sqlx 0.1.2

🧰 The Rust SQL Toolkit.

SQLx is a modern SQL client built from the ground up for Rust, in Rust.

  • Truly Asynchronous. Built from the ground-up using async-std using async streams for maximum concurrency.

  • Type-safe SQL (if you want it) without DSLs. Use the query!() macro to check your SQL and bind parameters at compile time. (You can still use dynamic SQL queries if you like.)

  • Pure Rust. The Postgres and MySQL/MariaDB drivers are written in pure Rust using zero unsafe code.


The sqlx::query function provides general-purpose prepared statement execution. The result is an implementation of the Row trait. Values can be efficiently accessed by index or name.

let row = sqlx::query("SELECT is_active FROM users WHERE id = ?")
    .fetch_one(&mut conn)
let is_active: bool = row.get("is_active");

The sqlx::query! macro prepares the SQL query and interprets the result in order to constrain input types and infer output types. The result of query! is an anoymous struct (or named tuple).

let countries = sqlx::query!(
        "SELECT country, COUNT(*) FROM users GROUP BY country WHERE organization = ?", 
    .fetch(&mut conn) // -> impl Stream<Item = { country: String, count: i64 }>
    .map_ok(|rec| (rec.country, rec.count))
    .collect::<HashMap<_>>() // -> HashMap<String, i64>

See the beginnings of a RealWorld implementation in examples/realworld-postgres.


This crate uses #[forbid(unsafe_code)] to ensure everything is implemented in 100% Safe Rust.


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