPT:path),
    ) => {
            impl crate::interrupts::InterruptNumber for $USARTX {
                type Interrupt = Interrupt;
                const INTERRUPT: Interrupt = $INTERRUPT;

            impl<Tx, Rx> Serial<$USARTX, (Tx, Rx)>
                where Tx: TxPin<$USARTX>, Rx: RxPin<$USARTX> {
                /// Splits the [`Serial`] abstraction into a transmitter and a receiver half.
                /// This allows using [`Tx`] and [`Rx`] related actions to
                /// be handled independently and even use these safely in different
                /// contexts (like interrupt routines) without needing to do synchronization work
                /// between them.
                pub fn split(self) -> (split::Tx<$USARTX, Tx>, split::Rx<$USARTX, Rx>) {
                    // NOTE(unsafe): This essentially duplicates the USART peripheral
                    // As RX and TX both do have direct access to the peripheral,
                    // they must guarantee to only do atomic operations on the peripheral
                    // registers to avoid data races.
                    // Tx and Rx won't access the same registers anyways,
                    // as they have independent responsibilities, which are NOT represented
                    // in the type system.
                    let (tx, rx) = unsafe {
                    (split::Tx::new(tx, self.pins.0), split::Rx::new(rx, self.pins.1))

            #[cfg(feature = "defmt")]
            impl<Pins> defmt::Format for Serial<$USARTX, Pins> {
                fn format(&self, f: defmt::Formatter) {
                    // Omitting pins makes it:
                    // 1. Easier.
                    // 2. Not to specialized to use it ergonimically for users
                    //    even in a generic context.
                    // 3. Not require specialization.
                        "Serial {{ usart: {}, pins: ? }}",

            impl<Pins> fmt::Debug for Serial<$USARTX, Pins> {
                fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
                        .field("usart", &stringify!($USARTX))
                        .field("pins", &"?")

    ([ $(($X:literal, $INTERRUPT:path)),+ ]) => {
        paste::paste! {
                    [<USART $X>]: ($INTERRUPT),

/// Generates a clock function for UART Peripherals, where
/// the only clock source can be the peripheral clock
macro_rules! usart_static_clock {
    ($($USARTX:ident),+) => {
            impl Instance for $USARTX {
                fn clock(clocks: &Clocks) -> Hertz {
                    <$USARTX as rcc::BusClock>::clock(clocks)
    ($($X:literal),+) => {
        paste::paste! {
                $([<USART $X>]),+

/// Generates a clock function for UART Peripherals, where
/// the clock source can vary.
macro_rules! usart_var_clock {
    ($($USARTX:ident, $usartXsw:ident),+) => {
            impl Instance for $USARTX {
                fn clock(clocks: &Clocks) -> Hertz {
                    // NOTE(unsafe): atomic read with no side effects
                    match unsafe {(*RCC::ptr())$usartXsw().variant()} {
                        USART1SW_A::PCLK => <$USARTX as rcc::BusClock>::clock(clocks),
                        USART1SW_A::HSI => crate::rcc::HSI,
                        USART1SW_A::SYSCLK => clocks.sysclk(),
                        USART1SW_A::LSE => crate::rcc::LSE,
    ($($X:literal),+) => {
        paste::paste! {
                $([<USART $X>], [<usart $X sw>]),+

cfg_if::cfg_if! {
    if #[cfg(any(
        feature = "stm32f301x6",
        feature = "stm32f301x8",
        feature = "stm32f318x8",
        feature = "stm32f302x6",
        feature = "stm32f302x8",
        feature = "stm32f303x6",
        feature = "stm32f303x8",
        feature = "stm32f328x8",
        feature = "stm32f334x4",
        feature = "stm32f334x6",
        feature = "stm32f334x8",
    ))] {
        // USART1 is accessed through APB2,
        // but USART1SW_A::PCLK will connect its phy to PCLK1.
        // These are uart peripherals, where the only clock source
        // is the PCLK (peripheral clock).
        usart_static_clock!(2, 3);
    } else {
        usart_var_clock!(1, 2, 3);

#[cfg(not(feature = "svd-f373"))]
    (1, Interrupt::USART1_EXTI25),
    (2, Interrupt::USART2_EXTI26),
    (3, Interrupt::USART3_EXTI28)
#[cfg(feature = "svd-f373")]
    (1, Interrupt::USART1),
    (2, Interrupt::USART2),
    (3, Interrupt::USART3)

cfg_if::cfg_if! {
    // See table 29.4 RM0316
    if #[cfg(any(feature = "gpio-f303", feature = "gpio-f303e"))] {

        macro_rules! uart {
            ([ $(($X:literal, $INTERRUPT:path)),+ ]) => {
                paste::paste! {
                            [<UART $X>]: ($INTERRUPT),

        macro_rules! uart_var_clock {
            ($($X:literal),+) => {
                paste::paste! {
                        $([<UART $X>], [<uart $X sw>]),+

        uart_var_clock!(4, 5);
        uart!([(4, Interrupt::UART4_EXTI34), (5, Interrupt::UART5_EXTI35)]);

        impl Dma for UART4 {}

        impl ReceiverTimeoutExt for UART4 {}
        impl ReceiverTimeoutExt for UART5 {}