stable-swap 1.8.1

Saber StableSwap program.
/// Checks if two pubkeys are equal, and if not, throws an error.
macro_rules! check_keys_equal {
    ($left:expr, $right:expr, $msg:expr, $err:expr) => {
        check_keys_condition!($left, $right, $msg, $err, $left == $right);

/// Checks if two pubkeys are not equal, and if not, throws an error.
macro_rules! check_keys_not_equal {
    ($left:expr, $right:expr, $msg:expr, $err:expr) => {
        check_keys_condition!($left, $right, $msg, $err, $left != $right);

macro_rules! check_keys_condition {
    ($left:expr, $right:expr, $msg:expr, $err:expr, $continueExpr:expr) => {
        if !$continueExpr {
                concat!($msg, " mismatch:"),
            return Err::<(), ProgramError>($err.into());

/// Checks if two pubkeys are equal and exist, and if not, throws an error.
macro_rules! check_keys_equal_optional {
    ($left:expr, $right:expr, $msg:expr, $err:expr) => {
        check_keys_condition_optional!($left, $right, $msg, $err, $left == $right);

macro_rules! check_keys_condition_optional {
    ($left:expr, $right:expr, $msg:expr, $err:expr, $continueExpr:expr) => {
        match ($left.into(), $right.into()) {
            (Some(_), Some(_)) if $continueExpr => (),
            (left, right) => {
                    concat!($msg, " mismatch:"),
                return Err::<(), ProgramError>($err.into());

/// Checks if two pubkeys are equal, and if not, throws an error.
macro_rules! check_token_keys_equal {
    ($token: expr,$left:expr, $right:expr, $msg:expr, $err:expr) => {
        check_token_keys_condition!($token, $left, $right, $msg, $err, $left == $right);

/// Checks if two pubkeys are not equal, and if not, throws an error.
macro_rules! check_token_keys_not_equal {
    ($token: expr,$left:expr, $right:expr, $msg:expr, $err:expr) => {
        check_token_keys_condition!($token, $left, $right, $msg, $err, $left != $right);

macro_rules! check_token_keys_condition {
    ($token:expr, $left:expr, $right:expr, $msg:expr, $err:expr, $continueExpr:expr) => {
        if ($token.index == 0) {
            check_keys_condition!($left, $right, concat!($msg, " A"), $err, $continueExpr);
        } else if ($token.index == 1) {
            check_keys_condition!($left, $right, concat!($msg, " B"), $err, $continueExpr);
        } else {
            check_keys_condition!($left, $right, concat!($msg), $err, $continueExpr);