solana-client 1.14.13

Solana Client
//! A transport for RPC calls.
use {
    crate::{client_error::Result, rpc_request::RpcRequest},

#[derive(Default, Clone)]
pub struct RpcTransportStats {
    /// Number of RPC requests issued
    pub request_count: usize,

    /// Total amount of time spent transacting with the RPC server
    pub elapsed_time: Duration,

    /// Total amount of waiting time due to RPC server rate limiting
    /// (a subset of `elapsed_time`)
    pub rate_limited_time: Duration,

/// A transport for RPC calls.
/// `RpcSender` implements the underlying transport of requests to, and
/// responses from, a Solana node, and is used primarily by [`RpcClient`].
/// [`RpcClient`]: crate::rpc_client::RpcClient
pub trait RpcSender {
    async fn send(
        request: RpcRequest,
        params: serde_json::Value,
    ) -> Result<serde_json::Value>;
    fn get_transport_stats(&self) -> RpcTransportStats;
    fn url(&self) -> String;