steno 0.3.1

distributed saga implementation
//! Saga actions implemented using a pair of functions
//! This is the primary interface for actions that we expose to users.  It's a
//! little fancier than the generic [`Action`] trait.

use crate::saga_action_error::ActionError;
use crate::saga_action_generic::Action;
use crate::saga_action_generic::ActionData;
use crate::saga_action_generic::ActionResult;
use crate::saga_action_generic::SagaType;
use crate::saga_action_generic::UndoResult;
use crate::saga_exec::ActionContext;
use crate::ActionName;
use futures::future::BoxFuture;
use std::any::type_name;
use std::fmt;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::future::Future;
use std::sync::Arc;

/// Result of a function that implements a saga action
// This differs from [`ActionResult`] because [`ActionResult`] returns a generic
// type.  The function-oriented interface allows you to return more specific
// types as long as they implement the [`ActionData`] trait.
// TODO-design There's no reason that the generic interface couldn't also look
// like this.  We have this mechanism here to allow `ActionFunc` functions
// to return specific types while storing the generic thing inside the
// framework.  We do this translation in the impl of `ActionFunc`.  But we
// could instead create another layer above `Action` that does this.  This gets
// complicated and doesn't seem especially useful yet.
pub type ActionFuncResult<T, E> = Result<T, E>;

/// Trait that expresses the requirements for async functions to be used with
/// `ActionFunc`. This exists just to express the relationships between the
/// types involved in the function, so that they don't have to be repeated
/// everywhere. You don't need to implement it yourself -- a blanket
/// implementation is provided.
pub trait ActionFn<'c, S: SagaType>: Send + Sync + 'static {
    /// Type returned when the future finally resolves.
    type Output;
    /// Type of the future returned when the function is called.
    type Future: Future<Output = Self::Output> + Send + 'c;
    /// Call the function.
    fn act(&'c self, ctx: ActionContext<S>) -> Self::Future;

// Blanket impl for Fn types returning futures
impl<'c, F, S, FF> ActionFn<'c, S> for F
    S: SagaType,
    F: Fn(ActionContext<S>) -> FF + Send + Sync + 'static,
    FF: std::future::Future + Send + 'c,
    type Future = FF;
    type Output = FF::Output;
    fn act(&'c self, ctx: ActionContext<S>) -> Self::Future {

/// Implementation of [`Action`] that uses ordinary functions for the action and
/// undo action
pub struct ActionFunc<ActionFuncType, UndoFuncType> {
    name: ActionName,
    action_func: ActionFuncType,
    undo_func: UndoFuncType,

impl<ActionFuncType, UndoFuncType> ActionFunc<ActionFuncType, UndoFuncType> {
    /// Construct an [`Action`] from a pair of functions, using `action_func`
    /// for the action and `undo_func` for the undo action
    /// The result is returned as `Arc<dyn Action>` so that it can be used
    /// directly where `Action`s are expected.  (The struct `ActionFunc` has no
    /// interfaces of its own so there's generally no need to have the specific
    /// type.)
    pub fn new_action<Name, UserType, ActionFuncOutput>(
        name: Name,
        action_func: ActionFuncType,
        undo_func: UndoFuncType,
    ) -> Arc<dyn Action<UserType>>
        Name: AsRef<str>,
        UserType: SagaType,
        for<'c> ActionFuncType: ActionFn<
            Output = ActionFuncResult<ActionFuncOutput, ActionError>,
        ActionFuncOutput: ActionData,
        for<'c> UndoFuncType: ActionFn<'c, UserType, Output = UndoResult>,
        Arc::new(ActionFunc {
            name: ActionName::new(name.as_ref()),

// TODO-cleanup why can't new_action_noop_undo live in the Action namespace?

/// Given a function `f`, return an `ActionFunc` that uses `f` as the action and
/// provides a no-op undo function (which does nothing and always succeeds).
pub fn new_action_noop_undo<Name, UserType, ActionFuncType, ActionFuncOutput>(
    name: Name,
    f: ActionFuncType,
) -> Arc<dyn Action<UserType>>
    Name: AsRef<str>,
    UserType: SagaType,
    for<'c> ActionFuncType: ActionFn<
        Output = ActionFuncResult<ActionFuncOutput, ActionError>,
    ActionFuncOutput: ActionData,
    // TODO-log
    ActionFunc::new_action(name, f, |_| async { Ok(()) })

impl<UserType, ActionFuncType, ActionFuncOutput, UndoFuncType> Action<UserType>
    for ActionFunc<ActionFuncType, UndoFuncType>
    UserType: SagaType,
    for<'c> ActionFuncType: ActionFn<
        Output = ActionFuncResult<ActionFuncOutput, ActionError>,
    ActionFuncOutput: ActionData,
    for<'c> UndoFuncType: ActionFn<'c, UserType, Output = UndoResult>,
    fn do_it(
        sgctx: ActionContext<UserType>,
    ) -> BoxFuture<'_, ActionResult> {
        Box::pin(async move {
            let fut = self.action_func.act(sgctx);
            // Execute the caller's function and translate its type into the
            // generic JsonValue that the framework uses to store action
            // outputs.
                .and_then(|func_output| {

    fn undo_it(
        sgctx: ActionContext<UserType>,
    ) -> BoxFuture<'_, UndoResult> {

    fn name(&self) -> ActionName {

impl<ActionFuncType, UndoFuncType> Debug
    for ActionFunc<ActionFuncType, UndoFuncType>
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        // The type name for a function includes its name, so it's a handy
        // summary for debugging.