steno 0.3.1

distributed saga implementation
//! Saga actions, core implementations, and related facilities
//! This file contains a generic [`Action`] trait that is not intended to be
//! used by Steno consumers, though it is exposed.  Users are expected to
//! use [`crate::ActionFunc`] in

use crate::saga_action_error::ActionError;
use crate::saga_exec::ActionContext;
use crate::ActionName;
use futures::future::BoxFuture;
use serde::de::DeserializeOwned;
use serde::Serialize;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::sync::Arc;

/// Collection of consumer-provided types, effectively defining the type
/// signature of a saga
/// This trait bundles a bunch of consumer-provided types that are used
/// throughout Steno to avoid a sprawl of type parameters and duplicated trait
/// bounds.
pub trait SagaType: Debug + 'static {
    /// Type for the consumer's context object
    /// When beginning execution of a saga with
    /// [`crate::SecClient::saga_create()`] or resuming a previous execution
    /// with [`crate::SecClient::saga_resume()`], consumers provide a
    /// context object with this type.  This object is not persistent.
    /// Rather, it provides programming interfaces the consumer wants
    /// available from within actions. For example, this could include HTTP
    /// clients that will be used by the action to make requests to
    /// dependent services.  This object is made available to actions via
    /// [`crate::ActionContext::user_data()`].  There's one context for the
    /// life of each saga's execution.
    type ExecContextType: Debug + Send + Sync + 'static;

/// Data produced by the consumer that may need to be serialized to the saga log
/// This type is used for saga parameters and the output data and errors from an
/// individual action.  It's essentially a synonym for `Debug + DeserializeOwned
/// + Serialize + Send + Sync`.  Consumers are not expected to impl this
/// directly.
pub trait ActionData:
    Debug + DeserializeOwned + Serialize + Send + Sync + 'static
impl<T: Debug + DeserializeOwned + Serialize + Send + Sync + 'static> ActionData
    for T

/// Result of a saga action
/// In this generic Action interface, actions return a pretty generic
/// `serde_json::Value`.  This is something that we can store uniformly,
/// serialize to the log, and deserialize into a more specific type when the
/// consumer asks for that.  (By contrast, the `ActionFunc` impl is a little
/// fancier.  It allows consumers to return anything that _can_ be serialized.
/// That's why consumers should prefer that interface and not this one.)
// TODO-cleanup can we drop this Arc?
pub type ActionResult = Result<Arc<serde_json::Value>, ActionError>;

/// Result of a saga undo action
// TODO-design what should the error type here be?  Maybe something that can
// encompass "general framework error"?  This might put the saga into a "needs
// attention" state?
pub type UndoResult = Result<(), anyhow::Error>;

/// Building blocks of sagas
/// Each node in a saga graph is represented with some kind of `Action`,
/// which provides entry points to asynchronously execute an action and its
/// corresponding undo action.  A saga is essentially a directed acyclic graph
/// of these actions with dependencies between them.  Each action consumes an
/// [`ActionContext`] and asynchronously produces an [`ActionResult`].  The
/// primary implementor for most consumers is [`crate::ActionFunc`].
/// Actions should be stateless.  Any state is supposed to be stored via the
/// framework.  So it should be easy to make Actions Send and Sync.  This is
/// important because we want to be able to have multiple references to the same
/// Action in multiple threads -- as might happen if the same action appeared
/// multiple times in the saga or in different sagas.
pub trait Action<UserType: SagaType>: Debug + Send + Sync {
    /// Executes the action for this saga node, whatever that is.  Actions
    /// function like requests in distributed sagas: critically, they must be
    /// idempotent. This means that multiple calls to the action have the
    /// same result on the system as a single call, although the action is not
    /// necessarily required to return the same result.
    /// As an example, generating a UUID to represent an object is a common saga
    /// action: if called repeatedly, it may generate different results, but it
    /// has no side effects on the rest of the system. Similarly, using a
    /// generated UUID in a subsequent action to create an object may help
    /// ensure that the side effects appear the same, regardless of how many
    /// times the action has been invoked.
    /// Actions should be very careful in using interfaces outside of
    /// [`ActionContext`] -- we want them to be as self-contained as possible to
    /// ensure idempotence and to minimize versioning issues.
    /// On success, this function produces a serialized output.  This output
    /// will be stored persistently, keyed by the _name_ of the current saga
    /// node. Subsequent stages can access this data with
    /// [`ActionContext::lookup`]. This is the _only_ supported means of
    /// sharing state across actions within a saga.
    /// The output of the last node in the DAG becomes the output of the saga.
    fn do_it(
        sgctx: ActionContext<UserType>,
    ) -> BoxFuture<'_, ActionResult>;

    /// Executes the undo action for this saga node, whatever that is.
    fn undo_it(
        sgctx: ActionContext<UserType>,
    ) -> BoxFuture<'_, UndoResult>;

    /// Return the name of the action used as the key in the ActionRegistry
    fn name(&self) -> ActionName;

// Special action implementations

/// [`Action`] impl that emits a value known when the DAG is created
/// This is used to implement [`UserNode::Constant`].
pub struct ActionConstant {
    value: Arc<serde_json::Value>,

impl ActionConstant {
    pub fn new(value: Arc<serde_json::Value>) -> ActionConstant {
        ActionConstant { value }

impl<UserType> Action<UserType> for ActionConstant
    UserType: SagaType,
    fn do_it(&self, _: ActionContext<UserType>) -> BoxFuture<'_, ActionResult> {

    fn undo_it(&self, _: ActionContext<UserType>) -> BoxFuture<'_, UndoResult> {

    fn name(&self) -> ActionName {

/// Simulates an error at a given spot in the saga graph
pub struct ActionInjectError {}

impl<UserType: SagaType> Action<UserType> for ActionInjectError {
    fn do_it(&self, _: ActionContext<UserType>) -> BoxFuture<'_, ActionResult> {
        // TODO-log

    fn undo_it(&self, _: ActionContext<UserType>) -> BoxFuture<'_, UndoResult> {
        // We should never undo an action that failed.

    fn name(&self) -> ActionName {