solana-program 1.17.17

Solana Program
//! Logging utilities for Rust-based Solana programs.
//! Logging is the main mechanism for getting debugging information out of
//! running Solana programs, and there are several functions available for doing
//! so efficiently, depending on the type of data being logged.
//! The most common way to emit logs is through the [`msg!`] macro, which logs
//! simple strings, as well as [formatted strings][fs].
//! [`msg!`]: crate::msg!
//! [fs]:
//! Logs can be viewed in multiple ways:
//! - The `solana logs` command displays logs for all transactions executed on a
//!   network. Note though that transactions that fail during pre-flight
//!   simulation are not displayed here.
//! - When submitting transactions via [`RpcClient`], if Rust's own logging is
//!   active then the `solana_rpc_client` crate logs at the "debug" level any logs
//!   for transactions that failed during simulation. If using [`env_logger`]
//!   these logs can be activated by setting `RUST_LOG=solana_rpc_client=debug`.
//! - Logs can be retrieved from a finalized transaction by calling
//!   [`RpcClient::get_transaction`].
//! - Block explorers may display logs.
//! [`RpcClient`]:
//! [`env_logger`]:
//! [`RpcClient::get_transaction`]:
//! While most logging functions are defined in this module, [`Pubkey`]s can
//! also be efficiently logged with the [`Pubkey::log`] function.
//! [`Pubkey`]: crate::pubkey::Pubkey
//! [`Pubkey::log`]: crate::pubkey::Pubkey::log

use crate::account_info::AccountInfo;

/// Print a message to the log.
#[deprecated(since = "1.4.14", note = "Please use `msg` macro instead")]
macro_rules! info {
    ($msg:expr) => {
    ($arg1:expr, $arg2:expr, $arg3:expr, $arg4:expr, $arg5:expr) => {
            $arg1 as u64,
            $arg2 as u64,
            $arg3 as u64,
            $arg4 as u64,
            $arg5 as u64,

/// Print a message to the log.
/// Supports simple strings as well as Rust [format strings][fs]. When passed a
/// single expression it will be passed directly to [`sol_log`]. The expression
/// must have type `&str`, and is typically used for logging static strings.
/// When passed something other than an expression, particularly
/// a sequence of expressions, the tokens will be passed through the
/// [`format!`] macro before being logged with `sol_log`.
/// [fs]:
/// [`format!`]:
/// Note that Rust's formatting machinery is relatively CPU-intensive
/// for constrained environments like the Solana VM.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use solana_program::msg;
/// // The fast form
/// msg!("verifying multisig");
/// // With formatting
/// let err = "not enough signers";
/// msg!("multisig failed: {}", err);
/// ```
macro_rules! msg {
    ($msg:expr) => {
    ($($arg:tt)*) => ($crate::log::sol_log(&format!($($arg)*)));

/// Print a string to the log.
pub fn sol_log(message: &str) {
    #[cfg(target_os = "solana")]
    unsafe {
        crate::syscalls::sol_log_(message.as_ptr(), message.len() as u64);

    #[cfg(not(target_os = "solana"))]

/// Print 64-bit values represented as hexadecimal to the log.
pub fn sol_log_64(arg1: u64, arg2: u64, arg3: u64, arg4: u64, arg5: u64) {
    #[cfg(target_os = "solana")]
    unsafe {
        crate::syscalls::sol_log_64_(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);

    #[cfg(not(target_os = "solana"))]
    crate::program_stubs::sol_log_64(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);

/// Print some slices as base64.
pub fn sol_log_data(data: &[&[u8]]) {
    #[cfg(target_os = "solana")]
    unsafe {
        crate::syscalls::sol_log_data(data as *const _ as *const u8, data.len() as u64)

    #[cfg(not(target_os = "solana"))]

/// Print the hexadecimal representation of a slice.
pub fn sol_log_slice(slice: &[u8]) {
    for (i, s) in slice.iter().enumerate() {
        sol_log_64(0, 0, 0, i as u64, *s as u64);

/// Print the hexadecimal representation of the program's input parameters.
/// - `accounts` - A slice of [`AccountInfo`].
/// - `data` - The instruction data.
pub fn sol_log_params(accounts: &[AccountInfo], data: &[u8]) {
    for (i, account) in accounts.iter().enumerate() {
        sol_log_64(0, 0, 0, 0, i as u64);
        msg!("- Is signer");
        sol_log_64(0, 0, 0, 0, account.is_signer as u64);
        msg!("- Key");
        msg!("- Lamports");
        sol_log_64(0, 0, 0, 0, account.lamports());
        msg!("- Account data length");
        sol_log_64(0, 0, 0, 0, account.data_len() as u64);
        msg!("- Owner");
    msg!("Instruction data");

/// Print the remaining compute units available to the program.
pub fn sol_log_compute_units() {
    #[cfg(target_os = "solana")]
    unsafe {
    #[cfg(not(target_os = "solana"))]