spectrusty-audio 0.4.0

Components of the SPECTRUSTY library for synthesizing audio samples and native audio playback.
    Copyright (C) 2020-2022  Rafal Michalski

    This file is part of SPECTRUSTY, a Rust library for building emulators.

    For the full copyright notice, see the lib.rs file.
//! Music-related functions.
use core::convert::TryInto;
/// Returns an iterator of equal-tempered scale frequencies (in a single octave) obtained from a given base frequency.
/// `hz` base frequency is in Hz (use 440.0 as a good default).
/// `n0` an index from the base frequency to the first note in the table: 0 is for "A" note, -9 for "C".
/// `steps` determines how many halftones will be rendered, (12 is the usual number).
pub fn equal_tempered_scale_note_freqs(hz: f32, n0: i16, steps: i16)
                                         -> impl IntoIterator<Item=f32> + Clone + ExactSizeIterator
    (0..steps).map(move |n| {
        hz * (2.0f32).powf( (n + n0) as f32 / steps as f32 )

/// Renders an array of equal-tempered scale frequencies (in a single octave) obtained from a given base frequency.
/// `hz` base frequency is in Hz (use 440.0 as a good default).
/// `n0` an index from the base frequency to the first note in the table: 0 is for "A" note, -9 for "C".
/// The size of the `target` determines how many halftones will be rendered, (12 is the usual number).
pub fn render_equal_tempered_scale_note_freqs(hz: f32, n0: i16, target: &mut [f32]) {
    let steps = target.len().try_into().expect("target is too large");
    for (t, hz) in target.iter_mut()
                   .zip(equal_tempered_scale_note_freqs(hz, n0, steps)) {
        *t = hz

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn nearly_equal(a: f32, b: f32, epsilon: f32) -> bool {
        let abs_a = a.abs();
        let abs_b = b.abs();
        let diff = (a - b).abs();
        if a == b {
        else if a == 0.0 || b == 0.0 || (abs_a + abs_b < f32::MIN_POSITIVE) {
            diff < epsilon * f32::MIN_POSITIVE
        else {
            diff / (abs_a + abs_b).min(f32::MAX) < epsilon

    fn music_works() {
        let mut freqs = vec![0.0f32;12];
        render_equal_tempered_scale_note_freqs(440.0, 0, &mut freqs);
        let freqs0 = vec![440.0, 466.1638, 493.8833, 523.2511, 554.3653, 587.3295,
                          622.25397, 659.2551, 698.4565, 739.98883, 783.99084, 830.6094];
        for (freq1, freq0) in freqs.into_iter().zip(freqs0.into_iter()) {
            assert!(nearly_equal(freq1, freq0, f32::EPSILON));