solana-ws 0.2.0

Lightweight, event-driven WebSockets for Rust.
extern crate env_logger;
/// Simple WebSocket client with error handling. It is not necessary to setup logging, but doing
/// so will allow you to see more details about the connection by using the RUST_LOG env variable.
extern crate solana_ws as ws;

use ws::{connect, CloseCode};

fn main() {
    // Setup logging

    // Connect to the url and call the closure
    if let Err(error) = connect("ws://", |out| {
        // Queue a message to be sent when the WebSocket is open
        if out.send("Hello WebSocket").is_err() {
            println!("Websocket couldn't queue an initial message.")
        } else {
            println!("Client sent message 'Hello WebSocket'. ")

        // The handler needs to take ownership of out, so we use move
        move |msg| {
            // Handle messages received on this connection
            println!("Client got message '{}'. ", msg);

            // Close the connection
    }) {
        // Inform the user of failure
        println!("Failed to create WebSocket due to: {:?}", error);