stackvec 0.0.2

A crate to use stack-allocated Vectors (performance and/or no-std)
stackvec-0.0.2 doesn't have any documentation.

stackvec-rs (version 0.0.2)

A rust crate to use stack-allocated vectors (to improve performance and/or when there is no std)

⚠️⚠️ Warning: unsafe is used ⚠️⚠️

And hasn't been thoroughly tested yet. It is thus ill-suited for production. Use at your own risk.

Since stackvec-rs provides very similar functionality to the more mature arrayvec, you should use that crate until stackvec-rs is mature enough (version 0.1.0 or even 1.0.0)


Rust stack/inline arrays don't implement 2 very useful iterator-related interfaces:

  1. IntoIterator<Item = T> for [T; n]

    • Allows using .into_iter() instead of .iter().cloned() (which, by the way, can only be used when T: Clone, and requires cloning, which may be expensive)
    • #[derive(Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
      struct NoClone {
      	/* ... */
      let array: [NoClone, 15] = [ /* ... */ ];
      let set: ::std::collections::HashSet =
      	.into_iter() // Error
  2. FromIterator for [T; n]

    • Allows using .collect()
    • Since it is unsound to have an incomplete array, the collecting fails when the iterator does not have enough elements to fill the array. Thus, since it is a fallible action; there is a new TryFromIterator trait.
    • let mut numbers_iterator = (3 .. 10).into_iter();
      let array: [u8; 7] = 
      	.try_collect()  // Attempt to collect into the array. This can fail...
      	.unwrap() // ...since there needs to be at least 7 elements.
      	[3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],

The reason for that is that both interfaces need a structure being able to hold the partially iterated state: i.e., incomplete arrays. Those have (statically-allocated) memory that might not be initialized: so they are, in a way, like Vectors (except for the fact that their (initial) capacity is fixed and cannot be changed)

That's why having those nice iterator interfaces require writing down a cell-accurate memory ownership management logic very similar to Vec's : hence the StackVec.


By exposing the underlying StackVec needed by the aformentioned interfaces, we get full access to a stack-allocated Vec, which can also be useful on its own, since it avoids heap allocation:


The performance gain (from using StackVec instead of Vec) is not always guaranteed, since:

  1. Vec is the cornerstone of Rust's std library collection and has extremely efficient code written so that LLVM can easily optimize its usage

  2. Rust's allocator is also incredibly well optimised so the performance penalties from bins management and system allocations (and the locks in a multi-threaded environment) are quite well amortized on average.

Vec vs StackVec basic benchmark

$ cargo +nightly bench --features nightly

test stackvec_extend        ... bench:     364,517 ns/iter (+/- 29,075)
test stackvec_extend_by_ref ... bench:     361,498 ns/iter (+/- 10,230)
test vec_extend             ... bench:      69,866 ns/iter (+/- 4,975)
test vec_extend_by_ref      ... bench:     880,585 ns/iter (+/- 17,259)


  1. Add this line to your Cargo.toml (under [dependencies]):
stackvec = "0.0.2"
  1. Add this to your .rs code:
extern crate stackvec;


See the source files for the examples

You can run each example ( with:

$ cargo run --example example_name


  1. Documentation

  2. into_iter/IntoIterator and try_collect/TryFromIterator for [Array]

  3. improve code testing coverage

  4. More Vec-like methods