staticvec 0.6.0

Implements a fixed-capacity stack-allocated Vec alternative backed by an array, using const generics.

Latest Version Rustc Version nightly

Build Status Build status

Implements a fixed-capacity stack-allocated Vec alternative backed by an array, using const generics.

Note: the word "static" here is meant by the traditional definition of "unchanging" / "not dynamic" etc.

This crate does not use literal static variables for anything.

Fully #![no_std] compatible (with almost no loss of functionality) by setting default-features = false for the staticvec dependency in your Cargo.toml.

Optional support for serialization and deserialization of the StaticVec struct via serde is available by activating the serde_support crate feature.

StaticVec also implements both Deref and DerefMut to [T], meaning that all existing slice methods are accessible through instances of it and that references to it can be used in contexts where [T] is expected.

Contributions/suggestions/etc. very welcome!

Minimum supported Rust version: due to the use of const generics, this is a nightly-only crate at the moment.

General note on the versioning of this crate: all new releases of StaticVec, be they major, minor, or patch, can and should at all times be assumed to simply be better in some way than the previous version and thus completely safe to upgrade to. In the not-especially-likely-due-to-the-nature-of-the-crate event of an actual "breaking change", the change in question will be very explicitly noted and described in this readme.

A basic usage example:

use staticvec::{staticvec, StaticVec};

fn main() {
  let mut v = StaticVec::<usize, 64>::new();
  for i in 0..v.capacity() {
  for i in &v {
    println!("{}", i);
  v.insert(0, 47);
  v.insert(1, 48);
  v.insert(2, 49);
  v.insert(v.len() - 1, 50);
  v.insert(v.len() - 2, 51);
  v.insert(v.len() - 3, 52);
  for i in &v {
    println!("{}", i);
  for i in &v.reversed().drain(2..4) {
    println!("{}", i);
  while v.is_not_empty() {
    println!("{}", v.remove(0));
  for f in staticvec![12.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0].iter().skip(2) {
    println!("{}", f);
  for i in staticvec![
    staticvec![14, 12, 10].sorted(),
    staticvec![20, 18, 16].reversed(),
    staticvec![26, 24, 22].sorted(),
    staticvec![32, 30, 28].reversed(),
  .collect::<StaticVec<usize, 12>>()
  .iter() {
    println!("{}", i);


Licensed under either the MIT license or version 2.0 of the Apache License. Your choice as to which! Any source code contributions will be dual-licensed in the same fashion.