songbird 0.1.0

An async Rust library for the Discord voice API.
#[cfg(all(feature = "driver", not(any(feature = "rustls", feature = "native"))))]
    "You have the `driver` feature enabled: \
    either the `rustls` or `native` feature must be
    selected to let Songbird's driver use websockets.\n\
    - `rustls` uses Rustls, a pure Rust TLS-implemenation.\n\
    - `native` uses SChannel on Windows, Secure Transport on macOS, \
    and OpenSSL on other platforms.\n\
    If you are unsure, go with `rustls`."

    feature = "twilight",
    not(any(feature = "simd-zlib", feature = "stock-zlib"))
    "Twilight requires you to specify a zlib backend: \
    either the `simd-zlib` or `stock-zlib` feature must be
    If you are unsure, go with `stock-zlib`."

fn main() {}