solana-ws 0.2.0

Lightweight, event-driven WebSockets for Rust.
extern crate clap;
extern crate env_logger;
extern crate url;
/// An example of a client-server-agnostic WebSocket that takes input from stdin and sends that
/// input to all other peers.
/// For example, to create a network like this:
/// 3013 ---- 3012 ---- 3014
///   \        |
///    \       |
///     \      |
///      \     |
///       \    |
///        \   |
///         \  |
///          3015
/// Run these commands in separate processes
/// ./peer2peer
/// ./peer2peer --server localhost:3013 ws://localhost:3012
/// ./peer2peer --server localhost:3014 ws://localhost:3012
/// ./peer2peer --server localhost:3015 ws://localhost:3012 ws://localhost:3013
/// Stdin on 3012 will be sent to all other peers
/// Stdin on 3013 will be sent to 3012 and 3015
/// Stdin on 3014 will be sent to 3012 only
/// Stdin on 3015 will be sent to 3012 and 2013
extern crate solana_ws as ws;
extern crate log;

use std::io;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::thread;

use clap::{App, Arg};

fn main() {
    // Setup logging

    // Parse command line arguments
    let matches = App::new("Simple Peer 2 Peer")
        .author("Jason Housley <>")
        .about("Connect to other peers and listen for incoming connections.")
                .help("Set the address to listen for new connections."),
                .help("A WebSocket URL to attempt to connect to at start.")

    // Get address of this peer
    let my_addr = matches.value_of("server").unwrap_or("localhost:3012");

    // Create simple websocket that just prints out messages
    let mut me = ws::WebSocket::new(|_| {
        move |msg| {
            info!("Peer {} got message: {}", my_addr, msg);

    // Get a sender for ALL connections to the websocket
    let broacaster = me.broadcaster();

    // Setup thread for listening to stdin and sending messages to connections
    let input = thread::spawn(move || {
        let stdin = io::stdin();
        for line in stdin.lock().lines() {
            // Send a message to all connections regardless of
            // how those connections were established

    // Connect to any existing peers specified on the cli
    if let Some(peers) = matches.values_of("PEER") {
        for peer in peers {

    // Run the websocket