sqlx-core 0.5.9

Core of SQLx, the rust SQL toolkit. Not intended to be used directly.
use crate::arguments::IntoArguments;
use crate::column::ColumnIndex;
use crate::database::{Database, HasArguments, HasStatement};
use crate::error::Error;
use crate::from_row::FromRow;
use crate::query::Query;
use crate::query_as::QueryAs;
use crate::query_scalar::QueryScalar;
use either::Either;

/// An explicitly prepared statement.
/// Statements are prepared and cached by default, per connection. This type allows you to
/// look at that cache in-between the statement being prepared and it being executed. This contains
/// the expected columns to be returned and the expected parameter types (if available).
/// Statements can be re-used with any connection and on first-use it will be re-prepared and
/// cached within the connection.
pub trait Statement<'q>: Send + Sync {
    type Database: Database;

    /// Creates an owned statement from this statement reference. This copies
    /// the original SQL text.
    fn to_owned(&self) -> <Self::Database as HasStatement<'static>>::Statement;

    /// Get the original SQL text used to create this statement.
    fn sql(&self) -> &str;

    /// Get the expected parameters for this statement.
    /// The information returned depends on what is available from the driver. SQLite can
    /// only tell us the number of parameters. PostgreSQL can give us full type information.
    fn parameters(&self) -> Option<Either<&[<Self::Database as Database>::TypeInfo], usize>>;

    /// Get the columns expected to be returned by executing this statement.
    fn columns(&self) -> &[<Self::Database as Database>::Column];

    /// Gets the column information at `index`.
    /// A string index can be used to access a column by name and a `usize` index
    /// can be used to access a column by position.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if `index` is out of bounds.
    /// See [`try_column`](Self::try_column) for a non-panicking version.
    fn column<I>(&self, index: I) -> &<Self::Database as Database>::Column
        I: ColumnIndex<Self>,

    /// Gets the column information at `index` or `None` if out of bounds.
    fn try_column<I>(&self, index: I) -> Result<&<Self::Database as Database>::Column, Error>
        I: ColumnIndex<Self>,

    fn query(&self) -> Query<'_, Self::Database, <Self::Database as HasArguments<'_>>::Arguments>;

    fn query_with<'s, A>(&'s self, arguments: A) -> Query<'s, Self::Database, A>
        A: IntoArguments<'s, Self::Database>;

    fn query_as<O>(
    ) -> QueryAs<'_, Self::Database, O, <Self::Database as HasArguments<'_>>::Arguments>
        O: for<'r> FromRow<'r, <Self::Database as Database>::Row>;

    fn query_as_with<'s, O, A>(&'s self, arguments: A) -> QueryAs<'s, Self::Database, O, A>
        O: for<'r> FromRow<'r, <Self::Database as Database>::Row>,
        A: IntoArguments<'s, Self::Database>;

    fn query_scalar<O>(
    ) -> QueryScalar<'_, Self::Database, O, <Self::Database as HasArguments<'_>>::Arguments>
        (O,): for<'r> FromRow<'r, <Self::Database as Database>::Row>;

    fn query_scalar_with<'s, O, A>(&'s self, arguments: A) -> QueryScalar<'s, Self::Database, O, A>
        (O,): for<'r> FromRow<'r, <Self::Database as Database>::Row>,
        A: IntoArguments<'s, Self::Database>;

macro_rules! impl_statement_query {
    ($A:ty) => {
        fn query(&self) -> crate::query::Query<'_, Self::Database, $A> {

        fn query_with<'s, A>(&'s self, arguments: A) -> crate::query::Query<'s, Self::Database, A>
            A: crate::arguments::IntoArguments<'s, Self::Database>,
            crate::query::query_statement_with(self, arguments)

        fn query_as<O>(
        ) -> crate::query_as::QueryAs<
            <Self::Database as crate::database::HasArguments<'_>>::Arguments,
            O: for<'r> crate::from_row::FromRow<
                <Self::Database as crate::database::Database>::Row,

        fn query_as_with<'s, O, A>(
            &'s self,
            arguments: A,
        ) -> crate::query_as::QueryAs<'s, Self::Database, O, A>
            O: for<'r> crate::from_row::FromRow<
                <Self::Database as crate::database::Database>::Row,
            A: crate::arguments::IntoArguments<'s, Self::Database>,
            crate::query_as::query_statement_as_with(self, arguments)

        fn query_scalar<O>(
        ) -> crate::query_scalar::QueryScalar<
            <Self::Database as crate::database::HasArguments<'_>>::Arguments,
            (O,): for<'r> crate::from_row::FromRow<
                <Self::Database as crate::database::Database>::Row,

        fn query_scalar_with<'s, O, A>(
            &'s self,
            arguments: A,
        ) -> crate::query_scalar::QueryScalar<'s, Self::Database, O, A>
            (O,): for<'r> crate::from_row::FromRow<
                <Self::Database as crate::database::Database>::Row,
            A: crate::arguments::IntoArguments<'s, Self::Database>,
            crate::query_scalar::query_statement_scalar_with(self, arguments)