spfunc 0.1.0

Rust crate for numerical calculation of special functions.


Rust crate for numerical calculation of special functions.

This crate can calculate each special function for f32, f64, Complex32, Complex64 (from num_complex crate).


This crate is still in the development stage and the numerical calculations are not so accurate (especially Hurwitz zeta function).


The Gamma Function

  • The gamma function
  • The digamma function
  • The polygamma function

The Zeta Function

  • The Riemann zeta function
  • The Hurwitz zeta function

How to use

use spfunc::gamma::*;
use cauchy::{c32, c64};

fn main() {
    println!("Gamma(1.0) = {}", gamma(1.0));
    println!("ln(Gamma(1.0)) = {}", gamma_ln(1.0));

    println!("Gamma(1.2+3.4i) = {}", gamma(c32::new(1.2, 3.4)));
    println!("ln(Gamma(1.2+3.4i)) = {}", gamma_ln(c32::new(1.2, 3.4)));
    println!("DiGamma(1.2+3.4i) = {}", digamma(c64::new(1.2, 3.4)));
    println!("TriGamma(1.2+3.4i) = {}", polygamma(c64::new(1.2, 3.4), 1))