spectra 0.8.1

Demoscene framework
# spectra, a demoscene engine

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**spectra** is a demoscene framework – or call it engine – which aims are to ease [demoscene](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demoscene)
productions development. Those aims must be reached in terms of the demo itself but also in terms of
tools written to make the demo. spectra features both sides of such a making process. The idea is to
provide a robust library that can be used to build end-user binaries as well as demo tools for
editing process for instance.

## What is it good for?

Even though the main goals are to provide a strong codebase for demo making, the engine should be
usable for other applications, like video game making. Interaction is not a primary focus, but it
should enhance with time though.

If you target animation-related applications, you should find **spectra** a friend of yours.

## Hacking

Because **spectra** exists to help me writing demos, I don’t usually accept PR on that project,
since I want to be the only one working on my demo. However, as I love Open Source, if you really
provide a useful patch or a very nice idea, I shall merge it. But hush… ;)