steam-tui 0.1.2

TUI client for steamcmd.
# Steam TUI
[![tests](]( [![](](

## About
Just a simple TUI client for `steamcmd`. Allows for the graphical launching,
updating, and downloading of steam games through a simple terminal client.
Methodology informed by [steam-cli](

<p align="center">
  <img width="600" alt="Example of rules_euler in action" src="screenshot.png">

## Usage

Login with `steamcmd` first to cache your credentials (don't trust some random app with your passwords):
# Steam> login <user>
# Steam> quit
Launch the binary `steam-tui`, and rejoice :tada:. Help is in the client.

Unable to launch games? Pressing space will start a bare-bones steam client (no
graphics) in the background and will let you launch games that need steam
libraries or have some sort of DRM.

## Requirements

[`steamcmd`]( is required to
launch steam-tui, as `steam-tui` is essentially just a graphical wrapper for
this program. `wine` usage will be attempted if a native Linux game is not

## Why ?
Because why not? Also, the Steam client seems to break on my Arch build. I have
a GT 610, and barely anything graphical works- this is a nice work around.

## Contributing

At this point, I am very much done with the project. I only really play
[Kerbal]( and [5 Dimensional Chess with
Multiverse Time Travel](, so
additional work on this project is moot. If you [buy me a
coffee](, I'd be happy to sink some more
time into this.

## Missing Features

- Real time download updates [#20]
- Real time running game updates
- Filtering for DLCs etc.. [#11]
- Automatic icon downloads [#22]