spaceapi-server 0.8.0

A library that allows you to easily implement a SpaceAPI server.
//! This crate enables you to create your own SpaceAPI server endpoint using
//! Rust. In the end you'll get a single binary that you can run on your
//! server.
//! ## Requirements
//! On the build machine:
//! - Rust and Cargo ([](
//! On the server:
//! - Redis
//! The Redis instance will be used to store dynamic data like sensor values,
//! as well as keys for dynamic data update authentication.
//! ## Getting Started
//! Create a new Rust project:
//! ```text
//! cargo new --bin mystatus
//! ```
//! Add the `spaceapi-server` dependency to `Cargo.toml`:
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! spaceapi-server = "0.7"
//! ```
//! Create a ``:
//! ```no_run
//! use spaceapi_server::api::{Contact, Location, StatusBuilder};
//! use spaceapi_server::SpaceapiServerBuilder;
//! fn main() {
//!     // Create new minimal v14 Status instance
//!     let status = StatusBuilder::v14("coredump")
//!         .logo("")
//!         .url("")
//!         .location(Location {
//!             address: Some("Spinnereistrasse 2, 8640 Rapperswil, Switzerland".into()),
//!             lat: 47.22936,
//!             lon: 8.82949,
//!             timezone: None,
//!         })
//!         .contact(Contact {
//!             irc: Some("irc://".into()),
//!             twitter: Some("@coredump_ch".into()),
//!             ..Default::default()
//!         })
//!         .build()
//!         .expect("Creating status failed");
//!     // Set up server
//!     let server = SpaceapiServerBuilder::new(status)
//!         .redis_connection_info("redis://")
//!         .build()
//!         .unwrap();
//!     // Serve!
//!     let _ = server.serve("");
//! }
//! ```
//! Now you can build and run your binary with `cargo run`. Running this code
//! starts a HTTP server instance on port 8000. You can also override the port
//! by setting the `PORT` environment variable.
//! See the
//! [`examples/`](
//! directory for some other examples.
//! ## Sensors
//! ### Registering Sensors
//! This crate supports updating and retrieving dynamic sensor values (e.g.
//! temperature or people present). For this, first register a sensor with a
//! sensor template:
//! ```rust
//! use spaceapi_server::SpaceapiServerBuilder;
//! use spaceapi_server::api::sensors::{
//!    PeopleNowPresentSensorTemplate, SensorMetadata, SensorMetadataWithLocation, TemperatureSensorTemplate,
//! };
//! # use spaceapi_server::api;
//! # let status = api::StatusBuilder::v14("aa")
//! #     .logo("")
//! #     .url("")
//! #     .location(api::Location {
//! #         address: Some("addr".into()),
//! #         lat: 47.0,
//! #         lon: 8.0,
//! #         timezone: None,
//! #     })
//! #     .contact(api::Contact {
//! #         twitter: Some("@example".into()),
//! #         ..Default::default()
//! #     })
//! #     .build()
//! #     .expect("Creating status failed");
//! #
//! let server = SpaceapiServerBuilder::new(status)
//!     .redis_connection_info("redis://")
//!     .add_sensor(PeopleNowPresentSensorTemplate {
//!         metadata: SensorMetadata {
//!             location: Some("Hackerspace".into()),
//!             ..Default::default()
//!         },
//!     }, "people_now_present".into())
//!     .add_sensor(TemperatureSensorTemplate {
//!         metadata: SensorMetadataWithLocation {
//!             location: "Room 1".into(),
//!             ..Default::default()
//!         },
//!         unit: "°C".into(),
//!     }, "temp_room1".into())
//!     .add_sensor(TemperatureSensorTemplate {
//!         metadata: SensorMetadataWithLocation {
//!             location: "Room 2".into(),
//!             ..Default::default()
//!         },
//!         unit: "°C".into(),
//!     }, "temp_room2".into())
//!     .build()
//! .expect("Could not initialize server");
//! ```
//! (You can find the full example at
//! [`examples/`](
//! This will register three sensors: One "people now present" sensor and two
//! "temperature" sensors.
//! ### Updating Sensors via HTTP
//! If you start the server like that, the JSON output will not yet contain any
//! sensor data. To update a sensor value, send a HTTP POST request to the
//! `/sensors/<sensor-id>/` endpoint with the `value` parameter:
//! ```text
//! curl -v -X PUT -d value=42
//! curl -v -X PUT -d value=13.37
//! ```
//! Now the server response will contain the following key:
//! ```json
//! "sensors": {
//!   "people_now_present": [
//!     {
//!       "location": "Hackerspace",
//!       "value": 42
//!     }
//!   ],
//!   "temperature": [
//!     {
//!       "unit": "°C",
//!       "location": "Room 1",
//!       "value": 13.37
//!     }
//!   ]
//! },
//! ```
//! ### Updating Sensors via Redis
//! Alternatively you can modify the values in Redis directly. You can access
//! the database with the `redis-cli` tool:
//! ```text
//! % redis-cli
//!> SET people_now_present 1
//! OK
//!> GET people_now_present
//! "1"
//!> KEYS *
//! 1) "people_now_present"
//! 2) "temp_room1"
//! ```
//! The keys need to match the IDs you used when registering the sensor.

#![doc(html_root_url = "")]

pub use spaceapi as api;

pub use iron::error::HttpResult;
pub use iron::Listening;

mod errors;
pub mod modifiers;
mod sensors;
mod server;
mod types;

pub use crate::errors::SpaceapiServerError;
pub use crate::server::SpaceapiServer;
pub use crate::server::SpaceapiServerBuilder;

/// Return own crate version. Used in API responses.
pub fn get_version() -> &'static str {

mod test {
    use super::get_version;

    fn test_get_version() {
        let version = get_version();
        assert_eq!(3, version.split('.').count());