spr 1.3.4

Submit pull requests for individual, amendable, rebaseable commits to GitHub
 * Copyright (c) Radical HQ Limited
 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

use indoc::formatdoc;

use crate::{
    error::{Error, Result, ResultExt},

pub async fn init(_opts: &crate::spr::Cli) -> Result<()> {
    output("👋", "Welcome to spr!")?;

    let path = std::env::current_dir()?;
    let repo = git2::Repository::discover(path.clone()).reword(formatdoc!(
        "Could not open a Git repository in {:?}. Please run 'spr' from within \
         a Git repository.",
    let mut config = repo.config()?;

    // GitHub Personal Access Token


    let github_auth_token = config
        .and_then(|value| if value.is_empty() { None } else { Some(value) });

            "Okay, lets get started. First we need a 'Personal Access Token' \
             from GitHub. This will authorise spr to open/update/merge Pull \
             Requests etc. on behalf of your GitHub user.
             You can get one by going to https://github.com/settings/tokens \
             and clicking on 'Generate new token'. The token needs the 'repo', \
             'user' and 'read:org' permissions, so please tick those two boxes \
             in the 'Select scopes' section.
             You might want to set the 'Expiration' to 'No expiration', as \
             otherwise you will have to repeat this procedure soon. Even \
             if the token does not expire, you can always revoke it in case \
             you fear someone got hold of it.
            if github_auth_token.is_some() {
                "Actually, you have set up a PAT already. Just press enter to keep that one, or enter a new one!"
            } else {
                "Please paste in your PAT and press enter. (The input will not be displayed.)"

    let pat = dialoguer::Password::new()
        .with_prompt(if github_auth_token.is_some() {
            "GitHub PAT (leave empty to keep using existing one)"
        } else {
            "GitHub Personal Access Token"

    let pat = if pat.is_empty() {
    } else {

    if pat.is_empty() {
        return Err(Error::new("Cannot continue without an access token."));

    let octocrab = octocrab::OctocrabBuilder::new()
    let github_user = octocrab.current().user().await?;

    output("👋", &formatdoc!("Hello {}!", github_user.login))?;

    config.set_str("spr.githubAuthToken", &pat)?;

    // Name of remote


            "What's the name of the Git remote pointing to GitHub? Usually it's

    let remote = dialoguer::Input::<String>::new()
        .with_prompt("Name of remote for GitHub")
                .unwrap_or_else(|| "origin".to_string()),
    config.set_str("spr.githubRemoteName", &remote)?;

    // Name of the GitHub repo


            "What's the name of the GitHub repository. Please enter \
             'OWNER/REPOSITORY' (basically the bit that follow \
             'github.com/' in the address.)"

    let url = repo.find_remote(&remote)?.url().map(String::from);
    let regex =
    let github_repo = config
        .and_then(|value| if value.is_empty() { None } else { Some(value) })
        .or_else(|| {
                .and_then(|url| regex.captures(url))
                .and_then(|caps| caps.get(1))
                .map(|m| m.as_str().to_string())

    let github_repo = dialoguer::Input::<String>::new()
        .with_prompt("GitHub repository")
    config.set_str("spr.githubRepository", &github_repo)?;

    // Master branch name (just query GitHub)

    let github_repo_info = octocrab
        .get::<octocrab::models::Repository, _, _>(
            format!("repos/{}", &github_repo),

            .map(|s| &s[..])

    // Pull Request branch prefix


    let branch_prefix = config
        .and_then(|value| if value.is_empty() { None } else { Some(value) })
        .unwrap_or_else(|| format!("spr/{}/", &github_user.login));

            "What prefix should be used when naming Pull Request branches?
             Good practice is to begin with 'spr/' as a general namespace \
             for spr-managed Pull Request branches. Continuing with the \
             GitHub user name is a good idea, so there is no danger of names \
             clashing with those of other users.
             The prefix should end with a good separator character (like '/' \
             or '-'), since commit titles will be appended to this prefix."

    let branch_prefix = dialoguer::Input::<String>::new()
        .with_prompt("Branch prefix")
    config.set_str("spr.branchPrefix", &branch_prefix)?;
