snakesss 0.1.2

The classic (2-player) snake game
//! # Simple 2-player snake game
//! ## Movement
//! - Red player: _arrow keys_
//! - Blue player: _WASD keys_
//! Every melon consumed lengthens the snake.
//! - How to win: **Avoid losing!**
//! - How to lose: **Hit the enemy snake**!
//! - How to make peace: **Frontal collision with the other snake** (ain't
//!   these snakes peculiar creatures...)
//! General strategy:
//!  - _The bigger your snake becomes, the higher the chance your opponent will
//!  not be able to avoid your elooongated snake body._
//! ## About
//! This was done as an educational challenge as a one-day *hackathon*.
//! After watching this [video](,
//! which sets up the coding ground for the basic snake game.
//! I wish I had more time to implement multiple gamestates (like *MainMenu,
//! ScoreScree...*), but it is what it is.
//! Enjoy!
use game::Game;
use glutin_window::GlutinWindow as Window;
use opengl_graphics::OpenGL;
use piston::event_loop::{EventSettings, Events};
use piston::input::{RenderEvent, UpdateEvent};
use piston::window::WindowSettings;
use piston::{ButtonEvent, ButtonState, EventLoop};

mod color;
mod config;
mod food;
mod game;
mod position;
mod snake;

fn main() {
    let opengl = OpenGL::V3_2;

    let mut window: Window = WindowSettings::new(
        [config::WINDOW_HEIGHT, config::WINDOW_WIDTH],

    // Create a new game and run it.
    let mut game = Game::new(opengl);

    let mut events = Events::new(EventSettings::new()).ups(16);
    while let Some(e) = window) {
        if let Some(args) = e.render_args() {

        if let Some(k) = e.button_args() {
            if k.state == ButtonState::Press {
                // We are 'breaking' from here so to allow the players to
                // check latest status and exit on any keyboard click
                if game.check_button(&k.button) {

        if e.update_args().is_some() {