solana-client 1.14.13

Solana Client
//! Durable transaction nonce helpers.

pub use crate::nonblocking::nonce_utils::{
    account_identity_ok, data_from_account, data_from_state, state_from_account, Error,
use {
    solana_sdk::{account::Account, commitment_config::CommitmentConfig, pubkey::Pubkey},

/// Get a nonce account from the network.
/// This is like [`RpcClient::get_account`] except:
/// - it returns this module's [`Error`] type,
/// - it returns an error if any of the checks from [`account_identity_ok`] fail.
pub fn get_account(rpc_client: &RpcClient, nonce_pubkey: &Pubkey) -> Result<Account, Error> {
    get_account_with_commitment(rpc_client, nonce_pubkey, CommitmentConfig::default())

/// Get a nonce account from the network.
/// This is like [`RpcClient::get_account_with_commitment`] except:
/// - it returns this module's [`Error`] type,
/// - it returns an error if the account does not exist,
/// - it returns an error if any of the checks from [`account_identity_ok`] fail.
pub fn get_account_with_commitment(
    rpc_client: &RpcClient,
    nonce_pubkey: &Pubkey,
    commitment: CommitmentConfig,
) -> Result<Account, Error> {
        .get_account_with_commitment(nonce_pubkey, commitment)
        .map_err(|e| Error::Client(format!("{}", e)))
        .and_then(|result| {
                .ok_or_else(|| Error::Client(format!("AccountNotFound: pubkey={}", nonce_pubkey)))
        .and_then(|a| account_identity_ok(&a).map(|()| a))