snow 0.1.0-preview

A pure-rust implementation of the Noise Protocol Framework

Snow Build Status

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An implementation of the Noise Protocol by Trevor Perrin that is designed to be Hard To Fuck Up™.

See the documentation at

🔥 This library is in the state of preview - do everyone a favor and only use this for fun or criticizing the author's code for now.


Snow is currently tracking and working on fully implementing the revision 32 specification.

  • Rekey()
  • pskN modifier
  • fallback modifier


Cryptographic providers are swappable through NoiseBuilder::with_provider(), but by default it chooses select, artisanal pure-Rust implementations (see Cargo.toml for a quick overview).

What's it look like?

See examples/ for a more complete TCP client/server example.

let noise = NoiseBuilder::new("Noise_NN_ChaChaPoly_BLAKE2s".parse().unwrap())
let mut buf = [0u8; 65535];
// write first handshake message
noise.write_message(&[0u8; 0], &mut buf).unwrap();
// receive response message
let incoming = receive_message_from_the_mysterious_ether();
noise.read_message(&incoming, &mut buf).unwrap();
// complete handshake, and transition the state machine into transport mode
let noise = noise.into_transport_mode();


Work in progress. Unreviewed. Unaudited. All APIs are unstable. Don't use for security critical purposes. Side effects may include nausea, heart palpatations, yolocryptosis, and permanent sexual dysfunction.