static-alloc 0.1.0

Replacements for `Box`, `Rc`, `Vec`, .. without `alloc`
//! General purpose global allocator(s) with static, inline storage.
//! Provides an allocator for extremely resource constrained environments where the only memory
//! guaranteed is your program's image in memory as provided by the loader. Possible use cases are
//! OS-less development, embedded, bootloaders (even stage0/1 maybe, totally untested).
//! ## Usage
//! ```rust
//! use static_alloc::Slab;
//! #[global_allocator]
//! static A: Slab<[u8; 1 << 16]> = Slab::uninit();
//! fn main() {
//!     let v = vec![0xdeadbeef_u32; 128];
//!     println!("{:x?}", v);
//!     let buffer: &'static mut [u32; 128] = A.leak([0; 128])
//!         .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Runtime allocated before main"));
//! }
//! ```
//! `FixedVec` without forced `Clone` or `Copy` semantics:
//! ```rust
//! use static_alloc::{FixedVec, Slab};
//! let mut pool: Slab<[usize; 16]> = Slab::uninit();
//! // Allocate a vector with capacity of 16 from the slab.
//! let mut vector = pool.fixed_vec(16).unwrap();
//! let mut num = 0;
//! // Push a mutable reference, not `Copy` nor `Clone`!
//! vector.push(&mut num);
//! *vector.pop().unwrap() = 4;
//! drop(vector);
//! assert_eq!(num, 4);
//! ```
//! ## Why the name?
//! This crates makes it safe to define a *static* object and to then use its memory to *allocate*
//! dynamic values without accidentally exposing or using uninitialized memory. This allows
//! obtaining `&'static mut T` instances which is handy if a struct requires a mutable reference
//! but it is also required that this struct has `'static` lifetime bounds itself.

// Copyright 2019 Andreas Molzer

pub mod boxed;
pub mod rc;
pub mod slab;
pub mod uninit;
pub mod fixed_vec;

pub use boxed::Box;
pub use fixed_vec::FixedVec;
pub use uninit::Uninit;
pub use slab::Slab;

// Can't use the macro-call itself within the `doc` attribute. So force it to eval it as part of
// the macro invocation.
// The inspiration for the macro and implementation is from
// <>
// MIT License
// Copyright (c) 2018 Guillaume Gomez
macro_rules! insert_as_doc {
    { $content:expr } => {
        #[doc = $content] extern { }

// Provides the as doc, to ensure the example works!