snax 0.1.0

JSX-alike for Rust paired with an untyped DOM implementation

Snax is an implementation of a JSX-like grammar for Rust. You can use it as part of the snax crate, which provides a complete, untyped DOM that's quick to turn into a string.

If you're a proc macro author, you can also consume the snax_syntax to produce whatever structures you need for your project. This can be used to support a typed DOM or any React-like framework!


Snax requires Rust 1.32 or newer.

It isn't published to yet, but you can use a Git dependency:

snax = { git = "" }

Some things are still a bit in flux, so I'm sorry in advance if I break anything!


Simple Page

use snax::snax;

fn main() {
let page_title = "Hello, world, from Snax!";

let page = snax! {
/* Snax supports regular multi-line Rust comments. */
Literal strings need to be quoted, unlike JSX.
This makes whitespace much more explicit, which is
<title>"Hello, Snax!"</title>
Snax supports embedding Rust expressions that return
`impl IntoIterator<HtmlContent>`. String and &str work
great here!
{ page_title }

// The result of the snax! macro is HtmlContent.
// It implements Display and gives you compact HTML without a doctype!
println!("<!doctype html>");
println!("{}", page);

Composition via functions

Snax is designed to work well when using functions to reuse pieces of HTML!

use snax::{snax, Fragment, HtmlContent};

fn user_widget<'a>(name: &'a str, age: u32) -> HtmlContent<'a> {
snax! {
<div class="user">
{ name } " is " { age.to_string() } " years old!"

fn users() -> HtmlContent<'static> {
let users = vec![
("Gandalf", 34),
("Arwen Undómie", 75),
("Primula Brandybuck", 133),

snax! {
<div class="users">
{ Fragment::new(users.iter().map(|(name, age)| user_widget(name, *age))) }


Snax is available under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt for details.