songbird 0.1.0

An async Rust library for the Discord voice API.
harness = false
name = "base-mixing"
path = "benches/"

harness = false
name = "mixing-task"
path = "benches/"
required-features = ["internals"]
optional = true
version = "0.1"

default-features = false
features = ["tokio-runtime"]
optional = true
version = "0.11"

optional = true
version = "0.2"

optional = true
version = "1"

features = ["discord-full"]
optional = true
version = "0.2"

optional = true
version = "0.10"

version = "0.3"

optional = true
version = "0.11"

optional = true
version = "0.8"

features = ["derive"]
version = "1"

version = "1"

default-features = false
features = ["voice", "gateway"]
optional = true
version = "0.10"

optional = true
version = "0.1"

optional = true
version = "1"

optional = true
version = "0.1"

default-features = false
optional = true
version = "1.0"

version = "0.1"

version = "0.2"

default-features = false
optional = true
version = "0.3"

default-features = false
optional = true
version = "0.3"

optional = true
version = "0.1"

optional = true
version = "2"

features = ["v4"]
optional = true
version = "0.8"

optional = true
version = "0.6"
version = "0.3"

builtin-queue = []
default = ["serenity-rustls", "driver", "gateway"]
driver = ["async-trait", "async-tungstenite", "audiopus", "byteorder", "discortp", "flume", "parking_lot", "rand", "serenity-voice-model", "spin_sleep", "streamcatcher", "tokio/fs", "tokio/io-util", "tokio/macros", "tokio/net", "tokio/process", "tokio/rt", "tokio/sync", "tokio/time", "typemap_rev", "url", "uuid", "xsalsa20poly1305"]
gateway = ["flume", "parking_lot", "tokio/sync"]
internals = []
native = ["async-tungstenite/tokio-native-tls"]
rustls = ["async-tungstenite/tokio-rustls"]
serenity-deps = ["async-trait"]
serenity-native = ["serenity/native_tls_backend", "native", "gateway", "serenity-deps"]
serenity-rustls = ["serenity/rustls_backend", "rustls", "gateway", "serenity-deps"]
simd-zlib = ["twilight-gateway/simd-zlib"]
stock-zlib = ["twilight-gateway/stock-zlib"]
twilight = ["twilight-model"]
twilight-native = ["twilight", "twilight-gateway/native", "native", "gateway"]
twilight-rustls = ["twilight", "twilight-gateway/rustls", "rustls", "gateway"]
youtube-dlc = []

authors = ["Kyle Simpson <>"]
description = "An async Rust library for the Discord voice API."
documentation = ""
edition = "2018"
homepage = ""
include = ["src/**/*.rs", "Cargo.toml", ""]
keywords = ["discord", "api", "rtp", "audio"]
license = "ISC"
name = "songbird"
readme = ""
repository = ""
version = "0.1.0"
features = ["default", "twilight-rustls", "builtin-queue", "stock-zlib"]