sozu-lib 0.1.1

sozu library to build hot reconfigurable HTTP reverse proxies

sozu_lib, a proxy development library

sozu_lib provides tools to write a proxy that can be reconfigured without any downtime. See examples/ for a small example of starting a HTTP proxy with one application.

A proxy starts as an event loop with which you communicate through a Channel. You can add or remove applications by sending messages through that channel. Each message has an identifier that the event loop will use in its answer.

The proxy implementations handle differently the frontend and backend configurations. A single application could have multiple backend servers, but it can also answer to different hostnames and various TLS certificates. All those settings can be changed independently from the currently active connections. As an example, a backend server could be removed from the configuration while a client is still proxied through to that server. It should be possible later to force that connection to close if too many of those are lingering.

Exploring the source

  • the Channel implementation, using anonymous unix socket as underlying transport
  • parser/: only the HTTP 1.1 parser for now
  • network/buffer*: data buffering implementations
  • network/protocol/: the HTTP, TLS handshake and piping proxies
  • network/{http|tls|tcp}.rs: proxies for HTTP, HTTPS and TCP
  • network/ the main event loop shared by all proxies
  • network/ abstraction over normal sockets and SslStream