stackvec 0.2.1

A crate to use stack-allocated Vectors (performance and/or no-std)
# `[stack;vec]`

**A rust crate to use stack-allocated vectors (to improve performance and/or when there is no std)**

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## Motivation
Rust [stack/inline arrays]( don't implement 2 very useful [iterator-related]( [interfaces](

1. `IntoIterator<Item = T> for [T; n]`

  	* Allows using `.into_iter()` instead of `.iter().cloned()` (which, by the way, can only be used when `T: Clone`, and requires cloning, which may be expensive)
   	* ```rust
      extern crate stackvec; use ::stackvec::prelude::*;

      fn main ()
          // An array of vectors (potentially expensive to clone)
          let vecs_array = [
              vec![1, 2, 3, 4],
              vec![5, 6],

          // Collect / chain all the vectors together
          let flattened: Vec<u8> = vecs_array
                                      .into_iter()  // Needs stackvec (line 1)
          assert_eq!(flattened, vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]);

1. `FromIterator for [T; n]`
  	* Allows [`collect`]( into an [`array`](
  	* Since it is unsound to have an incomplete array, the collecting fails when the iterator does not have enough elements to fill the array. Hence the new [`TryFromIterator`] trait (providing [`try_collect`]).
  	* ```rust 
      extern crate stackvec; use ::stackvec::prelude::*;

      fn main ()
          let array: [_; 3] = [1, 2, 3];
          let doubled: [_; 3] = array
                                  .map(|&x| 2 * x)
                                  .try_collect() // Needs stackvec (line 1)
                                  .expect("Missing elements to collect")
          assert_eq!(doubled, [2, 4, 6]);

The reason for that is that both interfaces need a structure being able to hold
the partially iterated state: i.e., incomplete arrays. Those have (statically-allocated) memory that might not be initialized: so they are, in a way, like [`Vec`]tors (except for the fact that their (initial) capacity is fixed and cannot be changed)

That's why having those nice [iterator]( [interfaces]( requires writing down a slot-accurate memory ownership management logic very similar to [`Vec`]'s : hence the [`StackVec`].

### Bonus
By exposing the underlying [`StackVec`] needed by the aformentioned interfaces, we get full access to a stack-allocated [`Vec`], which can also be useful on its own, since it avoids heap allocation:

* the heap is a mutable global state and in multi-threaded environments locks are involved,

* it may require (slow) system allocation

* [heap allocation is not always available][`no_std`]

### Disclaimer
The performance gain (from using [`StackVec`] instead of [`Vec`]) is not always guaranteed, since:

1. [`Vec`] is the cornerstone of Rust's std library collection and has extremely efficient code written so that LLVM can easily optimize its usage

1. Rust's [allocator] is also incredibly well optimised so the performance penalties from bins management and system allocations (and the locks in a multi-threaded environment) are quite well amortized on average.

#### [`Vec`] vs [`StackVec`] basic benchmark
$ cargo +nightly bench --features nightly

test vec_extend             ... bench:      64,129 ns/iter (+/- 3,069)
test vec_from_iter          ... bench:      65,569 ns/iter (+/- 3,761)
test array_from_iter        ... bench:     358,993 ns/iter (+/- 6,916)
test stackvec_extend        ... bench:     360,105 ns/iter (+/- 17,489)
test stackvec_from_iter     ... bench:     369,585 ns/iter (+/- 40,894)
test stackvec_extend_by_ref ... bench:     374,226 ns/iter (+/- 11,686)
test vec_extend_by_ref      ... bench:     863,362 ns/iter (+/- 32,483)

## Usage

- Add this line to your `Cargo.toml` (under `[dependencies]`):
  stackvec = "0.2.1"
    - Note: By default `stackvec` improves all the arrays with less than 1000 elements. This leads to longer compilation times. If this is an issue, and you don't really plan on using arbitrary-length arrays but at fixed multiples of 100 or powers of 2, you can depend on a "lighter" `stackvec` using the following line instead:
      stackvec = { version = "0.2.1", default-features = false }

- Add this to your `.rs` code:
  extern crate stackvec;

  use ::stackvec::prelude::*;

### Examples

See the [source files for the examples](

You can run each example (``) with:
$ cargo run --example example_name


  1. [`no_std`] support

  1. More [`Vec`]-like [methods]

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