sqlx-transparent-json-decode 2.2.2

Decode JSON from Postgres sqlx queries, without the Json<> wrapper type


This crate is meant for use with sqlx and allows you to query JSON or JSONB fields from PostgreSQL without needing to wrap the types in a sqlx::types::Json<> wrapper type.

use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use sqlx_transparent_json_decode::sqlx_json_decode;

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct SomeJsonField {
    // Whatever fields match the JSON structure
    pub name: String,
    pub some_param: Option<String>,
    pub count: i32,


pub struct QueryResult {
    pub id: i32,
    pub name: String,
    pub params: SomeJsonField,

Normally, you would need to use Json<SomeJsonField> as the type for params in the above example. This crate allows you to use SomeJsonField directly.

let result = sqlx::query_as!(
    r##"SELECT id,
        params as "params: SomeJsonField"
      FROM some_table"##,

This crate also provides BoxedRawValue, a wrapper around Box<serde_json::value::RawValue> which can be decoded directly. This is otherwise difficult to do using sqlx's query macros.

let result = sqlx::query!(
    r##"SELECT id, data as "data: BoxedRawValue" FROM table##"