sql 0.3.0

The package provides a constructor of SQL statements.

SQL Version Status

The package provides a constructor of SQL statements.



use sql::prelude::*;

// CREATE TABLE `users` (`id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `name` TEXT, `photo` BLOB)
println!("{}", create_table("users").column("id".integer().not_null())

// DELETE FROM `users`
println!("{}", delete_from("users").compile().unwrap());

// INSERT INTO `users` (`id`, `name`) VALUES (?, ?), (?, ?)
println!("{}", insert_into("users").columns(&["id", "name"]).batch(2)

// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `name` LIKE 'A%'
println!("{}", select_from("users").so_that(column("name").like("A%"))

// SELECT * FROM `users` ORDER BY `name` DESC
println!("{}", select_from("users").order_by(column("name").descend())

// SELECT `name`, `photo` FROM `users` LIMIT 1
println!("{}", select_from("users").columns(&["name", "photo"]).limit(1)


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