solvent 0.5.0

Dependency Resolver library
//! Solvent is a dependency resolver library written in rust.
//! Solvent helps you to resolve dependency orderings by building up a dependency
//! graph and then resolving the dependences of some target node in an order such
//! that each output depends only upon the previous outputs.
//! It is currently quite simple, but is still useful.
//! #Example
//! ```rust
//! extern crate solvent;
//! use solvent::DepGraph;
//! fn main() {
//!     // Create a new empty DepGraph.  Must be `mut` or else it cannot
//!     // be used by the rest of the library.
//!     let mut depgraph: DepGraph = DepGraph::new();
//!     // You can register a dependency like this.  Solvent will
//!     // automatically create nodes for any term it has not seen before.
//!     // This means 'b' depends on 'd'
//!     depgraph.register_dependency("b","d");
//!     // You can also register multiple dependencies at once
//!     depgraph.register_dependencies("a",&["b","c","d"]);
//!     depgraph.register_dependencies("c",&["e"]);
//!     // Iterate through each dependency of "a".  The dependencies will be
//!     // returned in an order such that each output only depends on the
//!     // previous outputs (or nothing).  The target itself will be output
//!     // last.
//!     for node in depgraph.dependencies_of("a") {
//!         print!("{} ", node);
//!     }
//! }
//! ```
//! The above will output:  `d b e c a` or `e c d b a` or some other valid
//! dependency order.
//! The algorithm is not deterministic, and may give a different answer each
//! time it is run.  Beware.
//! You can also mark some elements as already satisfied, and the iterator
//! will take that into account:
//! ```ignore
//! depgraph.mark_as_satisfied(["e","c"]);
//! ```
//! Dependency cycles are detected and will cause a panic!()

#![crate_name = "solvent"]
#![crate_type = "lib"]

// Required for log and rustdoc:
#[phase(plugin, link)]

extern crate log;

use std::collections::{HashMap,HashSet};
use std::collections::hash_map::{Occupied,Vacant};
use std::iter::{Iterator};
use std::task;

/// This is the dependency graph.
pub struct DepGraph {
    /// List of dependencies.  Key is the element, values are the
    /// other elements that the key element depends upon.
    pub dependencies: HashMap<String,HashSet<String>>,

    /// Nodes already satisfied.  dependencies_of() will prune
    /// dependency searches at these nodes, and not output nodes
    /// registered here.
    pub satisfied: HashSet<String>,

pub enum SolventError {
    // TODO once we implement conflicts: Conflict(String)

/// This iterates through the dependencies of the DepGraph's target
pub struct DepGraphIterator<'a> {
    depgraph: &'a DepGraph,

    // Target we are trying to satisfy
    target: String,

    // Elements already satisfied during this iterator's walk
    satisfied: HashSet<String>,

    // Current path, for cycle detection
    curpath: HashSet<String>,

    // Halted.  Used so that it can return None after an Err is returned.
    halted: bool,

impl DepGraph {

    /// Create an empty DepGraph.
    pub fn new() -> DepGraph
        DepGraph {
            dependencies: HashMap::new(),
            satisfied: HashSet::new(),

    /// Add a dependency to a DepGraph.  The node does not need
    /// to pre-exist, nor do the dependency nodes.  But if the
    /// node does pre-exist, the depends_on will be added to its
    /// existing dependency list.
    pub fn register_dependency<'a>( &mut self,
                                node: &'a str,
                                depends_on: &'a str )
        match self.dependencies.entry( String::from_str(node) ) {
            Vacant(entry) => {
                let mut deps = HashSet::with_capacity(1);
                deps.insert( String::from_str(depends_on) );
                entry.set( deps );
            Occupied(mut entry) => {

    /// Add multiple dependencies of one node to a DepGraph.  The
    /// node does not need to pre-exist, nor do the dependency elements.
    /// But if the node does pre-exist, the depends_on will be added
    /// to its existing dependency list.
    pub fn register_dependencies<'a>( &mut self,
                                  node: &'a str,
                                  depends_on: &'a[&'a str] )
        match self.dependencies.entry( String::from_str(node) ) {
            Vacant(entry) => {
                let mut deps = HashSet::with_capacity( depends_on.len() );
                for s in depends_on.iter() {
                    deps.insert( String::from_str(*s) );
                entry.set( deps );
            Occupied(mut entry) => {
                for s in depends_on.iter() {
                    (*entry.get_mut()).insert( String::from_str(*s) );

    /// This marks a node as satisfied.  Iterators will not output
    /// such nodes.
    pub fn mark_as_satisfied<'a>( &mut self,
                                   nodes: &'a[&'a str] )
        for node in nodes.iter() {

    /// Get an iterator to iterate through the dependencies of
    /// the target node.
    pub fn dependencies_of<'a>(&'a self, target: &str) -> DepGraphIterator<'a>
        // TODO: iterator's satisfied could start empty, and all checks
        //       could separately check depgraph's and iterator's.  That
        //       would avoid the copy.
        DepGraphIterator {
            depgraph: self,
            target: target.into_string(),
            satisfied: self.satisfied.clone(),
            curpath: HashSet::new(),
            halted: false,

impl<'a> DepGraphIterator<'a> {

    fn get_next_dependency(&mut self, node: &String) -> Result<String,SolventError>
        if self.curpath.contains(node) {
            return Err(SolventError::CycleDetected);

        let deplist = match self.depgraph.dependencies.get(node) {
            None => return Ok(node.clone()),
            Some(deplist) => deplist.clone() // ouch

        for n in deplist.iter() {
            // Prune satisfied nodes
            if self.satisfied.contains(n) {

            return self.get_next_dependency(n);
        // nodes dependencies are satisfied

impl<'a> Iterator< Result<String,SolventError> > for DepGraphIterator<'a> {
    /// Get next dependency.  Returns None when finished.  You should
    /// always check the error status with get_error(), because it also
    /// returns None if an error occurred.
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option< Result<String,SolventError> >
        if self.halted {
            return None;

        let node =;
        if self.satisfied.contains(&node) {
            return None;

        let next = match self.get_next_dependency(&node) {
            Ok(d) => d,
            Err(e) => {
                self.halted = true;
                return Some(Err(e));

fn solvent_test_branching() {
    let mut depgraph: DepGraph = DepGraph::new();


    let mut results: Vec<String> = Vec::new();

    for node in depgraph.dependencies_of("a") {
        // detect infinite looping bugs
        assert!(results.len() < 30);

        let n = node.unwrap();

        // Check that all of that nodes dependencies have already been output
        let deps: Option<&HashSet<String>> = depgraph.dependencies.get(&n);
        if deps.is_some() {
            for dep in deps.unwrap().iter() {
                assert!( results.contains(dep) );


    // Be sure we actually output enough stuff
    assert!(results.len() == 14);

    // Be sure each output is unique
    for result in results.iter() {
        let mut count = 0u;
        for result2 in results.iter() {
            if result == result2 { count = count + 1; }
        assert!(count == 1);

fn solvent_test_updating_dependencies() {
    let mut depgraph: DepGraph = DepGraph::new();


fn solvent_test_circular() {

    let mut depgraph: DepGraph = DepGraph::new();

    for node in depgraph.dependencies_of("a") {
        assert!(node.unwrap_err() == SolventError::CycleDetected);

fn solvent_test_satisfied_stoppage() {

    let mut depgraph: DepGraph = DepGraph::new();
    depgraph.register_dependencies("superconn", &[]);
    depgraph.register_dependencies("owneruser", &["superconn"]);
    depgraph.register_dependencies("appuser", &["superconn"]);
    depgraph.register_dependencies("database", &["owneruser"]);
    depgraph.register_dependencies("ownerconn", &["database","owneruser"]);
    depgraph.register_dependencies("adminconn", &["database"]);
    depgraph.register_dependencies("extensions", &["database","adminconn"]);
    depgraph.register_dependencies("schema_table", &["database","ownerconn"]);
    depgraph.register_dependencies("schemas", &["ownerconn","extensions","schema_table","appuser"]);
    depgraph.register_dependencies("appconn", &["database","appuser","schemas"]);


    let mut results: Vec<String> = Vec::new();

    for node in depgraph.dependencies_of("appconn") {
        assert!(results.len() < 30);

    // Be sure we did not depend on these
    assert!( !results.contains(&String::from_str("appuser")) );
    assert!( !results.contains(&String::from_str("owneruser")) );
    assert!( !results.contains(&String::from_str("superconn")) );

    // Be sure we actually output enough stuff
    assert!(results.len() == 7);

    // Be sure each output is unique
    for result in results.iter() {
        let mut count = 0u;
        for result2 in results.iter() {
            if result == result2 { count = count + 1; }
        assert!(count == 1);