spelltest 0.2.0

SPELL TEST Mechanics

Quick Example

use spelltest::*;

fn main() {
    // --- Create a player character ---
    // Creature::new(name, health, energy, damage, defense)
    // Set mutable variable because we expect a change to health and energy
    let mut player = Creature::new("Pel Nervil", 100, 20, 5, 0);

    // --- Create a dummy enemy ---
    let mut dummy_enemy = Creature::new("Player killer", 200, 50, 10, 5);

    // Let's print their attributes

    // Let's do a turn-based combat
    // First, the player attack the enemy
    player.attack(&mut dummy_enemy); // Borrow and use as mutable to apply a change to enemy health

    // Let's print enemy attributes again, we expect the enemy health is reduced by the attack from the player

    // It's the enemy turn to attack
    dummy_enemy.attack(&mut player); // Like before, borrow and use as mutable

    // Expecting reduced player health

See examples for more!

To run the official example, simply clone this repo and run it by using cargo run --example <folder-name> (Replace <folder-name> with the example folder name).

To run basic example in the examples folder, type cargo run --example basic