sorted-iter 0.1.7

Typesafe extensions for sorted iterators, including set and relational operations
//! implementation of the sorted_pair_iterator relational operations
use super::*;
use crate::sorted_iterator::SortedByItem;
use core::{
    cmp::{max, min},
use std::collections;

/// marker trait for iterators that are sorted by the key of their Item
pub trait SortedByKey {}

pub struct Join<I: Iterator, J: Iterator> {
    pub(crate) a: Peekable<I>,
    pub(crate) b: Peekable<J>,

impl<K, A, B, I, J> Iterator for Join<I, J>
    K: Ord,
    I: Iterator<Item = (K, A)> + SortedByKey,
    J: Iterator<Item = (K, B)> + SortedByKey,
    type Item = (K, (A, B));

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        while let (Some((ak, _)), Some((bk, _))) = (self.a.peek(), self.b.peek()) {
            match ak.cmp(&bk) {
                Less => {
                Greater => {
                Equal => {
                    if let (Some((ak, av)), Some((_, bv))) = (, {
                        return Some((ak, (av, bv)));
                    } else {

    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
        let (_, amax) = self.a.size_hint();
        let (_, bmax) = self.b.size_hint();
        let rmin = 0;
        let rmax = amax.and_then(|amax||bmax| min(amax, bmax)));
        (rmin, rmax)

impl<I: Iterator + Clone, J: Iterator + Clone> Clone for Join<I, J>
    I::Item: Clone,
    J::Item: Clone,
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        Self {
            a: self.a.clone(),
            b: self.b.clone(),

pub struct LeftJoin<I: Iterator, J: Iterator> {
    pub(crate) a: Peekable<I>,
    pub(crate) b: Peekable<J>,

impl<K, A, B, I, J> Iterator for LeftJoin<I, J>
    K: Ord,
    I: Iterator<Item = (K, A)>,
    J: Iterator<Item = (K, B)>,
    type Item = (K, (A, Option<B>));

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        let (ak, av) =;
        while let Some((bk, _)) = self.b.peek() {
            match ak.cmp(bk) {
                Less => break,
                Greater => {
                Equal => {
                    let (_, bv) =;
                    return Some((ak, (av, Some(bv))));
        Some((ak, (av, None)))

    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {

impl<I: Iterator + Clone, J: Iterator + Clone> Clone for LeftJoin<I, J>
    I::Item: Clone,
    J::Item: Clone,
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        Self {
            a: self.a.clone(),
            b: self.b.clone(),

pub struct RightJoin<I: Iterator, J: Iterator> {
    pub(crate) a: Peekable<I>,
    pub(crate) b: Peekable<J>,

impl<K, A, B, I, J> Iterator for RightJoin<I, J>
    K: Ord,
    I: Iterator<Item = (K, A)>,
    J: Iterator<Item = (K, B)>,
    type Item = (K, (Option<A>, B));

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        let (bk, bv) =;
        while let Some((ak, _)) = self.a.peek() {
            match bk.cmp(ak) {
                Less => break,
                Greater => {
                Equal => {
                    let (_, av) =;
                    return Some((bk, (Some(av), bv)));
        Some((bk, (None, bv)))

    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {

impl<I: Iterator + Clone, J: Iterator + Clone> Clone for RightJoin<I, J>
    I::Item: Clone,
    J::Item: Clone,
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        Self {
            a: self.a.clone(),
            b: self.b.clone(),

pub struct OuterJoin<I: Iterator, J: Iterator> {
    pub(crate) a: Peekable<I>,
    pub(crate) b: Peekable<J>,

// all this just so I could avoid having this expression twice in the iterator.
// Sometimes making things DRY in rust is hard...
impl<K, A, B, I, J> OuterJoin<I, J>
    K: Ord,
    I: Iterator<Item = (K, A)>,
    J: Iterator<Item = (K, B)>,
    // type alias does not help much here...
    fn next_a(&mut self) -> Option<(K, (Option<A>, Option<B>))> {|(ak, av)| (ak, (Some(av), None)))

    fn next_b(&mut self) -> Option<(K, (Option<A>, Option<B>))> {|(bk, bv)| (bk, (None, Some(bv))))

impl<K, A, B, I, J> Iterator for OuterJoin<I, J>
    K: Ord,
    I: Iterator<Item = (K, A)>,
    J: Iterator<Item = (K, B)>,
    type Item = (K, (Option<A>, Option<B>));

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        if let (Some((ak, _)), Some((bk, _))) = (self.a.peek(), self.b.peek()) {
            match ak.cmp(&bk) {
                Less => self.next_a(),
                Greater => self.next_b(),
                Equal => self
                    .and_then(|(ak, av)||(_, bv)| (ak, (Some(av), Some(bv))))),
        } else {
            self.next_a().or_else(|| self.next_b())

    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
        let (amin, amax) = self.a.size_hint();
        let (bmin, bmax) = self.b.size_hint();
        let rmin = max(amin, bmin);
        let rmax = amax.and_then(|amax||bmax| amax + bmax));
        (rmin, rmax)

impl<I: Iterator + Clone, J: Iterator + Clone> Clone for OuterJoin<I, J>
    I::Item: Clone,
    J::Item: Clone,
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        Self {
            a: self.a.clone(),
            b: self.b.clone(),

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Keys<I: Iterator> {
    pub(crate) i: I,

impl<K, V, I> Iterator for Keys<I>
    K: Ord,
    I: Iterator<Item = (K, V)>,
    type Item = K;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {|(k, _)| k)

    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct MapValues<I: Iterator, F> {
    pub(crate) i: I,
    pub(crate) f: F,

impl<K, V, W, I, F> Iterator for MapValues<I, F>
    K: Ord,
    I: Iterator<Item = (K, V)>,
    F: FnMut(V) -> W,
    type Item = (K, W);

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {|(k, v)| (k, (self.f)(v)))

    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct FilterMapValues<I: Iterator, F> {
    pub(crate) i: I,
    pub(crate) f: F,

impl<K, V, W, I, F> Iterator for FilterMapValues<I, F>
    K: Ord,
    I: Iterator<Item = (K, V)>,
    F: FnMut(V) -> Option<W>,
    type Item = (K, W);

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        while let Some((k, v)) = {
            if let Some(w) = (self.f)(v) {
                return Some((k, w));

    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
        let (_, imax) = self.i.size_hint();
        (0, imax)

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct AssumeSortedByKey<I: Iterator> {
    pub(crate) i: I,

impl<I: Iterator> Iterator for AssumeSortedByKey<I> {
    type Item = I::Item;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {

    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {

// not sure how to model this: an iterator that is sorted by key automatically sorted by item as well,
// since the key comes first in the order of a pair. The reverse is not true, since e.g. (0,1), (0,2)
// are sorted by item, but not strictly sorted by key!

// mark common std traits
impl<I> SortedByKey for iter::Empty<I> {}
impl<I> SortedByKey for iter::Once<I> {}
impl<I> SortedByKey for iter::Enumerate<I> {}

impl<I: Iterator + SortedByItem> SortedByKey for Pairs<I> {}
impl<I: Iterator, F> SortedByKey for MapValues<I, F> {}
impl<I: Iterator, F> SortedByKey for FilterMapValues<I, F> {}

impl<I: SortedByKey> SortedByKey for iter::Take<I> {}
impl<I: SortedByKey> SortedByKey for iter::Skip<I> {}
impl<I: SortedByKey> SortedByKey for iter::StepBy<I> {}
impl<I: SortedByKey> SortedByKey for iter::Cloned<I> {}
impl<I: SortedByKey> SortedByKey for iter::Copied<I> {}
impl<I: SortedByKey> SortedByKey for iter::Fuse<I> {}
impl<I: SortedByKey, F> SortedByKey for iter::Inspect<I, F> {}
impl<I: SortedByKey, P> SortedByKey for iter::TakeWhile<I, P> {}
impl<I: SortedByKey, P> SortedByKey for iter::SkipWhile<I, P> {}
impl<I: SortedByKey, P> SortedByKey for iter::Filter<I, P> {}
impl<I: SortedByKey + Iterator> SortedByKey for iter::Peekable<I> {}
impl<I: SortedByItem, J> SortedByKey for iter::Zip<I, J> {}

impl<I: Iterator, J: Iterator> SortedByKey for Join<I, J> {}
impl<I: Iterator, J: Iterator> SortedByKey for LeftJoin<I, J> {}
impl<I: Iterator, J: Iterator> SortedByKey for RightJoin<I, J> {}
impl<I: Iterator, J: Iterator> SortedByKey for OuterJoin<I, J> {}
impl<I: Iterator> SortedByKey for AssumeSortedByKey<I> {}

impl<K, V> SortedByKey for collections::btree_map::IntoIter<K, V> {}
impl<'a, K, V> SortedByKey for collections::btree_map::Iter<'a, K, V> {}
impl<'a, K, V> SortedByKey for collections::btree_map::IterMut<'a, K, V> {}
impl<'a, K, V> SortedByKey for collections::btree_map::Range<'a, K, V> {}
impl<'a, K, V> SortedByKey for collections::btree_map::RangeMut<'a, K, V> {}

mod tests {
    extern crate maplit;
    use super::*;
    use collections::BTreeMap;
    use core::fmt::Debug;
    use maplit::*;

    /// just a helper to get good output when a check fails
    fn unary_op<E: Debug, R: Eq + Debug>(x: E, expected: R, actual: R) -> bool {
        let res = expected == actual;
        if !res {
            println!("x:{:?} expected:{:?} actual:{:?}", x, expected, actual);

    /// just a helper to get good output when a check fails
    fn binary_op<E: Debug, R: Eq + Debug>(a: E, b: E, expected: R, actual: R) -> bool {
        let res = expected == actual;
        if !res {
                "a:{:?} b:{:?} expected:{:?} actual:{:?}",
                a, b, expected, actual

    type Element = i64;
    type Reference = BTreeMap<Element, Element>;

    fn join(a: Reference, b: Reference) -> bool {
        type Result = BTreeMap<Element, (Element, Element)>;
        let expected: Result = a
            .map(|k| (k.clone(), (a[k], b[k])))
        let actual: Result = a.clone().into_iter().join(b.clone().into_iter()).collect();
        binary_op(a, b, expected, actual)

    fn left_join(a: Reference, b: Reference) -> bool {
        type Result = BTreeMap<Element, (Element, Option<Element>)>;
        let expected: Result = a
            .map(|k| (k.clone(), (a[k], b.get(k).cloned())))
        let actual: Result = a
        binary_op(a, b, expected, actual)

    fn right_join(a: Reference, b: Reference) -> bool {
        type Result = BTreeMap<Element, (Option<Element>, Element)>;
        let expected: Result = b
            .map(|k| (k.clone(), (a.get(k).cloned(), b[k])))
        let actual: Result = a
        binary_op(a, b, expected, actual)

    fn outer_join(a: Reference, b: Reference) -> bool {
        type Result = BTreeMap<Element, (Option<Element>, Option<Element>)>;
        let expected: Result = a
            .map(|k| (k.clone(), (a.get(k).cloned(), b.get(k).cloned())))
        let actual: Result = a
        binary_op(a, b, expected, actual)

    fn map_values(x: Reference) -> bool {
        type Result = BTreeMap<Element, Element>;
        let expected: Result = x.clone().into_iter().map(|(k, v)| (k, v * 2)).collect();
        let actual: Result = x.clone().into_iter().map_values(|v| v * 2).collect();
        unary_op(x, expected, actual)

    fn filter_map_values(x: Reference) -> bool {
        type Result = BTreeMap<Element, Element>;
        let expected: Result = x
            .filter_map(|(k, v)| if v % 2 != 0 { Some((k, v * 2)) } else { None })
        let actual: Result = x
            .filter_map_values(|v| if v % 2 != 0 { Some(v * 2) } else { None })
        unary_op(x, expected, actual)

    fn is_s<K, V, I: Iterator<Item = (K, V)> + SortedByKey>(_v: I) {}

    fn s() -> impl Iterator<Item = (i64, ())> + SortedByKey {

    fn instances() {
        // creation
        is_s(iter::empty::<(i64, ())>());
        is_s(iter::once((0, ())));
        is_s([1, 2, 3, 4].iter().enumerate());
        // ranges
        // skip/take/step/filter
        is_s(s().take_while(|_| true));
        is_s(s().skip_while(|_| true));
        is_s(s().filter(|_| true));
        // identity
        is_s(s().inspect(|_| {}));
        // relational
        // btreeset
        is_s(btreemap! { 0i64 => "" }.iter());
        is_s(btreemap! { 0i64 => "" }.into_iter());
        is_s(btreemap! { 0i64 => "" }.iter_mut());
        is_s(btreemap! { 0i64 => "" }.range(..));
        is_s(btreemap! { 0i64 => "" }.range_mut(..));