socketpair 0.19.5

Cross-platform socketpair functionality
//! `AsyncStdSocketpairStream` and `async_std_socketpair_stream` for Unix
//! platforms.

use async_std::io::{self, IoSlice, IoSliceMut, Read, Write};
use async_std::os::unix::net::UnixStream;
use io_extras::os::rustix::{
    AsRawFd, AsRawReadWriteFd, AsReadWriteFd, FromRawFd, IntoRawFd, RawFd,
use io_lifetimes::{AsFd, BorrowedFd, FromFd, IntoFd, OwnedFd};
use std::fmt::{self, Debug};
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::task::{Context, Poll};

/// A socketpair stream, which is a bidirectional bytestream much like a
/// [`UnixStream`] except that it does not have a name or address.
pub struct AsyncStdSocketpairStream(UnixStream);

impl AsyncStdSocketpairStream {
    // No `peek` in `async_std`'s `UnixStream` yet.
    /// Receives data on the socket from the remote address to which it is
    /// connected, without removing that data from the queue. On success,
    /// returns the number of bytes peeked.
    pub fn peek(&self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {

    /// Return the number of bytes which are ready to be read immediately.
    pub fn num_ready_bytes(&self) -> io::Result<u64> {

/// Create a socketpair and return stream handles connected to each end.
pub async fn async_std_socketpair_stream(
) -> io::Result<(AsyncStdSocketpairStream, AsyncStdSocketpairStream)> {
    UnixStream::pair().map(|(a, b)| (AsyncStdSocketpairStream(a), AsyncStdSocketpairStream(b)))

impl Read for AsyncStdSocketpairStream {
    fn poll_read(
        mut self: Pin<&mut Self>,
        cx: &mut Context<'_>,
        buf: &mut [u8],
    ) -> Poll<io::Result<usize>> {
        Pin::new(&mut self.0).poll_read(cx, buf)

    fn poll_read_vectored(
        mut self: Pin<&mut Self>,
        cx: &mut Context<'_>,
        bufs: &mut [IoSliceMut<'_>],
    ) -> Poll<io::Result<usize>> {
        Pin::new(&mut self.0).poll_read_vectored(cx, bufs)

impl Write for AsyncStdSocketpairStream {
    fn poll_write(
        mut self: Pin<&mut Self>,
        cx: &mut Context<'_>,
        buf: &[u8],
    ) -> Poll<io::Result<usize>> {
        Pin::new(&mut self.0).poll_write(cx, buf)

    fn poll_write_vectored(
        mut self: Pin<&mut Self>,
        cx: &mut Context<'_>,
        bufs: &[IoSlice<'_>],
    ) -> Poll<io::Result<usize>> {
        Pin::new(&mut self.0).poll_write_vectored(cx, bufs)

    fn poll_flush(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<io::Result<()>> {
        Pin::new(&mut self.0).poll_flush(cx)

    fn poll_close(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<io::Result<()>> {
        Pin::new(&mut self.0).poll_close(cx)

impl AsRawFd for AsyncStdSocketpairStream {
    fn as_raw_fd(&self) -> RawFd {

impl AsFd for AsyncStdSocketpairStream {
    fn as_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {

impl IntoRawFd for AsyncStdSocketpairStream {
    fn into_raw_fd(self) -> RawFd {

impl From<AsyncStdSocketpairStream> for OwnedFd {
    fn from(stream: AsyncStdSocketpairStream) -> OwnedFd {

impl FromRawFd for AsyncStdSocketpairStream {
    unsafe fn from_raw_fd(raw_fd: RawFd) -> Self {

impl From<OwnedFd> for AsyncStdSocketpairStream {
    fn from(fd: OwnedFd) -> Self {

impl AsRawReadWriteFd for AsyncStdSocketpairStream {
    fn as_raw_read_fd(&self) -> RawFd {

    fn as_raw_write_fd(&self) -> RawFd {

impl AsReadWriteFd for AsyncStdSocketpairStream {
    fn as_read_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {

    fn as_write_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd<'_> {

impl Debug for AsyncStdSocketpairStream {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        // Just print the fd numbers; don't try to print the path or any
        // information about it, because this information is otherwise
        // unavailable to safe Rust code.
            .field("raw_fd", &self.0.as_raw_fd())