sparse_complex 0.1.0

An abstraction layer for sparse21 that adds support for complex sparse matrices.


An abstraction layer for sparse21 that adds support for complex sparse matrices.

Complex Number representation

In this implementation, a complex number is represented as a tuple of f64. Where the first element is the real part and the second is the imaginary part, as shown bellow:

let complex_number: (f64, f64) = (1.0 , 1.0) // 1 + j1

The use of f64 is a limitation of sparse21.


Lets consider the complex linear system bellow:

We can solve this system as follows:

use sparse_complex::ComplexMatrix;

let mut a = ComplexMatrix::new();
a.add_element(0, 0, (1., 1.));
a.add_element(1, 1, (1., 1.));

let b = [(1., 0.), (0., 1.)];

let solution = a.solve(&b);
assert_eq!(solution.unwrap(), vec![(0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5)]);

The solution of this system is:

Vesion Compatible

The sparse_complex crate is tested for rustc 1.50 and greater.


MIT License. See LICENSE.