Crate splashsurf_lib[][src]

Expand description

Library for surface reconstruction of SPH particle data using marching cubes.

Entry points are the reconstruct_surface or reconstruct_surface_inplace functions.

Feature flags

The following features are all non-default features to reduce the amount of additional dependencies.

  • vtk_extras: Enables helper functions and trait implementations to export meshes using vtkio. In particular it adds From impls for the mesh types used by this crate to convert them to vtkio::model::UnstructuredGridPiece and vtkio::model::DataSet types. If the feature is enabled, The crate exposes its vtkio dependency as splashsurflib::vtkio.
  • io: Enables the io module, containing functions to load and store particle and mesh files from various file formats, e.g. VTK, OBJ, BGEO etc. This feature implies the vtk_extras feature. It is disabled by default because a pure “online” surface reconstruction might not need any file IO. The feature adds several dependencies to support the file formats.
  • profiling: Enables profiling of internal functions. The resulting data can be displayed using the functions from the profiling module. Furthermore, it exposes the profile macro that can be used e.g. by binary crates calling into this library to add their own profiling scopes to the measurements. If this features is not enabled, the macro will just expend to a no-op and remove the (small) performance overhead of the profiling.


pub use nalgebra;
pub use vtkio;
pub use crate::density_map::DensityMap;
pub use crate::octree::SubdivisionCriterion;
pub use crate::uniform_grid::UniformGrid;


Computation of sparse density maps (evaluation of particle densities and mapping onto sparse grids)

Generic tree visitation functions that can be used with tree-like structures


Convenience functions for importing particle data and meshes from various fileformats

SPH kernel function implementations

Triangulation of DensityMaps using marching cubes

Basic mesh types used by the library and implementation of VTK export

Simple neighborhood search based on spatial hashing

Octree for spatially partitioning particle sets


Implementation details for the profile macro

Functions for interpolating quantities (e.g. normals, scalar fields) by evaluating SPH sums

Helper types for cartesian coordinate system topology

Helper types for the implicit background grid used for marching cubes



Creates a scope for profiling


Type representing an axis aligned bounding box in arbitrary dimensions

Parameters for the surface reconstruction

Parameters for the spatial decomposition

Result data returned when the surface reconstruction was successful


Available strategies for the computation of the particle densities

Error type returned when the surface reconstruction fails


Trait that has to be implemented for types to be used as background grid cell indices in the context of the library

Trait that has to be implemented for types to be used as floating points values in the context of the library (e.g. for coordinates, density values)

Convenience trait that combines Send and Sync


Constructs the background grid for marching cubes based on the parameters supplied to the surface reconstruction

Initializes the global thread pool used by this library with the given parameters.

Performs a marching cubes surface construction of the fluid represented by the given particle positions

Performs a marching cubes surface construction of the fluid represented by the given particle positions, inplace

Type Definitions

Convenience type alias for an AABB in two dimensions

Convenience type alias for an AABB in three dimensions