steamidfx 2.1.0

Work with steam id easily
//! Provides a simple implementation of an iterator over bits of an integer.
//! Used to navigate through the bits in the steam id.
//! Example:
//! ```rust
//! let num = 76561197983318796;
//! let mut iter = steamidfx::bit_iterator::BitIterator::new(num, 8);
//! assert_eq!(, Some(1));
//! assert_eq!(, Some(16));
//! assert_eq!(, Some(0));
//! assert_eq!(, Some(1));
//! assert_eq!(, Some(1));
//! assert_eq!(, Some(95));
//! assert_eq!(, Some(195));
//! assert_eq!(, Some(12));
//! assert_eq!(, None);
//! ```
//! In case you need to work with steam id yourself, this struct may be helpful.

/// Gets the bits starting from the specified position in the amount passed.
fn bits(num: u64, from: u8, amount: u8) -> u64 {
    assert!(amount <= 64);
    let length = from - amount;
    let mask = ((1 << amount) - 1) << length;
    (mask & num) >> length

/// An iterator over the bits of a `u64` number.
/// The bit reading (the iteration) starts always from the left to the right.
/// That means, the first processed bits are going to be 64, 63, 62 ... until the last, 0th bit.
pub struct BitIterator {
    // The object it iterates over.
    object: u64,
    // The length in bits of a single iteration.
    iter_length: u8,
    // Current bit position within the `object`.
    current_pos: u8,

impl BitIterator {
    /// Instantiates a new bit iterator. Requires an object to iterate over and
    /// a length of a single iteration.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if the `iter_length` is greater than `self.current_pos`, which is the current
    /// bit positions of the iterator within the object.
    pub fn new(object: u64, iter_length: u8) -> BitIterator {
        // The code is written in a generic style, hence uses the `size_of`.
        // In fact, we always know how many bytes it is in an `u64` primitive.
        // As we know that this value can't be higher than `8`, we silence the clippy warning.
        let current_pos = std::mem::size_of::<u64>() as u8 * 8;
        assert!(iter_length <= current_pos);
        BitIterator {

    /// Changes the length of a single iteration.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if the `iter_length` is greater than the `self.current_pos`, which is the current
    /// bit positions of the iterator within the object.
    pub fn change_iter_length(&mut self, iter_length: u8) -> &mut BitIterator {
        assert!(iter_length <= self.current_pos);
        self.iter_length = iter_length;

    /// Changes the iteration length to `amount` and tries to fetch the `amount` of bits
    /// from the `object`.
    pub fn next_bits<T: std::convert::TryFrom<u64>>(&mut self, amount: u8) -> Option<T> {
        self.change_iter_length(amount);|next| T::try_from(next).ok())

impl Iterator for BitIterator {
    type Item = u64;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        let new_pos = self.current_pos.checked_sub(self.iter_length)?;
        let item = bits(self.object, self.current_pos, self.iter_length) as Self::Item;
        self.current_pos = new_pos;