spidermeme 0.1.0

Traits to test for type equality and type inequality
| WARNING: This crate currently depends on nightly rust unstable features. |

<div align="center">
  <p><strong>Rust traits to check for type equality and type inequality.<br>Useful as a building block for more complicated compile-time constraints.</strong></p>
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## Provided traits

### `spidermeme::SameTypeAs<T>`

An automatically implemented marker trait to check if two types are equal.

### `spidermeme::NotSameTypeAs<T>`

An automatically implemented marker trait to check if two types aren't equal.

## Examples

use spidermeme::{SameTypeAs, NotSameTypeAs};

struct MyPair<T1, T2>(T1, T2);

trait ProcessPair {
    fn process(&self);

impl<T1, T2> ProcessPair for MyPair<T1, T2> {
    fn process(&self) {
        println!("Pair of two different types.");

impl<T1, T2> MyPair<T1, T2>
    T1: SameTypeAs<T2>,
    fn process(&self) {
        println!("Pair of same type.");

struct UniquePair<T1, T2>
    T1: NotSameTypeAs<T2>,
    a: T1,
    b: T2,

impl<T1, T2> UniquePair<T1, T2>
    T1: NotSameTypeAs<T2>,
    pub fn new(a: T1, b: T2) -> Self {
        Self { a, b }

fn main() {
    // Prints "Pair of same type."
    MyPair(1_i32, 2_i32).process();

    // Prints "Pair of two different types."
    MyPair(1_i32, 2_i16).process();

    // Valid.
    let x = UniquePair::<i32, f64>::new(1, 2.0);

    // The following fails to compile:
    // let y = UniquePair::<i32, i32>::new(1, 2);

## How type equality works

Type equality is pretty straightforward. The [`SameTypeAs`] trait has a blanket implementation using the same generic parameter. The basic principle looks like this when simplified:

pub trait Same<T> {}
impl<T> Same<T> for T {}

This was inspired by numerous comments floating around on the web.

## How type inequality works

Type inequality uses [`negative_impls`](doc.rust-lang.org/beta/unstable-book/language-features/negative-impls.html) and [`auto_traits`](doc.rust-lang.org/beta/unstable-book/language-features/auto-traits.html). A naive implementation would be like the following:

pub auto trait DifferentNaive {}
impl<T> !DifferentNaive for (T, T) {}

However, this will give false negatives, as the auto trait will not be implemented for types that contain `(T, T)`. For example, the naive implementation will fail in the following example because `((i32, i32), (f64, f64))` contains `(i32, i32)` and `(f64, f64)`, both of which implement the `DifferentNaive` trait:

use static_assertions::assert_impl_all;
assert_impl_all!(((i32, i32), (f64, f64)): DifferentNaive);

This crate works around this by using a private named tuple instead of the primitive tuple, so that it is guaranteed that downstream crates will not test types that contain this named tuple.

## Known problems / quirks

1. Using both [`SameTypeAs`] and [`NotSameTypeAs`] to implement two impls for the same type will give: `error[E0119]: conflicting implementations`, probably due to the current limitations of Rust(?).

2. References to the same type, but with different lifetimes, are treated the same. This could be thought of as a "feature" if you squint hard enough.

3. For type equality in serious projects, you should probably try some [other crates]crates.io/search?q=type%20equal by people who probably know better type theory and rust's type system.

## Unstable features
