spectrusty-audio 0.4.0

Components of the SPECTRUSTY library for synthesizing audio samples and native audio playback.
    Copyright (C) 2020-2022  Rafal Michalski

    This file is part of SPECTRUSTY, a Rust library for building emulators.

    For the full copyright notice, see the lib.rs file.
//! Hard sync without aliasing.
//! For the original implementation refer to [this web site](http://www.slack.net/~ant/bl-synth).
// TODO: re-implement the more efficient integer based blip buffer, this implementation is just enough to get going
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use core::num::NonZeroUsize;
use core::cell::Cell;
use core::ops::AddAssign;

use spectrusty_core::{
    audio::{SampleDelta, Blep, IntoSample, FromSample, MulNorm}

const PI2: f64 = core::f64::consts::PI * 2.0;
/// A number of phase offsets to sample band-limited step at
const PHASE_COUNT: usize = 32;
/// A number of samples in each final band-limited step
const STEP_WIDTH: usize = 24;

/// A trait to implement high-pass and low-pass frequency filter limits for [BandLimited].
pub trait BandLimOpt {
    /// lower values filter more high frequency
    const LOW_PASS: f64 = 0.999;
    /// lower values filter more low frequency
    const HIGH_PASS: f32 = 0.999;

/// A wide pass filter limits for [BandLimited].
pub struct BandLimWide;
impl BandLimOpt for BandLimWide {}

/// A low-frequency pass filter limits for [BandLimited].
pub struct BandLimLowTreb;
impl BandLimOpt for BandLimLowTreb {
    const LOW_PASS: f64 = 0.899;

/// A high-frequency pass filter limits for [BandLimited].
pub struct BandLimLowBass;
impl BandLimOpt for BandLimLowBass {
    const HIGH_PASS: f32 = 0.899;

/// A narrow pass filter limits for [BandLimited].
pub struct BandLimNarrow;
impl BandLimOpt for BandLimNarrow {
    const LOW_PASS: f64 = 0.899;
    const HIGH_PASS: f32 = 0.899;

/// Bandwidth-Limited Pulse Buffer implementation with high-pass and low-pass filtering,
/// for an efficient band-limited synthesis.
/// `T` specifies pulse step amplitude unit types. Currently, implementations are provided for:
///  `f32`, `i16`, and `i32`.
pub struct BandLimited<T, O=BandLimWide> {
    steps: [[T; STEP_WIDTH]; PHASE_COUNT],
    diffs: Vec<T>,
    channels: NonZeroUsize,
    time_rate: f64,
    frame_time: f64,
    start_time: f64,
    sums: Box<[(T, Cell<Option<T>>)]>,
    last_nsamples: Option<usize>,
    _options: PhantomData<O>

impl<T: Copy + Default, O> BandLimited<T, O> {
    /// Clears buffered data and resets `frame start` to default.
    pub fn reset(&mut self) {
        for d in self.diffs.iter_mut() { *d = T::default(); }
        for s in self.sums.iter_mut() { *s = (T::default(), Cell::default()); }
        self.last_nsamples = None;
        self.start_time = 0.0;
    /// Shrinks the excessive capacity of the buffer as much as possible.
    pub fn shrink_to_fit(&mut self) {
    /// Ensures the frame buffer length is large enough to fit data for the specified `frame_time`
    /// with additional `margin_time`.
    /// Sets the duration of the average frame to `frame_time` which should be specified with as much
    /// precision as possible.
    /// `margin_time` specifies a frame duration fluctuation margin and should be significantly smaller
    /// than `frame_time`.
    /// Both `frame_time` and `margin_time` are specified in the sample time units (1.0 = 1 audio sample).
    pub fn set_frame_time(&mut self, frame_time: f64, margin_time: f64) {
        let max_samples = (frame_time + margin_time).ceil() as usize;
        let required_len = (max_samples + STEP_WIDTH + 1) * self.channels.get();
        // eprintln!("max_samples {} required_len {} frame_time {}", max_samples, required_len, frame_time);
        if self.diffs.len() != required_len {
            self.diffs.resize(required_len, T::default());
        self.frame_time = frame_time;
    /// Returns `true` if [BandLimited::end_frame] has been called before the call to [BandLimited::next_frame].
    /// It indicates if audio samples can be digitized from the last frame data.
    pub fn is_frame_ended(&mut self) -> bool {
    /// Finalizes audio frame.
    /// Returns the number of audio samples, single channel-wise, which are ready to be produced from
    /// the frame.
    /// `time_end` is specified in the sample time units (1.0 = 1 audio sample).
    pub fn end_frame(&mut self, time_end: f64) -> usize {
        if self.last_nsamples.is_none() {
            let samples = (time_end - self.start_time).trunc();
            let num_samples = samples as usize;
            self.last_nsamples = Some(num_samples);
        else {
            panic!("BandLimited frame already over");

    fn prepare_next_frame(&mut self, num_samples: usize) {
        let channels = self.channels.get();
        let chans_nsamples = num_samples*channels;
        let chans_step_width = STEP_WIDTH*channels;
        self.diffs.copy_within(chans_nsamples..chans_nsamples+chans_step_width, 0);
        for p in self.diffs[chans_step_width..chans_nsamples+chans_step_width].iter_mut() {
            *p = T::default();

impl<T,O> BandLimited<T,O>
where T: Copy + Default + AddAssign + MulNorm + FromSample<f32>,
      O: BandLimOpt,
      // f32: FromSample<T>,
    /// Returns a new instance of `BandLimited` buffer.
    /// * `channels` - specifies the maximum number of audio channels that the sound can be rendered for.
    /// Before any pulse steps are added to the buffer the method [BandLimited::set_frame_time] or
    /// [Blep::ensure_frame_time] must be called first.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if `channels` equals to `0`.
    pub fn new(channels: usize) -> Self {
        let channels = NonZeroUsize::new(channels).expect("BandLimited: channels should be 1 or more");
        // Generate master band-limited step by adding sine components of a square wave
        let mut steps = [[T::default();STEP_WIDTH];PHASE_COUNT];
        const MASTER_SIZE: usize = STEP_WIDTH * PHASE_COUNT;
        let mut master = [0.5f64;MASTER_SIZE];
        let mut gain: f64 = 0.5 / 0.777; // adjust normal square wave's amplitude of ~0.777 to 0.5
        const SINE_SIZE: usize = 256 * PHASE_COUNT + 2;
        let max_harmonic: usize = SINE_SIZE / 2 / PHASE_COUNT;
        for h in (1..=max_harmonic).step_by(2) {
            let amplitude: f64 = gain / h as f64;
            let to_angle: f64 = PI2 / SINE_SIZE as f64 * h as f64;
            // println!("h: {} amp: {} ang: {}", h, amplitude, to_angle);

            for (i, m) in master.iter_mut().enumerate() {
                *m += ( (i as isize - MASTER_SIZE as isize / 2) as f64 * to_angle ).sin() * amplitude;
            gain *= O::LOW_PASS;
        // Sample master step at several phases
        for (phase, step) in steps.iter_mut().enumerate() {
            let mut error: f64 = 1.0;
            let mut prev: f64 = 0.0;
            for (i, s) in step.iter_mut().enumerate() {
                let cur: f64 = master[i * PHASE_COUNT + (PHASE_COUNT - 1 - phase)];
                let delta: f64 = cur - prev;
                error -= delta;
                prev = cur;
                *s = T::from_sample(delta as f32);
            // each delta should total 1.0
            // println!("PHASE: {} sum: {}", phase, step.iter().copied().fold(0.0, |acc, x| acc + f32::from_sample(x)));
            // println!("{:?}", &step[STEP_WIDTH / 2 - 1..STEP_WIDTH / 2 + 2]);
            // let max = step.iter().max().unwrap();
            // let index = step.iter().position(|x| x == max).unwrap();
            // println!("PHASE: {} {} {}  err: {}", phase, max, index, T::from_sample(error as f32));
            step[STEP_WIDTH / 2    ] += T::from_sample((error * 0.5) as f32);
            if phase < 16 {
                step[STEP_WIDTH / 2 - 1] += T::from_sample((error * 0.5) as f32);
            else {
                step[STEP_WIDTH / 2 + 1] += T::from_sample((error * 0.5) as f32);
            // println!("{:?} {}", &step[STEP_WIDTH / 2 - 1..STEP_WIDTH / 2], step.iter().max().unwrap());
            // println!("PHASE: {} sum: {}", phase, step.iter().copied().fold(0.0, |acc, x| acc + f32::from_sample(x)));
            // for (i, m) in step.iter().enumerate() {
            //     println!("{}: {}", i, "@".repeat((50.0 + f32::from_sample(*m) * 100.0).round() as usize));
            //     // println!("{}", (*m * 32768.0).trunc() as i16);
            // }

        BandLimited {
            diffs: Vec::new(),
            time_rate: 0.0,
            frame_time: 0.0,
            start_time: 0.0,
            sums: vec![(T::default(), Cell::default()); channels.get()].into_boxed_slice(),
            last_nsamples: None,
            _options: PhantomData
    /// Prepares the buffer for the next audio frame.
    /// This method must be called after the call to [BandLimited::end_frame] or to [Blep::end_frame]
    /// and optionally after audio data has been produced with [BandLimited::sum_iter].
    pub fn next_frame(&mut self) {
        let num_samples = self.last_nsamples.take().expect("BandLimited frame not ended");
        self.start_time += num_samples as f64 - self.frame_time;
        for (channel, (sum_tgt, sum_end)) in self.sums.iter_mut().enumerate() {
            *sum_tgt = match sum_end.take() {
                Some(sum) => sum,
                None => {
                    let channels = self.channels.get();
                    let mut sum = *sum_tgt;
                    for diff in self.diffs[..num_samples*channels].iter().skip(channel).step_by(channels) {
                        sum = sum.saturating_add(*diff)

impl<T,O> BandLimited<T,O>
where T: Copy + MulNorm + FromSample<f32>,
      O: BandLimOpt
    /// Returns an iterator that produces audio samples in the specified sample format `S`
    /// from the specified `channel`.
    /// This method must be called after the call to [BandLimited::end_frame] or [Blep::end_frame]
    /// and before [BandLimited::next_frame].
    pub fn sum_iter<'a, S: 'a>(&'a self, channel: usize) -> impl Iterator<Item=S> + ExactSizeIterator + 'a
    where T: IntoSample<S>
        let channels = self.channels.get();
        if channel >= channels {
            panic!("Invalid channel: {}, should match: 0..{}", channel, channels);
        let num_samples = self.last_nsamples.expect("BandLimited frame not ended");
        let diffs = self.diffs[..num_samples*channels].iter().skip(channel).step_by(channels);
        BandLimitedSumIter {
            sum_end: &self.sums[channel].1,
            sum: self.sums[channel].0,
            _output: PhantomData::<S>,
            _options: PhantomData::<O>,

struct BandLimitedSumIter<'a, T: Copy + MulNorm + IntoSample<S> + FromSample<f32>,
                              O: BandLimOpt,
                              I: Iterator<Item=&'a T>,
                              S> {
    diffs: I,
    sum_end: &'a Cell<Option<T>>,
    sum: T,
    _output: PhantomData<S>,
    _options: PhantomData<O>,

impl<'a, T, O, I, S> Drop for BandLimitedSumIter<'a, T, O, I, S>
where I: Iterator<Item=&'a T>,
      O: BandLimOpt,
      T: Copy + MulNorm + IntoSample<S> + FromSample<f32>
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        if self.sum_end.get().is_none() {
            for _ in self.into_iter() {}

impl<'a, T, O, I, S> std::iter::ExactSizeIterator for BandLimitedSumIter<'a, T, O, I, S>
where I: Iterator<Item=&'a T> + ExactSizeIterator,
      T: Copy + MulNorm + IntoSample<S> + FromSample<f32>,
      O: BandLimOpt
    fn len(&self) -> usize {

impl<'a, T, O, I, S> Iterator for BandLimitedSumIter<'a, T, O, I, S>
where I: Iterator<Item=&'a T>,
      T: Copy + MulNorm + IntoSample<S> + FromSample<f32>,
      O: BandLimOpt
    type Item = S;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<S> {
        self.diffs.next().map(|&delta| {
            let sum = self.sum.saturating_add(delta);
            self.sum = sum.mul_norm(T::from_sample(O::HIGH_PASS));

impl<T, O> Blep for BandLimited<T, O>
where T: Copy + Default + SampleDelta + MulNorm
    type SampleDelta = T;

    fn ensure_frame_time(&mut self, sample_rate: u32, ts_rate: f64, frame_ts: FTs, margin_ts: FTs) {
        let time_rate = sample_rate as f64 / ts_rate;
        assert!(time_rate > 0.0);
        let frame_time = time_rate * frame_ts as f64;
        assert!(frame_time > 0.0);
        let margin_time = time_rate * 2.0 * margin_ts as f64;
        assert!(margin_time >= 0.0);
        self.time_rate = time_rate;
        self.set_frame_time(frame_time, margin_time);

    fn end_frame(&mut self, timestamp: FTs) -> usize {
        debug_assert!(timestamp > 0);
        self.end_frame(self.time_rate * timestamp as f64)

    fn add_step(&mut self, channel: usize, timestamp: FTs, delta: T) {
        let channels = self.channels.get();
        debug_assert!(channel < channels);
        let time = self.time_rate * timestamp as f64 - self.start_time;
        let index = time.trunc() as usize * channels + channel;
        // FIX: better handle negative timestamps
        let phase = ((time.fract() * PHASE_COUNT as f64).trunc() as usize).rem_euclid(PHASE_COUNT);
        for (dp, phase) in self.diffs[index..index + STEP_WIDTH*channels]
                          .zip(self.steps[phase].iter()) {
            *dp = dp.saturating_add(phase.mul_norm(delta));