stm32f3xx-hal 0.9.1

Peripheral access API for STM32F3 series microcontrollers
  # Pulse width modulation

  Numerous stm32 timers can be used to output pulse width modulated
  signals on a variety of pins.  The timers support up to 4
  simultaneous pwm outputs in separate `Channels`.  These channels
  share a period and resolution, but can have a different duty cycle.
  All pins on a shared channel have the exact same output.

  ## Creating the (unconfigured) channels

  Before we connect any pins, we need to convert our timer peripheral
  into a set of channels.  We may only be interested in using one or
  two of these channels, so we can simply ignore them with `_` when we

    // (Other imports omitted)
    use stm32f3xx-hal::{pwm::tim3, time::rate::*};

    let dp = stm32f303::Peripherals::take().unwrap();

    let mut flash = dp.FLASH.constrain();
    let mut rcc = dp.RCC.constrain();
    let clocks = rcc.cfgr.freeze(&mut flash.acr);

    // Set the resolution of our duty cycle to 9000 and our period to
    // 50Hz.
    let mut (c1_no_pins, _, _, c4_no_pins) =
        tim3(device.TIM3, 9000, 50.Hz(), clocks);

  In this case, we're only going to use channel 1 and channel 4.
  Currently we can't enable these timers, because they don't have any
  pins, so the following wouldn't compile.


  ## Connecting our pins and enabling the channels

  From here we can connect as many compatible pins as we like.  Once
  the channels have pins connected they can be enabled.

    let mut gpioa = dp.GPIOB.split(&mut rcc.ahb);
    let pa6 = gpioa.pa6.into_af2(&mut gpioa.moder, &mut gpioa.afrl);

    let mut gpiob = dp.GPIOB.split(&mut rcc.ahb);
    let pb1 = gpiob.pb1.into_af2(&mut gpiob.moder, &mut gpiob.afrl);
    let pb4 = gpiob.pb4.into_af2(&mut gpiob.moder, &mut gpiob.afrl);

    let mut ch1 = ch1_no_pins

    let mut ch4 = ch4_no_pins


  All three pins will output a 50Hz period. PA6 and PB4 will share a
  duty cycle, but the duty cycle for PB1 can be controlled

    // Affect PA6 and PB4

    // Affect only PB1

  ## Single channel timers

  Timers that only have only one channel do not return a tuple, and
  instead return the (unconfigured) channel directly.

    // (Other imports omitted)
    use stm32f3xx-hal::{pwm::tim16, time::rate::*};

    let dp = stm32f303::Peripherals::take().unwrap();

    let mut flash = dp.FLASH.constrain();
    let mut rcc = dp.RCC.constrain();
    let clocks = rcc.cfgr.freeze(&mut flash.acr);

    // Set the resolution of our duty cycle to 9000 and our period to
    // 50Hz.
    let mut c1_no_pins = tim16(device.TIM3, 9000, 50.Hz(), clocks);

  ## Complementary timers

  Certain timers have complementary outputs.  Currently, channels can
  output to _either_ pins used for standard or complementary pins (and
  do not exhibit complementary behaviors).  Most of the time this will
  be totally invisible.

  In this example, we use a complementary pin in the same way we'd use
  any other pwm channel.

    // (Other imports omitted)
    use stm32f3xx-hal::{pwm::tim1, time::rate::*};

    let dp = stm32f303::Peripherals::take().unwrap();

    let mut flash = dp.FLASH.constrain();
    let mut rcc = dp.RCC.constrain();
    let clocks = rcc.cfgr.freeze(&mut flash.acr);

    // Set the resolution of our duty cycle to 9000 and our period to
    // 50Hz.
    let mut (ch1_no_pins, _, _, _) = tim1(device.TIM3, 9000, 50.Hz(), clocks);

    let mut gpioa = dp.GPIOB.split(&mut rcc.ahb);
    let pa7 = gpioa.pa7.into_af6(&mut gpioa.moder, &mut gpioa.afrl);

    let mut ch1 = ch1_no_pins.output_to(pa7);

  We used this channel/pin exactly like any previous example.

  However, we cannot use standard and complementary pins
  simultaneously.  Luckily, typestates enforce this for us.


    let mut gpioa = dp.GPIOB.split(&mut rcc.ahb);
    let pa7 = gpioa.pa7.into_af6(&mut gpioa.moder, &mut gpioa.afrl);
    let pa8 = gpioa.pa8.into_af6(&mut gpioa.moder, &mut gpioa.afrl);

    let mut ch1 = ch1_no_pins

  Once we've connected a complementary pin (PA7) we are now _only_
  allowed to use other complementary pins.  PA8 is a valid choice if
  we have no pins in use, but it cannot be used once we've used PA7.

  A usage example can be found at [examples/]


use core::marker::PhantomData;

use crate::{
    gpio::{self, gpioa, gpiob},
    pac::{TIM15, TIM16, TIM17, TIM2},
    rcc::{Clocks, Enable, Reset},

    feature = "stm32f302xb",
    feature = "stm32f302xc",
    feature = "stm32f302xd",
    feature = "stm32f302xe",
    feature = "stm32f303xb",
    feature = "stm32f303xc",
    feature = "stm32f303xd",
    feature = "stm32f303xe",
    feature = "stm32f373",
    feature = "stm32f378",
    feature = "stm32f358",
    feature = "stm32f398",
use crate::gpio::gpiod;

    feature = "stm32f302xb",
    feature = "stm32f302xc",
    feature = "stm32f302xd",
    feature = "stm32f302xe",
    feature = "stm32f303xb",
    feature = "stm32f303xc",
    feature = "stm32f303xd",
    feature = "stm32f303xe",
    feature = "stm32f358",
    feature = "stm32f398",
use crate::gpio::gpioe;

    feature = "stm32f318",
    feature = "stm32f302",
    feature = "stm32f303",
    feature = "stm32f373",
    feature = "stm32f378",
    feature = "stm32f334",
    feature = "stm32f358",
    feature = "stm32f398",
use crate::gpio::{gpioc, gpiof};

/// Output Compare Channel 1 of Timer 1 (type state)
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct Tim2Ch1 {}
/// Output Compare Channel 2 of Timer 1 (type state)
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct Tim2Ch2 {}
/// Output Compare Channel 3 of Timer 1 (type state)
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct Tim2Ch3 {}
/// Output Compare Channel 4 of Timer 1 (type state)
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct Tim2Ch4 {}

/// Output Compare Channel 1 of Timer 15 (type state)
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct Tim15Ch1 {}
/// Output Compare Channel 2 of Timer 15 (type state)
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct Tim15Ch2 {}

/// Output Compare Channel 1 of Timer 16 (type state)
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct Tim16Ch1 {}

/// Output Compare Channel 1 of Timer 17 (type state)
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct Tim17Ch1 {}

/// Type state used to represent a channel that has no pins yet
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct NoPins {}
/// Type state used to represent a channel is using regular pins
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct WithPins {}
/// Type state used to represent a channel is using (only) complementary pins
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct WithNPins {}

/// Representation of a Channel for an abritary timer channel,
/// that also holds a type state for whether or not this channel
/// is using any pins yet.
/// If there are no pins supplied, it cannot be enabled.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt", derive(defmt::Format))]
pub struct PwmChannel<X, T> {
    timx_chy: PhantomData<X>,
    pin_status: PhantomData<T>,

macro_rules! pwm_timer_private {
    ($timx:ident, $TIMx:ty, $res:ty, $pclkz:ident, $enable_break_timer:expr, [$($TIMx_CHy:ident),+], [$($x:ident),+]) => {
        /// Create one or more output channels from a TIM Peripheral
        /// This function requires the maximum resolution of the duty cycle,
        /// the period of the PWM signal and the frozen clock configuration.
        /// The resolution should be chosen to offer sufficient steps against
        /// your target peripheral.  For example, a servo that can turn from
        /// 0 degrees (2% duty cycle) to 180 degrees (4% duty cycle) might choose
        /// a resolution of 9000.  This allows the servo to be set in increments
        /// of exactly one degree.
        pub fn $timx(tim: $TIMx, res: $res, freq: Hertz, clocks: &Clocks) -> ($(PwmChannel<$TIMx_CHy, NoPins>),+) {
            // Power the timer and reset it to ensure a clean state
            // We use unsafe here to abstract away this implementation detail
            // Justification: It is safe because only scopes with mutable references
            // to TIMx should ever modify this bit.
            unsafe {

            // enable auto reload preloader
            tim.cr1.modify(|_, w| w.arpe().set_bit());

            // Set the "resolution" of the duty cycle (ticks before restarting at 0)
            // Oddly this is unsafe for some timers and not others
            // NOTE(write): not all timers are documented in stm32f3, thus marked unsafe.
            // This write uses all bits of this register so there are no unknown side effects.
            tim.arr.write(|w| unsafe {

            // Set the pre-scaler
            // TODO: This is repeated in the timer/pwm module.
            // It might make sense to move into the clocks as a crate-only property.
            // TODO: ppre1 is used in (never ppre2), should this be dynamic?
            let clock_freq = clocks.$pclkz().0 * if clocks.ppre1() == 1 { 1 } else { 2 };
            let prescale_factor = clock_freq / res as u32 / freq.integer();
            // NOTE(write): uses all bits of this register.
            tim.psc.write(|w| w.psc().bits(prescale_factor as u16 - 1));

            // Make the settings reload immediately
            // NOTE(write): write to a state-less register.

            // Enable outputs (STM32 Break Timer Specific)

            // Enable the Timer
            tim.cr1.modify(|_, w| w.cen().set_bit());

            // TODO: Passing in the constructor is a bit silly,
            // is there an alternative approach to get this to repeat,
            // even though its not dynamic?
            ($($x { timx_chy: PhantomData, pin_status: PhantomData }),+)

macro_rules! pwm_timer_basic {
    ($timx:ident, $TIMx:ty, $res:ty, $pclkz:ident, [$($TIMx_CHy:ident),+], [$($x:ident),+]) => {
            |_| (),

macro_rules! pwm_timer_with_break {
    ($timx:ident, $TIMx:ty, $res:ty, $pclkz:ident, [$($TIMx_CHy:ident),+], [$($x:ident),+]) => {
            |tim: &$TIMx| tim.bdtr.modify(|_, w|,

macro_rules! pwm_channel_pin {
    ($resulting_state:ident, $TIMx:ident, $TIMx_CHy:ident, $output_to_pzv:ident, $gpioz:ident::$PZv:ident<$AFw:ident>, $ccmrz_output:ident, $ocym:ident, $ocype:ident) => {
        impl PwmChannel<$TIMx_CHy, NoPins> {
            /// Output to a specific pin from a channel that does not yet have
            /// any pins.  This channel cannot be enabled until this method
            /// is called.
            /// The pin is consumed and cannot be returned.
            pub fn $output_to_pzv<Otype>(
                _p: $gpioz::$PZv<gpio::$AFw<Otype>>,
            ) -> PwmChannel<$TIMx_CHy, $resulting_state> {
                unsafe {
                    (*$TIMx::ptr()).$ccmrz_output().modify(|_, w| {
                            // Select PWM Mode 1 for CHy
                            // set pre-load enable so that updates to the duty cycle
                            // propagate but _not_ in the middle of a cycle.
                PwmChannel {
                    timx_chy: PhantomData,
                    pin_status: PhantomData,

        impl PwmChannel<$TIMx_CHy, $resulting_state> {
            /// Output to a specific pin from a channel is already configured
            /// with output pins.  There is no limit to the number of pins that
            /// can be used (as long as they are compatible).
            /// The pin is consumed and cannot be returned.
            pub fn $output_to_pzv<Otype>(
                _p: $gpioz::$PZv<gpio::$AFw<Otype>>,
            ) -> PwmChannel<$TIMx_CHy, $resulting_state> {

macro_rules! pwm_channel1_pin {
    ($TIMx:ident, $TIMx_CHy:ident, $output_to_pzv:ident, $gpioz:ident::$PZv:ident<$AFw:ident>) => {

macro_rules! pwm_channel1n_pin {
    ($TIMx:ident, $TIMx_CHy:ident, $output_to_pzv:ident, $gpioz:ident::$PZv:ident<$AFw:ident>) => {

macro_rules! pwm_channel2_pin {
    ($TIMx:ident, $TIMx_CHy:ident, $output_to_pzv:ident, $gpioz:ident::$PZv:ident<$AFw:ident>) => {

    feature = "stm32f318",
    feature = "stm32f302",
    feature = "stm32f303",
    feature = "stm32f334",
    feature = "stm32f358",
    feature = "stm32f398"
macro_rules! pwm_channel2n_pin {
    ($TIMx:ident, $TIMx_CHy:ident, $output_to_pzv:ident, $gpioz:ident::$PZv:ident<$AFw:ident>) => {

macro_rules! pwm_channel3_pin {
    ($TIMx:ident, $TIMx_CHy:ident, $output_to_pzv:ident, $gpioz:ident::$PZv:ident<$AFw:ident>) => {

    feature = "stm32f318",
    feature = "stm32f302",
    feature = "stm32f303",
    feature = "stm32f334",
    feature = "stm32f358",
    feature = "stm32f398"
macro_rules! pwm_channel3n_pin {
    ($TIMx:ident, $TIMx_CHy:ident, $output_to_pzv:ident, $gpioz:ident::$PZv:ident<$AFw:ident>) => {

macro_rules! pwm_channel4_pin {
    ($TIMx:ident, $TIMx_CHy:ident, $output_to_pzv:ident, $gpioz:ident::$PZv:ident<$AFw:ident>) => {

macro_rules! pwm_pin_for_pwm_channel_private {
    ($state:ident, $TIMx:ident, $TIMx_CHy:ty, $res:ty, $ccx_enable:ident, $ccrx:ident, $ccrq:ident) => {
        impl PwmPin for PwmChannel<$TIMx_CHy, $state> {
            type Duty = $res;

            fn disable(&mut self) {
                unsafe {
                        .modify(|_, w| w.$ccx_enable().clear_bit());

            fn enable(&mut self) {
                unsafe {
                        .modify(|_, w| w.$ccx_enable().set_bit());

            fn get_max_duty(&self) -> Self::Duty {
                unsafe { (*$TIMx::ptr()) }

            fn get_duty(&self) -> Self::Duty {
                unsafe { (*$TIMx::ptr()).$$ccrq().bits() }

            fn set_duty(&mut self, duty: Self::Duty) -> () {
                unsafe {
                    (*$TIMx::ptr()).$ccrx.modify(|_, w| w.$ccrq().bits(duty));

macro_rules! pwm_pin_for_pwm_channel {
    ($TIMx:ident, $TIMx_CHy:ty, $res:ty, $ccxe:ident, $ccrx:ident, $ccrq:ident) => {
        pwm_pin_for_pwm_channel_private!(WithPins, $TIMx, $TIMx_CHy, $res, $ccxe, $ccrx, $ccrq);

macro_rules! pwm_pin_for_pwm_n_channel {
    ($TIMx:ident, $TIMx_CHy:ty, $res:ty, $ccxe:ident, $ccxne:ident, $ccrx:ident, $ccrq:ident) => {
        pwm_pin_for_pwm_channel_private!(WithPins, $TIMx, $TIMx_CHy, $res, $ccxe, $ccrx, $ccrq);

        pwm_pin_for_pwm_channel_private!(WithNPins, $TIMx, $TIMx_CHy, $res, $ccxne, $ccrx, $ccrq);

// TIM1

    feature = "stm32f318",
    feature = "stm32f302",
    feature = "stm32f303",
    feature = "stm32f334",
    feature = "stm32f358",
    feature = "stm32f398"
macro_rules! tim1_common {
    () => {
        use crate::pac::TIM1;

        /// Output Compare Channel 1 of Timer 1 (type state)
        pub struct Tim1Ch1 {}
        /// Output Compare Channel 2 of Timer 1 (type state)
        pub struct Tim1Ch2 {}
        /// Output Compare Channel 3 of Timer 1 (type state)
        pub struct Tim1Ch3 {}
        /// Output Compare Channel 4 of Timer 1 (type state)
        pub struct Tim1Ch4 {}

            [Tim1Ch1, Tim1Ch2, Tim1Ch3, Tim1Ch4],
            [PwmChannel, PwmChannel, PwmChannel, PwmChannel]

        // Channels
        pwm_pin_for_pwm_n_channel!(TIM1, Tim1Ch1, u16, cc1e, cc1ne, ccr1, ccr);
        pwm_pin_for_pwm_n_channel!(TIM1, Tim1Ch2, u16, cc2e, cc2ne, ccr2, ccr);
        pwm_pin_for_pwm_n_channel!(TIM1, Tim1Ch3, u16, cc3e, cc3ne, ccr3, ccr);
        pwm_pin_for_pwm_channel!(TIM1, Tim1Ch4, u16, cc4e, ccr4, ccr);

        pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM1, Tim1Ch1, output_to_pa8, gpioa::PA8<AF6>);

        pwm_channel1n_pin!(TIM1, Tim1Ch1, output_to_pa7, gpioa::PA7<AF6>);
        pwm_channel1n_pin!(TIM1, Tim1Ch1, output_to_pa11, gpioa::PA11<AF6>);
        pwm_channel1n_pin!(TIM1, Tim1Ch1, output_to_pb13, gpiob::PB13<AF6>);
        pwm_channel1n_pin!(TIM1, Tim1Ch1, output_to_pc13, gpioc::PC13<AF4>);

        pwm_channel2_pin!(TIM1, Tim1Ch2, output_to_pa9, gpioa::PA9<AF6>);

        pwm_channel2n_pin!(TIM1, Tim1Ch2, output_to_pa12, gpioa::PA12<AF6>);
        pwm_channel2n_pin!(TIM1, Tim1Ch2, output_to_pb0, gpiob::PB0<AF6>);
        pwm_channel2n_pin!(TIM1, Tim1Ch2, output_to_pb14, gpiob::PB14<AF6>);

        pwm_channel3_pin!(TIM1, Tim1Ch3, output_to_pa10, gpioa::PA10<AF6>);

        pwm_channel3n_pin!(TIM1, Tim1Ch3, output_to_pb1, gpiob::PB1<AF6>);
        pwm_channel3n_pin!(TIM1, Tim1Ch3, output_to_pb15, gpiob::PB15<AF4>);
        pwm_channel3n_pin!(TIM1, Tim1Ch3, output_to_pf0, gpiof::PF0<AF6>);

        pwm_channel4_pin!(TIM1, Tim1Ch4, output_to_pa11, gpioa::PA11<AF11>);

#[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f334", feature = "stm32f398"))]
macro_rules! tim1_ext1 {
    () => {
        pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM1, Tim1Ch1, output_to_pc0, gpioc::PC0<AF2>);

        pwm_channel2_pin!(TIM1, Tim1Ch2, output_to_pc1, gpioc::PC1<AF2>);

        pwm_channel3_pin!(TIM1, Tim1Ch3, output_to_pc2, gpioc::PC2<AF2>);

        pwm_channel4_pin!(TIM1, Tim1Ch4, output_to_pc3, gpioc::PC3<AF2>);

    feature = "stm32f302xb",
    feature = "stm32f302xc",
    feature = "stm32f302xd",
    feature = "stm32f302xe",
    feature = "stm32f303xb",
    feature = "stm32f303xc",
    feature = "stm32f303xd",
    feature = "stm32f303xe",
    feature = "stm32f358",
    feature = "stm32f398"
macro_rules! tim1_ext2 {
    () => {
        pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM1, Tim1Ch1, output_to_pe9, gpioe::PE9<AF2>);

        pwm_channel1n_pin!(TIM1, Tim1Ch1, output_to_pe8, gpioe::PE8<AF2>);

        pwm_channel2_pin!(TIM1, Tim1Ch2, output_to_pe11, gpioe::PE11<AF2>);

        pwm_channel2n_pin!(TIM1, Tim1Ch2, output_to_pe10, gpioe::PE10<AF2>);

        pwm_channel3_pin!(TIM1, Tim1Ch3, output_to_pe13, gpioe::PE13<AF2>);

        pwm_channel3n_pin!(TIM1, Tim1Ch3, output_to_pe12, gpioe::PE12<AF2>);

        pwm_channel4_pin!(TIM1, Tim1Ch4, output_to_pe14, gpioe::PE14<AF2>);

// TODO: stm32f301 has TIM1 with ext1
    feature = "stm32f318",
    feature = "stm32f302",
    feature = "stm32f303",
    feature = "stm32f334",
    feature = "stm32f358",
    feature = "stm32f398"

#[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f334", feature = "stm32f398"))]

    feature = "stm32f302xb",
    feature = "stm32f302xc",
    feature = "stm32f302xd",
    feature = "stm32f302xe",
    feature = "stm32f303xb",
    feature = "stm32f303xc",
    feature = "stm32f303xd",
    feature = "stm32f303xe",
    feature = "stm32f358",
    feature = "stm32f398"

// TIM2

    [Tim2Ch1, Tim2Ch2, Tim2Ch3, Tim2Ch4],
    [PwmChannel, PwmChannel, PwmChannel, PwmChannel]

// Channels
pwm_pin_for_pwm_channel!(TIM2, Tim2Ch1, u32, cc1e, ccr1, ccr);
pwm_pin_for_pwm_channel!(TIM2, Tim2Ch2, u32, cc2e, ccr2, ccr);
pwm_pin_for_pwm_channel!(TIM2, Tim2Ch3, u32, cc3e, ccr3, ccr);
pwm_pin_for_pwm_channel!(TIM2, Tim2Ch4, u32, cc4e, ccr4, ccr);

// Pins
pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM2, Tim2Ch1, output_to_pa0, gpioa::PA0<AF1>);
pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM2, Tim2Ch1, output_to_pa5, gpioa::PA5<AF1>);
pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM2, Tim2Ch1, output_to_pa15, gpioa::PA15<AF1>);
    feature = "stm32f302xb",
    feature = "stm32f302xc",
    feature = "stm32f302xd",
    feature = "stm32f302xe",
    feature = "stm32f303xb",
    feature = "stm32f303xc",
    feature = "stm32f303xd",
    feature = "stm32f303xe",
    feature = "stm32f358",
    feature = "stm32f398"
pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM2, Tim2Ch1, output_to_pd3, gpiod::PD3<AF2>);

pwm_channel2_pin!(TIM2, Tim2Ch2, output_to_pa1, gpioa::PA1<AF1>);
pwm_channel2_pin!(TIM2, Tim2Ch2, output_to_pb3, gpiob::PB3<AF1>);
    feature = "stm32f302xb",
    feature = "stm32f302xc",
    feature = "stm32f302xd",
    feature = "stm32f302xe",
    feature = "stm32f303xb",
    feature = "stm32f303xc",
    feature = "stm32f303xd",
    feature = "stm32f303xe",
    feature = "stm32f358",
    feature = "stm32f398"
pwm_channel2_pin!(TIM2, Tim2Ch2, output_to_pd4, gpiod::PD4<AF2>);

pwm_channel3_pin!(TIM2, Tim2Ch3, output_to_pa2, gpioa::PA2<AF1>);
pwm_channel3_pin!(TIM2, Tim2Ch3, output_to_pa9, gpioa::PA9<AF10>);
pwm_channel3_pin!(TIM2, Tim2Ch3, output_to_pb10, gpiob::PB10<AF1>);
    feature = "stm32f302xb",
    feature = "stm32f302xc",
    feature = "stm32f302xd",
    feature = "stm32f302xe",
    feature = "stm32f303xb",
    feature = "stm32f303xc",
    feature = "stm32f303xd",
    feature = "stm32f303xe",
    feature = "stm32f358",
    feature = "stm32f398"
pwm_channel3_pin!(TIM2, Tim2Ch3, output_to_pd7, gpiod::PD7<AF2>);

pwm_channel4_pin!(TIM2, Tim2Ch4, output_to_pa3, gpioa::PA3<AF1>);
pwm_channel4_pin!(TIM2, Tim2Ch4, output_to_pa10, gpioa::PA10<AF1>);
#[cfg(not(any(feature = "stm32f373", feature = "stm32f378")))]
pwm_channel4_pin!(TIM2, Tim2Ch4, output_to_pb11, gpiob::PB11<AF1>);
    feature = "stm32f302xb",
    feature = "stm32f302xc",
    feature = "stm32f302xd",
    feature = "stm32f302xe",
    feature = "stm32f303xb",
    feature = "stm32f303xc",
    feature = "stm32f303xd",
    feature = "stm32f303xe",
    feature = "stm32f358",
    feature = "stm32f398"
pwm_channel4_pin!(TIM2, Tim2Ch4, output_to_pd6, gpiod::PD6<AF2>);

// TIM3

    feature = "stm32f302",
    feature = "stm32f303",
    feature = "stm32f373",
    feature = "stm32f378",
    feature = "stm32f334",
    feature = "stm32f328",
    feature = "stm32f358",
    feature = "stm32f398"
macro_rules! tim3_common {
    () => {
        use crate::pac::TIM3;

        /// Output Compare Channel 1 of Timer 3 (type state)
        pub struct Tim3Ch1 {}
        /// Output Compare Channel 2 of Timer 3 (type state)
        pub struct Tim3Ch2 {}
        /// Output Compare Channel 3 of Timer 3 (type state)
        pub struct Tim3Ch3 {}
        /// Output Compare Channel 4 of Timer 3 (type state)
        pub struct Tim3Ch4 {}

            [Tim3Ch1, Tim3Ch2, Tim3Ch3, Tim3Ch4],
            [PwmChannel, PwmChannel, PwmChannel, PwmChannel]

        // Channels
        pwm_pin_for_pwm_channel!(TIM3, Tim3Ch1, u16, cc1e, ccr1, ccr);
        pwm_pin_for_pwm_channel!(TIM3, Tim3Ch2, u16, cc2e, ccr2, ccr);
        pwm_pin_for_pwm_channel!(TIM3, Tim3Ch3, u16, cc3e, ccr3, ccr);
        pwm_pin_for_pwm_channel!(TIM3, Tim3Ch4, u16, cc4e, ccr4, ccr);

        // Pins
        pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM3, Tim3Ch1, output_to_pa6, gpioa::PA6<AF2>);
        pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM3, Tim3Ch1, output_to_pb4, gpiob::PB4<AF2>);

        pwm_channel2_pin!(TIM3, Tim3Ch2, output_to_pa4, gpioa::PA4<AF2>);
        pwm_channel2_pin!(TIM3, Tim3Ch2, output_to_pa7, gpioa::PA7<AF2>);
        pwm_channel2_pin!(TIM3, Tim3Ch2, output_to_pb5, gpiob::PB5<AF2>);

        pwm_channel3_pin!(TIM3, Tim3Ch3, output_to_pb0, gpiob::PB0<AF2>);

        pwm_channel4_pin!(TIM3, Tim3Ch4, output_to_pb1, gpiob::PB1<AF2>);
        pwm_channel4_pin!(TIM3, Tim3Ch4, output_to_pb7, gpiob::PB7<AF10>);

    feature = "stm32f302",
    feature = "stm32f303",
    feature = "stm32f373",
    feature = "stm32f378",
    feature = "stm32f334",
    feature = "stm32f358",
    feature = "stm32f398"
macro_rules! tim3_ext1 {
    () => {
        pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM3, Tim3Ch1, output_to_pc6, gpioc::PC6<AF2>);

        pwm_channel2_pin!(TIM3, Tim3Ch2, output_to_pc7, gpioc::PC7<AF2>);

        pwm_channel3_pin!(TIM3, Tim3Ch3, output_to_pc8, gpioc::PC8<AF2>);

        pwm_channel4_pin!(TIM3, Tim3Ch4, output_to_pc9, gpioc::PC9<AF2>);

    feature = "stm32f302xb",
    feature = "stm32f302xc",
    feature = "stm32f302xd",
    feature = "stm32f302xe",
    feature = "stm32f303xb",
    feature = "stm32f303xc",
    feature = "stm32f303xd",
    feature = "stm32f303xe",
    feature = "stm32f358",
    feature = "stm32f398"
macro_rules! tim3_ext2 {
    () => {
        pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM3, Tim3Ch1, output_to_pe2, gpioe::PE6<AF2>);

        pwm_channel2_pin!(TIM3, Tim3Ch2, output_to_pe3, gpioe::PE7<AF2>);

        pwm_channel3_pin!(TIM3, Tim3Ch3, output_to_pe4, gpioe::PE8<AF2>);

        pwm_channel4_pin!(TIM3, Tim3Ch4, output_to_pe5, gpioe::PE9<AF2>);

    feature = "stm32f302",
    feature = "stm32f303",
    feature = "stm32f373",
    feature = "stm32f378",
    feature = "stm32f334",
    feature = "stm32f328",
    feature = "stm32f358",
    feature = "stm32f398"

    feature = "stm32f302",
    feature = "stm32f303",
    feature = "stm32f373",
    feature = "stm32f378",
    feature = "stm32f334",
    feature = "stm32f358",
    feature = "stm32f398"

    feature = "stm32f302xb",
    feature = "stm32f302xc",
    feature = "stm32f302xd",
    feature = "stm32f302xe",
    feature = "stm32f303xb",
    feature = "stm32f303xc",
    feature = "stm32f303xd",
    feature = "stm32f303xe",
    feature = "stm32f358",
    feature = "stm32f398"

#[cfg(feature = "stm32f373")]
pwm_channel2_pin!(TIM3, Tim3Ch2, output_to_pb0, gpiob::PB0<AF10>);

#[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f373", feature = "stm32f378"))]
pwm_channel3_pin!(TIM3, Tim3Ch3, output_to_pb6, gpiob::PB6<AF10>);

// TIM4

    feature = "stm32f302",
    feature = "stm32f303",
    feature = "stm32f373",
    feature = "stm32f378",
    feature = "stm32f358",
    feature = "stm32f398"
macro_rules! tim4_common {
    () => {
        use crate::pac::TIM4;

        /// Output Compare Channel 1 of Timer 4 (type state)
        pub struct Tim4Ch1 {}
        /// Output Compare Channel 2 of Timer 4 (type state)
        pub struct Tim4Ch2 {}
        /// Output Compare Channel 3 of Timer 4 (type state)
        pub struct Tim4Ch3 {}
        /// Output Compare Channel 4 of Timer 4 (type state)
        pub struct Tim4Ch4 {}

            [Tim4Ch1, Tim4Ch2, Tim4Ch3, Tim4Ch4],
            [PwmChannel, PwmChannel, PwmChannel, PwmChannel]

        // Channels
        pwm_pin_for_pwm_channel!(TIM4, Tim4Ch1, u16, cc1e, ccr1, ccr);
        pwm_pin_for_pwm_channel!(TIM4, Tim4Ch2, u16, cc2e, ccr2, ccr);
        pwm_pin_for_pwm_channel!(TIM4, Tim4Ch3, u16, cc3e, ccr3, ccr);
        pwm_pin_for_pwm_channel!(TIM4, Tim4Ch4, u16, cc4e, ccr4, ccr);

        // Pins
        pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM4, Tim4Ch1, output_to_pa11, gpioa::PA11<AF10>);
        pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM4, Tim4Ch1, output_to_pb6, gpiob::PB6<AF2>);

        pwm_channel2_pin!(TIM4, Tim4Ch2, output_to_pa12, gpioa::PA12<AF10>);
        pwm_channel2_pin!(TIM4, Tim4Ch2, output_to_pb7, gpiob::PB7<AF2>);

        pwm_channel3_pin!(TIM4, Tim4Ch3, output_to_pa13, gpioa::PA13<AF10>);
        pwm_channel3_pin!(TIM4, Tim4Ch3, output_to_pb8, gpiob::PB8<AF2>);

        pwm_channel4_pin!(TIM4, Tim4Ch4, output_to_pb9, gpiob::PB9<AF2>);

    feature = "stm32f302xb",
    feature = "stm32f302xc",
    feature = "stm32f302xd",
    feature = "stm32f302xe",
    feature = "stm32f303xb",
    feature = "stm32f303xc",
    feature = "stm32f303xd",
    feature = "stm32f303xe",
    feature = "stm32f373",
    feature = "stm32f378",
    feature = "stm32f358",
    feature = "stm32f398"
macro_rules! tim4_ext {
    () => {
        pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM4, Tim4Ch1, output_to_pd12, gpiod::PD12<AF2>);

        pwm_channel2_pin!(TIM4, Tim4Ch2, output_to_pd13, gpiod::PD13<AF2>);

        pwm_channel3_pin!(TIM4, Tim4Ch3, output_to_pd14, gpiod::PD14<AF2>);

        pwm_channel4_pin!(TIM4, Tim4Ch4, output_to_pd15, gpiod::PD15<AF2>);
        pwm_channel4_pin!(TIM4, Tim4Ch4, output_to_pf6, gpiof::PF6<AF2>);

    feature = "stm32f302",
    feature = "stm32f303",
    feature = "stm32f373",
    feature = "stm32f378",
    feature = "stm32f358",
    feature = "stm32f398"

    feature = "stm32f302xb",
    feature = "stm32f302xc",
    feature = "stm32f302xd",
    feature = "stm32f302xe",
    feature = "stm32f303xb",
    feature = "stm32f303xc",
    feature = "stm32f303xd",
    feature = "stm32f303xe",
    feature = "stm32f373",
    feature = "stm32f378",
    feature = "stm32f358",
    feature = "stm32f398"

// TIM5

#[cfg(feature = "stm32f373")]
macro_rules! tim5 {
    () => {
        use crate::pac::TIM5;

        /// Output Compare Channel 1 of Timer 5 (type state)
        pub struct Tim5Ch1 {}
        /// Output Compare Channel 2 of Timer 5 (type state)
        pub struct Tim5Ch2 {}
        /// Output Compare Channel 3 of Timer 5 (type state)
        pub struct Tim5Ch3 {}
        /// Output Compare Channel 4 of Timer 5 (type state)
        pub struct Tim5Ch4 {}

            [Tim5Ch1, Tim5Ch2, Tim5Ch3, Tim5Ch4],
            [PwmChannel, PwmChannel, PwmChannel, PwmChannel]

        // Channels
        pwm_pin_for_pwm_channel!(TIM5, Tim5Ch1, u32, cc1e, ccr1, ccr);
        pwm_pin_for_pwm_channel!(TIM5, Tim5Ch2, u32, cc2e, ccr2, ccr);
        pwm_pin_for_pwm_channel!(TIM5, Tim5Ch3, u32, cc3e, ccr3, ccr);
        pwm_pin_for_pwm_channel!(TIM5, Tim5Ch4, u32, cc4e, ccr4, ccr);

        // Pins
        pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM5, Tim5Ch1, output_to_pa0, gpioa::PA0<AF2>);
        pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM5, Tim5Ch1, output_to_pa8, gpioa::PA8<AF2>);
        pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM5, Tim5Ch1, output_to_pc0, gpioc::PC0<AF2>);

        pwm_channel2_pin!(TIM5, Tim5Ch2, output_to_pa1, gpioa::PA1<AF2>);
        pwm_channel2_pin!(TIM5, Tim5Ch2, output_to_pa11, gpioa::PA11<AF2>);
        pwm_channel2_pin!(TIM5, Tim5Ch2, output_to_pc1, gpioc::PC1<AF2>);

        pwm_channel3_pin!(TIM5, Tim5Ch3, output_to_pa2, gpioa::PA2<AF2>);
        pwm_channel3_pin!(TIM5, Tim5Ch3, output_to_pa12, gpioa::PA12<AF2>);
        pwm_channel3_pin!(TIM5, Tim5Ch3, output_to_pc2, gpioc::PC2<AF2>);

        pwm_channel4_pin!(TIM5, Tim5Ch4, output_to_pa3, gpioa::PA3<AF2>);
        pwm_channel4_pin!(TIM5, Tim5Ch4, output_to_pa13, gpioa::PA13<AF2>);
        pwm_channel4_pin!(TIM5, Tim5Ch4, output_to_pc3, gpioc::PC3<AF2>);

// TODO: This timer is also present in stm32f378
#[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f373"))]

// TIM8

#[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f303", feature = "stm32f358", feature = "stm32f398"))]
macro_rules! tim8 {
    () => {
        use crate::pac::TIM8;

        /// Output Compare Channel 1 of Timer 8 (type state)
        pub struct Tim8Ch1 {}
        /// Output Compare Channel 2 of Timer 8 (type state)
        pub struct Tim8Ch2 {}
        /// Output Compare Channel 3 of Timer 8 (type state)
        pub struct Tim8Ch3 {}
        /// Output Compare Channel 4 of Timer 8 (type state)
        pub struct Tim8Ch4 {}

            [Tim8Ch1, Tim8Ch2, Tim8Ch3, Tim8Ch4],
            [PwmChannel, PwmChannel, PwmChannel, PwmChannel]

        // Channels
        pwm_pin_for_pwm_n_channel!(TIM8, Tim8Ch1, u16, cc1e, cc1ne, ccr1, ccr);
        pwm_pin_for_pwm_n_channel!(TIM8, Tim8Ch2, u16, cc2e, cc2ne, ccr2, ccr);
        pwm_pin_for_pwm_n_channel!(TIM8, Tim8Ch3, u16, cc3e, cc3ne, ccr3, ccr);
        pwm_pin_for_pwm_channel!(TIM8, Tim8Ch4, u16, cc4e, ccr4, ccr);

        pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM8, Tim8Ch1, output_to_pa15, gpioa::PA15<AF2>);
        pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM8, Tim8Ch1, output_to_pb6, gpiob::PB6<AF2>);
        pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM8, Tim8Ch1, output_to_pc6, gpioc::PC6<AF4>);

        pwm_channel1n_pin!(TIM8, Tim8Ch1, output_to_pa7, gpioa::PA7<AF4>);
        pwm_channel1n_pin!(TIM8, Tim8Ch1, output_to_pb3, gpiob::PB3<AF4>);
        pwm_channel1n_pin!(TIM8, Tim8Ch1, output_to_pc10, gpioc::PC10<AF4>);

        pwm_channel2_pin!(TIM8, Tim8Ch2, output_to_pa14, gpioa::PA14<AF5>);
        pwm_channel2_pin!(TIM8, Tim8Ch2, output_to_pb8, gpiob::PB8<AF10>);
        pwm_channel2_pin!(TIM8, Tim8Ch2, output_to_pc7, gpioc::PC7<AF4>);

        pwm_channel2n_pin!(TIM8, Tim8Ch2, output_to_pb0, gpiob::PB0<AF4>);
        pwm_channel2n_pin!(TIM8, Tim8Ch2, output_to_pb4, gpiob::PB4<AF4>);
        pwm_channel2n_pin!(TIM8, Tim8Ch2, output_to_pc11, gpioc::PC11<AF4>);

        pwm_channel3_pin!(TIM8, Tim8Ch3, output_to_pb9, gpiob::PB9<AF10>);
        pwm_channel3_pin!(TIM8, Tim8Ch3, output_to_pc8, gpioc::PC8<AF4>);

        pwm_channel3n_pin!(TIM8, Tim8Ch3, output_to_pb1, gpiob::PB1<AF4>);
        pwm_channel3n_pin!(TIM8, Tim8Ch3, output_to_pb5, gpiob::PB5<AF3>);
        pwm_channel3n_pin!(TIM8, Tim8Ch3, output_to_pc12, gpioc::PC12<AF4>);

        pwm_channel4_pin!(TIM8, Tim8Ch4, output_to_pc9, gpioc::PC9<AF4>);

#[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f303", feature = "stm32f358", feature = "stm32f398"))]

    feature = "stm32f303xb",
    feature = "stm32f303xc",
    feature = "stm32f303xd",
    feature = "stm32f303xe",
    feature = "stm32f358",
    feature = "stm32f398"
pwm_channel4_pin!(TIM8, Tim8Ch4, output_to_pd1, gpiod::PD1<AF4>);

// TIM12

#[cfg(feature = "stm32f373")]
macro_rules! tim12 {
    () => {
        use crate::pac::TIM12;

        /// Output Compare Channel 1 of Timer 12 (type state)
        pub struct Tim12Ch1 {}
        /// Output Compare Channel 2 of Timer 12 (type state)
        pub struct Tim12Ch2 {}
        /// Output Compare Channel 3 of Timer 12 (type state)
        pub struct Tim12Ch3 {}
        /// Output Compare Channel 4 of Timer 12 (type state)
        pub struct Tim12Ch4 {}

            [Tim12Ch1, Tim12Ch2],
            [PwmChannel, PwmChannel]

        // Channels
        pwm_pin_for_pwm_channel!(TIM12, Tim12Ch1, u16, cc1e, ccr1, ccr);
        pwm_pin_for_pwm_channel!(TIM12, Tim12Ch2, u16, cc2e, ccr2, ccr);

        // Pins
        pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM12, Tim12Ch1, output_to_pa4, gpioa::PA4<AF10>);
        pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM12, Tim12Ch1, output_to_pa14, gpioa::PA14<AF10>);
        pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM12, Tim12Ch1, output_to_pb14, gpiob::PB14<AF10>);

        pwm_channel2_pin!(TIM12, Tim12Ch2, output_to_pa5, gpioa::PA5<AF10>);
        pwm_channel2_pin!(TIM12, Tim12Ch2, output_to_pa15, gpioa::PA15<AF10>);
        pwm_channel2_pin!(TIM12, Tim12Ch2, output_to_pb15, gpiob::PB15<AF10>);

// TODO: This timer is also present in stm32f378
#[cfg(feature = "stm32f373")]

// TIM13

#[cfg(feature = "stm32f373")]
macro_rules! tim13 {
    () => {
        use crate::pac::TIM13;

        /// Output Compare Channel 1 of Timer 13 (type state)
        pub struct Tim13Ch1 {}
        /// Output Compare Channel 2 of Timer 13 (type state)
        pub struct Tim13Ch2 {}
        /// Output Compare Channel 3 of Timer 13 (type state)
        pub struct Tim13Ch3 {}
        /// Output Compare Channel 4 of Timer 13 (type state)
        pub struct Tim13Ch4 {}

        pwm_timer_basic!(tim13, TIM13, u16, pclk1, [Tim13Ch1], [PwmChannel]);

        // Channels
        pwm_pin_for_pwm_channel!(TIM13, Tim13Ch1, u16, cc1e, ccr1, ccr);

        // Pins
        pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM13, Tim13Ch1, output_to_pa6, gpioa::PA6<AF9>);
        pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM13, Tim13Ch1, output_to_pa9, gpioa::PA9<AF2>);
        pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM13, Tim13Ch1, output_to_pb3, gpiob::PB3<AF9>);
        pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM13, Tim13Ch1, output_to_pc4, gpioc::PC4<AF2>);

#[cfg(feature = "stm32f373")]

// TIM14

#[cfg(feature = "stm32f373")]
macro_rules! tim14 {
    () => {
        use crate::pac::TIM14;

        /// Output Compare Channel 1 of Timer 14 (type state)
        pub struct Tim14Ch1 {}
        /// Output Compare Channel 2 of Timer 14 (type state)
        pub struct Tim14Ch2 {}
        /// Output Compare Channel 3 of Timer 14 (type state)
        pub struct Tim14Ch3 {}
        /// Output Compare Channel 4 of Timer 14 (type state)
        pub struct Tim14Ch4 {}

        pwm_timer_basic!(tim14, TIM14, u16, pclk1, [Tim14Ch1], [PwmChannel]);

        // Channels
        pwm_pin_for_pwm_channel!(TIM14, Tim14Ch1, u16, cc1e, ccr1, ccr);

        // Pins
        pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM14, Tim14Ch1, output_to_pa5, gpioa::PA5<AF9>);
        pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM14, Tim14Ch1, output_to_pa7, gpioa::PA7<AF9>);
        pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM14, Tim14Ch1, output_to_pa10, gpioa::PA10<AF9>);
        pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM14, Tim14Ch1, output_to_pf9, gpiof::PF9<AF2>);

// TODO: This timer is also present in stm32f378
#[cfg(feature = "stm32f373")]

// TIM15

    [Tim15Ch1, Tim15Ch2],
    [PwmChannel, PwmChannel]

// Channels
pwm_pin_for_pwm_n_channel!(TIM15, Tim15Ch1, u16, cc1e, cc1ne, ccr1, ccr);
pwm_pin_for_pwm_channel!(TIM15, Tim15Ch2, u16, cc2e, ccr2, ccr);

// Pins
pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM15, Tim15Ch1, output_to_pa2, gpioa::PA2<AF9>);
#[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f373", feature = "stm32f378"))]
pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM15, Tim15Ch1, output_to_pb6, gpiob::PB6<AF9>);
pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM15, Tim15Ch1, output_to_pb14, gpiob::PB14<AF1>);
    feature = "stm32f302xb",
    feature = "stm32f302xc",
    feature = "stm32f302xd",
    feature = "stm32f302xe",
    feature = "stm32f303xb",
    feature = "stm32f303xc",
    feature = "stm32f303xd",
    feature = "stm32f303xe",
    feature = "stm32f358",
    feature = "stm32f398"
pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM15, Tim15Ch1, output_to_pf9, gpiof::PF9<AF3>);

pwm_channel1n_pin!(TIM15, Tim15Ch1, output_to_pa1, gpioa::PA1<AF9>);
pwm_channel1n_pin!(TIM15, Tim15Ch1, output_to_pb15, gpiob::PB15<AF2>);
pwm_channel2_pin!(TIM15, Tim15Ch2, output_to_pa3, gpioa::PA3<AF9>);
#[cfg(any(feature = "stm32f373", feature = "stm32f378"))]
pwm_channel2_pin!(TIM15, Tim15Ch2, output_to_pb7, gpiob::PB7<AF9>);
pwm_channel2_pin!(TIM15, Tim15Ch2, output_to_pb15, gpiob::PB15<AF2>);
    feature = "stm32f302xb",
    feature = "stm32f302xc",
    feature = "stm32f302xd",
    feature = "stm32f302xe",
    feature = "stm32f303xb",
    feature = "stm32f303xc",
    feature = "stm32f303xd",
    feature = "stm32f303xe",
    feature = "stm32f358",
    feature = "stm32f398"
pwm_channel2_pin!(TIM15, Tim15Ch2, output_to_pf10, gpiof::PF10<AF3>);

// TIM16

pwm_timer_with_break!(tim16, TIM16, u16, pclk2, [Tim16Ch1], [PwmChannel]);

// Channels
pwm_pin_for_pwm_n_channel!(TIM16, Tim16Ch1, u16, cc1e, cc1ne, ccr1, ccr);

// Pins
pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM16, Tim16Ch1, output_to_pa9, gpioa::PA6<AF1>);
pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM16, Tim16Ch1, output_to_pa12, gpioa::PA12<AF1>);
pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM16, Tim16Ch1, output_to_pb4, gpiob::PB4<AF1>);
pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM16, Tim16Ch1, output_to_pb8, gpiob::PB8<AF1>);
    feature = "stm32f302xb",
    feature = "stm32f302xc",
    feature = "stm32f302xd",
    feature = "stm32f302xe",
    feature = "stm32f303xb",
    feature = "stm32f303xc",
    feature = "stm32f303xd",
    feature = "stm32f303xe",
    feature = "stm32f358",
    feature = "stm32f398"
pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM16, Tim16Ch1, output_to_pe0, gpioe::PE0<AF4>);

pwm_channel1n_pin!(TIM16, Tim16Ch1, output_to_pa13, gpioa::PA13<AF1>);
pwm_channel1n_pin!(TIM16, Tim16Ch1, output_to_pb6, gpiob::PB6<AF1>);

// TIM17

pwm_timer_with_break!(tim17, TIM17, u16, pclk2, [Tim17Ch1], [PwmChannel]);

// Channels
pwm_pin_for_pwm_n_channel!(TIM17, Tim17Ch1, u16, cc1e, cc1ne, ccr1, ccr);

// Pins
pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM17, Tim17Ch1, output_to_pa7, gpioa::PA7<AF1>);
pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM17, Tim17Ch1, output_to_pb5, gpiob::PB5<AF10>);
pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM17, Tim17Ch1, output_to_pb9, gpiob::PB9<AF1>);
    feature = "stm32f302xb",
    feature = "stm32f302xc",
    feature = "stm32f302xd",
    feature = "stm32f302xe",
    feature = "stm32f303xb",
    feature = "stm32f303xc",
    feature = "stm32f303xd",
    feature = "stm32f303xe",
    feature = "stm32f358",
    feature = "stm32f398"
pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM17, Tim17Ch1, output_to_pe1, gpioe::PE1<AF4>);

pwm_channel1n_pin!(TIM17, Tim17Ch1, output_to_pa13, gpioa::PA13<AF1>);

// TIM19

#[cfg(feature = "stm32f373")]
macro_rules! tim19 {
    () => {
        use crate::pac::TIM19;

        /// Output Compare Channel 1 of Timer 19 (type state)
        pub struct Tim19Ch1 {}
        /// Output Compare Channel 2 of Timer 19 (type state)
        pub struct Tim19Ch2 {}
        /// Output Compare Channel 3 of Timer 19 (type state)
        pub struct Tim19Ch3 {}
        /// Output Compare Channel 4 of Timer 19 (type state)
        pub struct Tim19Ch4 {}

            [Tim19Ch1, Tim19Ch2, Tim19Ch3, Tim19Ch4],
            [PwmChannel, PwmChannel, PwmChannel, PwmChannel]

        // Channels
        pwm_pin_for_pwm_channel!(TIM19, Tim19Ch1, u16, cc1e, ccr1, ccr);
        pwm_pin_for_pwm_channel!(TIM19, Tim19Ch2, u16, cc2e, ccr2, ccr);
        pwm_pin_for_pwm_channel!(TIM19, Tim19Ch3, u16, cc3e, ccr3, ccr);
        pwm_pin_for_pwm_channel!(TIM19, Tim19Ch4, u16, cc4e, ccr4, ccr);

        // Pins
        pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM19, Tim19Ch1, output_to_pa0, gpioa::PA0<AF11>);
        pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM19, Tim19Ch1, output_to_pb6, gpiob::PB6<AF11>);
        pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM19, Tim19Ch1, output_to_pc10, gpioc::PC10<AF2>);

        pwm_channel2_pin!(TIM19, Tim19Ch2, output_to_pa1, gpioa::PA1<AF11>);
        pwm_channel2_pin!(TIM19, Tim19Ch2, output_to_pb7, gpiob::PB7<AF11>);
        pwm_channel2_pin!(TIM19, Tim19Ch2, output_to_pc11, gpioc::PC11<AF2>);

        pwm_channel3_pin!(TIM19, Tim19Ch3, output_to_pa2, gpioa::PA2<AF11>);
        pwm_channel3_pin!(TIM19, Tim19Ch3, output_to_pb8, gpiob::PB8<AF11>);
        pwm_channel3_pin!(TIM19, Tim19Ch3, output_to_pc12, gpioc::PC12<AF2>);

        pwm_channel4_pin!(TIM19, Tim19Ch4, output_to_pa3, gpioa::PA3<AF11>);
        pwm_channel4_pin!(TIM19, Tim19Ch4, output_to_pb9, gpiob::PB9<AF11>);
        pwm_channel4_pin!(TIM19, Tim19Ch4, output_to_pd0, gpiod::PD0<AF2>);

// TODO: This timer is also present in stm32f378
#[cfg(feature = "stm32f373")]

// TIM20
#[cfg(feature = "stm32f398")]
macro_rules! tim20 {
    () => {
        use crate::pac::TIM20;

        /// Output Compare Channel 1 of Timer 20 (type state)
        pub struct Tim20Ch1 {}
        /// Output Compare Channel 2 of Timer 20 (type state)
        pub struct Tim20Ch2 {}
        /// Output Compare Channel 3 of Timer 20 (type state)
        pub struct Tim20Ch3 {}
        /// Output Compare Channel 4 of Timer 20 (type state)
        pub struct Tim20Ch4 {}

            [Tim20Ch1, Tim20Ch2, Tim20Ch3, Tim20Ch4],
            [PwmChannel, PwmChannel, PwmChannel, PwmChannel]

        // Channels
        // TODO: stm32f3 doesn't suppport registers for all 4 channels
        pwm_pin_for_pwm_n_channel!(TIM20, Tim20Ch1, u16, cc1e, cc1ne, ccr1, ccr);

        pwm_channel1_pin!(TIM20, Tim20Ch1, output_to_pe2, gpioe::PE2<AF6>);

        pwm_channel1n_pin!(TIM20, Tim20Ch1, output_to_pe4, gpioe::PE4<AF6>);

#[cfg(feature = "stm32f398")]