sn_bindgen 0.13.18

A library to automatically generate C, Java, and C# files from Rust source files.
use super::*;
use crate::test_utils::fetch;
use indoc::indoc;

fn non_repr_c_types_are_ignored() {
    let outputs = compile!(LangCSharp::default(), {
        pub struct Foo {
            bar: i32,

        pub enum Meta {

    let actual = fetch(&outputs, "Types.cs");

fn structs() {
    let outputs = compile!(LangCSharp::default(), {
        pub struct Record {
            id: u64,
            enabled: bool,
            name: *const c_char,
            random_numbers: [i32; 10],
            widget: Widget,
            gadgets: [Gadget; 100],

    let actual = fetch(&outputs, "Types.cs");
    let expected = indoc!(
        "using System;
         using System.Collections.Generic;
         using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

         namespace Backend
             public struct Record
                 public ulong Id;
                 public bool Enabled;
                 public string Name;
                 [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 10)]
                 public int[] RandomNumbers;
                 public Widget Widget;
                 [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 100)]
                 public Gadget[] Gadgets;


    assert_multiline_eq!(actual, expected);

fn native_structs() {
    let outputs = compile!(LangCSharp::default(), {
        pub struct Entry {
            id: u32,
            key_ptr: *const u8,
            key_len: usize,
            records_ptr: *const Record,
            records_len: usize,
            records_cap: usize,
            records_changelog: *const *const c_char,
            records_changelog_len: usize,

        pub struct Wrapper {
            wrapped: Entry,

        pub extern "C" fn fun0(entry: Entry) {}

        pub extern "C" fn fun1(entry: *const Entry) {}

        pub extern "C" fn fun2(
            user_data: *mut c_void,
            cb: extern "C" fn(
                user_data: *mut c_void,
                result: *const FfiResult,
                entry: *const Entry,
        ) {

        pub extern "C" fn fun3(
            user_data: *mut c_void,
            cb: extern "C" fn(
                user_data: *mut c_void,
                result: *const FfiResult,
                entries: *const Entry,
                entries_len: usize,
        ) {

    // Wrapper types.
    let actual = fetch(&outputs, "Types.cs");
    let expected = indoc!(
        "using System;
         using System.Collections.Generic;
         using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
         namespace Backend
             public struct Entry
                 public uint Id;
                 public List<byte> Key;
                 public List<Record> Records;
                 public List<string> RecordsChangelog;
                 internal Entry(EntryNative native)
                     Id = native.Id;
                     Key = Utils.CopyToByteList(native.KeyPtr, (int)native.KeyLen);
                     Records = Utils.CopyToObjectList<Record>(native.RecordsPtr, \
                     RecordsChangelog = Utils.CopyToStringList(native.RecordsChangelogPtr, \
                 internal EntryNative ToNative()
                     return new EntryNative
                         Id = Id,
                         KeyPtr = Utils.CopyFromByteList(Key),
                         KeyLen = (UIntPtr)(Key?.Count ?? 0),
                         RecordsPtr = Utils.CopyFromObjectList(Records),
                         RecordsLen = (UIntPtr)(Records?.Count ?? 0),
                         RecordsCap = UIntPtr.Zero,
                         RecordsChangelogPtr = Utils.CopyFromStringList(RecordsChangelog),
                         RecordsChangelogLen = (UIntPtr)(RecordsChangelog?.Count ?? 0)
             internal struct EntryNative
                 public uint Id;
                 public IntPtr KeyPtr;
                 public UIntPtr KeyLen;
                 public IntPtr RecordsPtr;
                 public UIntPtr RecordsLen;
                 public UIntPtr RecordsCap;
                 public IntPtr RecordsChangelogPtr;
                 public UIntPtr RecordsChangelogLen;
                 internal void Free()
                     Utils.FreeList(ref KeyPtr, ref KeyLen);
                     Utils.FreeList(ref RecordsPtr, ref RecordsLen);
                     Utils.FreeList(ref RecordsChangelogPtr, ref RecordsChangelogLen);
             public struct Wrapper
                 public Entry Wrapped;
                 internal Wrapper(WrapperNative native)
                     Wrapped = new Entry(native.Wrapped);
                 internal WrapperNative ToNative()
                     return new WrapperNative
                         Wrapped = Wrapped.ToNative()
             internal struct WrapperNative
                 public EntryNative Wrapped;
                 internal void Free()
    assert_multiline_eq!(actual, expected);

    // Functions.
    let actual = fetch(&outputs, "Backend.cs");
    let expected = indoc!(
        "using System;
         using System.Collections.Generic;
         using System.Linq;
         using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
         using System.Threading.Tasks;

         namespace Backend
             internal partial class Backend : IBackend
                 #if __IOS__
                 private const string DllName = \"__Internal\";
                 private const string DllName = \"backend\";
                 public void Fun0(Entry entry)
                     var entryNative = entry.ToNative();
                 [DllImport(DllName, EntryPoint = \"fun0\")]
                 private static extern void Fun0Native(EntryNative entry);
                 public void Fun1(ref Entry entry)
                     var entryNative = entry.ToNative();
                     Fun1Native(ref entryNative);
                 [DllImport(DllName, EntryPoint = \"fun1\")]
                 private static extern void Fun1Native(ref EntryNative entry);
                 public Task<Entry> Fun2Async()
                     var (ret, userData) = Utils.PrepareTask<Entry>();
                     Fun2Native(userData, DelegateOnFfiResultEntryCb);
                     return ret;
                 [DllImport(DllName, EntryPoint = \"fun2\")]
                 private static extern void Fun2Native(IntPtr userData, \
                                                       FfiResultEntryCb cb);
                 public Task<List<Entry>> Fun3Async()
                     var (ret, userData) = Utils.PrepareTask<List<Entry>>();
                     Fun3Native(userData, DelegateOnFfiResultEntryListCb);
                     return ret;
                 [DllImport(DllName, EntryPoint = \"fun3\")]
                 private static extern void Fun3Native(IntPtr userData, FfiResultEntryListCb cb);
                 private delegate void FfiResultEntryCb(IntPtr userData, \
                                                        IntPtr result, \
                                                        IntPtr entry);
                 #if __IOS__
                 private static void OnFfiResultEntryCb(IntPtr userData, \
                                                        IntPtr result, \
                                                        IntPtr entry)
                     Utils.CompleteTask(userData, \
                                      Marshal.PtrToStructure<FfiResult>(result), \
                                      () => new Entry(Marshal.PtrToStructure<EntryNative>(entry)));
                 private static readonly FfiResultEntryCb DelegateOnFfiResultEntryCb = OnFfiResultEntryCb;
                 private delegate void FfiResultEntryListCb(IntPtr userData, \
                                                            IntPtr result, \
                                                            IntPtr entriesPtr, \
                                                            UIntPtr entriesLen);
                 #if __IOS__
                 private static void OnFfiResultEntryListCb(IntPtr userData, \
                                                            IntPtr result, \
                                                            IntPtr entriesPtr, \
                                                            UIntPtr entriesLen)
                     userData, \
                     Marshal.PtrToStructure<FfiResult>(result), \
                     () => Utils.CopyToObjectList<EntryNative>(\
                       entriesPtr, \
                       (int)entriesLen).Select(native => new Entry(native)).ToList());
                 private static readonly FfiResultEntryListCb DelegateOnFfiResultEntryListCb = OnFfiResultEntryListCb;
    assert_multiline_eq!(actual, expected);

fn type_aliases() {
    let outputs = compile!(LangCSharp::default(), {
        pub type Id = u64;
        // Double indirection.
        pub type UserId = Id;

        pub struct Message {
            id: Id,
            sender_id: UserId,
            receiver_ids: [Id; 10],

        pub extern "C" fn fun(
            id: Id,
            user_data: *mut c_void,
            cb: extern "C" fn(*mut c_void, *const FfiResult, Id),
        ) {

    let actual = fetch(&outputs, "Types.cs");
    let expected = indoc!(
        "using System;
         using System.Collections.Generic;
         using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

         namespace Backend
             public struct Message
                 public ulong Id;
                 public ulong SenderId;
                 [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 10)]
                 public ulong[] ReceiverIds;

    assert_multiline_eq!(actual, expected);

    let actual = fetch(&outputs, "Backend.cs");
    let expected = indoc!(
        "using System;
         using System.Collections.Generic;
         using System.Linq;
         using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
         using System.Threading.Tasks;

         namespace Backend
             internal partial class Backend : IBackend
                 #if __IOS__
                 private const string DllName = \"__Internal\";
                 private const string DllName = \"backend\";
                 public Task<ulong> FunAsync(ulong id)
                     var (ret, userData) = Utils.PrepareTask<ulong>();
                     FunNative(id, userData, DelegateOnFfiResultULongCb);
                     return ret;
                 [DllImport(DllName, EntryPoint = \"fun\")]
                 private static extern void FunNative(ulong id, \
                                                      IntPtr userData, \
                                                      FfiResultULongCb cb);
                 private delegate void FfiResultULongCb(IntPtr arg0, \
                                                        IntPtr arg1, \
                                                        ulong arg2);
                 #if __IOS__
                 private static void OnFfiResultULongCb(IntPtr arg0, \
                                                        IntPtr arg1, \
                                                        ulong arg2)
                     Utils.CompleteTask(arg0, \
                                      Marshal.PtrToStructure<FfiResult>(arg1), \
                                      () => arg2);
                 private static readonly FfiResultULongCb DelegateOnFfiResultULongCb = OnFfiResultULongCb;
    assert_multiline_eq!(actual, expected);

fn enums() {
    let outputs = compile!(LangCSharp::default(), {
        pub enum Mode {

        pub enum Binary {
            Zero = 0,
            One = 1,

    let actual = fetch(&outputs, "Types.cs");
    let expected = indoc!(
        "using System;
         using System.Collections.Generic;
         using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

         namespace Backend
             public enum Mode

             public enum Binary
                 Zero = 0,
                 One = 1,


    assert_multiline_eq!(actual, expected);

fn functions_without_extern_and_no_mangle_are_ignored() {
    let outputs = compile!(LangCSharp::default(), {
        pub extern "C" fn fun1() {}

        pub fn fun2() {}

    let actual = fetch(&outputs, "Backend.cs");
    assert_eq!("", actual, "expected empty output");

fn functions_taking_no_callbacks() {
    let outputs = compile!(LangCSharp::default(), {
        pub extern "C" fn fun0(engine: *mut Engine) {}

    let actual = fetch(&outputs, "Backend.cs");
    let expected = indoc!(
        "using System;
         using System.Collections.Generic;
         using System.Linq;
         using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
         using System.Threading.Tasks;

         namespace Backend
             internal partial class Backend : IBackend
                 #if __IOS__
                 private const string DllName = \"__Internal\";
                 private const string DllName = \"backend\";
                 public void Fun0(ref Engine engine)
                     Fun0Native(ref engine);
                 [DllImport(DllName, EntryPoint = \"fun0\")]
                 private static extern void Fun0Native(ref Engine engine);

    assert_multiline_eq!(actual, expected);

fn functions_taking_one_callback() {
    let outputs = compile!(LangCSharp::default(), {
        pub extern "C" fn fun1(
            num: i32,
            name: *const c_char,
            user_data: *mut c_void,
            cb: extern "C" fn(user_data: *mut c_void, result: *const FfiResult),
        ) {

    let actual = fetch(&outputs, "Backend.cs");
    let expected = indoc!(
        "using System;
         using System.Collections.Generic;
         using System.Linq;
         using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
         using System.Threading.Tasks;

         namespace Backend
             internal partial class Backend : IBackend
                 #if __IOS__
                 private const string DllName = \"__Internal\";
                 private const string DllName = \"backend\";
                 public Task Fun1Async(int num, string name)
                     var (ret, userData) = Utils.PrepareTask();
                     Fun1Native(num, name, userData, DelegateOnFfiResultCb);
                     return ret;
                 [DllImport(DllName, EntryPoint = \"fun1\")]
                 private static extern void Fun1Native(\
                   int num, \
                   [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string name, \
                   IntPtr userData, \
                   FfiResultCb cb);
                 private delegate void FfiResultCb(IntPtr userData, IntPtr result);
                 #if __IOS__
                 private static void OnFfiResultCb(IntPtr userData, IntPtr result)
                     Utils.CompleteTask(userData, Marshal.PtrToStructure<FfiResult>(result));
                 private static readonly FfiResultCb DelegateOnFfiResultCb = OnFfiResultCb;

    assert_multiline_eq!(actual, expected);

fn functions_taking_multiple_callbacks() {
    // Only the native declaration should be produced.

    let outputs = compile!(LangCSharp::default(), {
        pub extern "C" fn fun(
            input: i32,
            user_data: *mut c_void,
            cb0: extern "C" fn(user_data: *mut c_void),
            cb1: extern "C" fn(user_data: *mut c_void, result: *const FfiResult, output: i32),
        ) {

    let actual = fetch(&outputs, "Backend.cs");
    let expected = indoc!(
        "using System;
         using System.Collections.Generic;
         using System.Linq;
         using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
         using System.Threading.Tasks;

         namespace Backend
             internal partial class Backend : IBackend
                 #if __IOS__
                 private const string DllName = \"__Internal\";
                 private const string DllName = \"backend\";
                 [DllImport(DllName, EntryPoint = \"fun\")]
                 private static extern void FunNative(int input, \
                                                       IntPtr userData, \
                                                       NoneCb cb0, \
                                                       FfiResultIntCb cb1);
                 private delegate void FfiResultIntCb(IntPtr userData, \
                                                       IntPtr result, \
                                                       int output);
                 private delegate void NoneCb(IntPtr userData);

    assert_multiline_eq!(actual, expected);

fn functions_taking_array() {
    let outputs = compile!(LangCSharp::default(), {
        pub extern "C" fn fun0(data_ptr: *const u8, data_len: usize) {}

        // Different naming convention
        pub extern "C" fn fun1(data: *const u8, data_len: usize) {}

        // Params before and/or after the array
        pub extern "C" fn fun2(id: u64, data_ptr: *const u8, data_len: usize) {}

        // This one does not follow the naming convention and thus is not transformed
        // to array.
        pub extern "C" fn fun3(result: *const FfiResult, len: usize) {}

    let actual = fetch(&outputs, "Backend.cs");
    let expected = indoc!(
        "using System;
         using System.Collections.Generic;
         using System.Linq;
         using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
         using System.Threading.Tasks;

         namespace Backend
             internal partial class Backend : IBackend
                 #if __IOS__
                 private const string DllName = \"__Internal\";
                 private const string DllName = \"backend\";
                 public void Fun0(List<byte> data)
                     Fun0Native(data?.ToArray(), (UIntPtr)(data?.Count ?? 0));
                 [DllImport(DllName, EntryPoint = \"fun0\")]
                 private static extern void Fun0Native(\
                   [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 1)] byte[] data, \
                   UIntPtr dataLen\
                 public void Fun1(List<byte> data)
                     Fun1Native(data?.ToArray(), (UIntPtr)(data?.Count ?? 0));
                 [DllImport(DllName, EntryPoint = \"fun1\")]
                 private static extern void Fun1Native(\
                   [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 1)] byte[] data, \
                   UIntPtr dataLen\
                 public void Fun2(ulong id, List<byte> data)
                     Fun2Native(id, data?.ToArray(), (UIntPtr)(data?.Count ?? 0));
                 [DllImport(DllName, EntryPoint = \"fun2\")]
                 private static extern void Fun2Native(\
                   ulong id, \
                   [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 2)] byte[] data, \
                   UIntPtr dataLen\
                 public void Fun3(ref FfiResult result, UIntPtr len)
                     Fun3Native(ref result, len);
                 [DllImport(DllName, EntryPoint = \"fun3\")]
                 private static extern void Fun3Native(ref FfiResult result, UIntPtr len);

    assert_multiline_eq!(actual, expected);

fn functions_taking_callback_taking_const_size_array() {
    let outputs = compile!(LangCSharp::default(), {
        pub type Nonce = [u8; NONCE_LEN];

        // Literal.
        pub extern "C" fn fun2(
            user_data: *mut c_void,
            cb: extern "C" fn(user_data: *mut c_void, result: *const FfiResult, key: [u8; 32]),
        ) {

        // Pointor to array via named constant.
        pub extern "C" fn fun3(
            user_data: *mut c_void,
            cb: extern "C" fn(
                user_data: *mut c_void,
                result: *const FfiResult,
                nonce: *const Nonce,
        ) {

    let actual = fetch(&outputs, "Backend.cs");
    let expected = indoc!(
        "using System;
         using System.Collections.Generic;
         using System.Linq;
         using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
         using System.Threading.Tasks;

         namespace Backend
             internal partial class Backend : IBackend
                 #if __IOS__
                 private const string DllName = \"__Internal\";
                 private const string DllName = \"backend\";
                 public Task<byte[]> Fun2Async()
                     var (ret, userData) = Utils.PrepareTask<byte[]>();
                     Fun2Native(userData, DelegateOnFfiResultByteArray32Cb);
                     return ret;
                 [DllImport(DllName, EntryPoint = \"fun2\")]
                 private static extern void Fun2Native(IntPtr userData, \
                                                       FfiResultByteArray32Cb cb);
                 public Task<byte[]> Fun3Async()
                     var (ret, userData) = Utils.PrepareTask<byte[]>();
                     Fun3Native(userData, DelegateOnFfiResultByteArrayNonceLenCb);
                     return ret;
                 [DllImport(DllName, EntryPoint = \"fun3\")]
                 private static extern void Fun3Native(IntPtr userData, \
                                                       FfiResultByteArrayNonceLenCb cb);
                 private delegate void FfiResultByteArray32Cb(IntPtr userData, \
                                                              IntPtr result, \
                                                              IntPtr key);
                 #if __IOS__
                 private static void OnFfiResultByteArray32Cb(IntPtr userData, \
                                                              IntPtr result, \
                                                              IntPtr key)
                     Utils.CompleteTask(userData, \
                                      Marshal.PtrToStructure<FfiResult>(result), \
                                      () => Utils.CopyToByteArray(key, 32));
                 private static readonly FfiResultByteArray32Cb DelegateOnFfiResultByteArray32Cb = OnFfiResultByteArray32Cb;
                 private delegate void FfiResultByteArrayNonceLenCb(IntPtr userData, \
                                                                    IntPtr result, \
                                                                    IntPtr nonce);
                 #if __IOS__
                 private static void OnFfiResultByteArrayNonceLenCb(IntPtr userData, \
                                                                    IntPtr result, \
                                                                    IntPtr nonce)
                     userData, \
                     Marshal.PtrToStructure<FfiResult>(result), \
                     () => Utils.CopyToByteArray(nonce, (int)Constants.NonceLen));
                 private static readonly FfiResultByteArrayNonceLenCb DelegateOnFfiResultByteArrayNonceLenCb = OnFfiResultByteArrayNonceLenCb;

    assert_multiline_eq!(actual, expected);

fn functions_taking_callback_taking_dynamic_array() {
    let outputs = compile!(LangCSharp::default(), {
        // Primitive type.
        pub extern "C" fn fun0(
            user_data: *mut c_void,
            cb: extern "C" fn(
                user_data: *mut c_void,
                result: *const FfiResult,
                data_ptr: *const u8,
                data_len: usize,
        ) {

        // Structures.
        pub extern "C" fn fun1(
            user_data: *mut c_void,
            cb: extern "C" fn(
                user_data: *mut c_void,
                result: *const FfiResult,
                records_ptr: *const Record,
                records_len: usize,
        ) {

    let actual = fetch(&outputs, "Backend.cs");
    let expected = indoc!(
        "using System;
         using System.Collections.Generic;
         using System.Linq;
         using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
         using System.Threading.Tasks;

         namespace Backend
             internal partial class Backend : IBackend
                 #if __IOS__
                 private const string DllName = \"__Internal\";
                 private const string DllName = \"backend\";
                 public Task<List<byte>> Fun0Async()
                     var (ret, userData) = Utils.PrepareTask<List<byte>>();
                     Fun0Native(userData, DelegateOnFfiResultByteListCb);
                     return ret;
                 [DllImport(DllName, EntryPoint = \"fun0\")]
                 private static extern void Fun0Native(IntPtr userData, \
                                                       FfiResultByteListCb cb);
                 public Task<List<Record>> Fun1Async()
                     var (ret, userData) = Utils.PrepareTask<List<Record>>();
                     Fun1Native(userData, DelegateOnFfiResultRecordListCb);
                     return ret;
                 [DllImport(DllName, EntryPoint = \"fun1\")]
                 private static extern void Fun1Native(IntPtr userData, \
                                                       FfiResultRecordListCb cb);
                 private delegate void FfiResultByteListCb(IntPtr userData, \
                                                           IntPtr result, \
                                                           IntPtr dataPtr, \
                                                           UIntPtr dataLen);
                 #if __IOS__
                 private static void OnFfiResultByteListCb(IntPtr userData, \
                                                           IntPtr result, \
                                                           IntPtr dataPtr, \
                                                           UIntPtr dataLen)
                     Utils.CompleteTask(userData, \
                                      Marshal.PtrToStructure<FfiResult>(result), \
                                      () => Utils.CopyToByteList(dataPtr, (int)dataLen));
                 private static readonly FfiResultByteListCb DelegateOnFfiResultByteListCb = OnFfiResultByteListCb;
                 private delegate void FfiResultRecordListCb(IntPtr userData, \
                                                              IntPtr result, \
                                                              IntPtr recordsPtr, \
                                                              UIntPtr recordsLen);
                 #if __IOS__
                 private static void OnFfiResultRecordListCb(IntPtr userData, \
                                                             IntPtr result, \
                                                             IntPtr recordsPtr, \
                                                             UIntPtr recordsLen)
                     Utils.CompleteTask(userData, \
                                      Marshal.PtrToStructure<FfiResult>(result), \
                                      () => Utils.CopyToObjectList<Record>(\
                                        recordsPtr, \
                 private static readonly FfiResultRecordListCb DelegateOnFfiResultRecordListCb = OnFfiResultRecordListCb;

    assert_multiline_eq!(actual, expected);

fn functions_with_return_values() {
    let outputs = compile!(LangCSharp::default(), {
        pub extern "C" fn fun(arg: i32) -> bool {}

    let actual = fetch(&outputs, "Backend.cs");
    let expected = indoc!(
        "using System;
         using System.Collections.Generic;
         using System.Linq;
         using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
         using System.Threading.Tasks;

         namespace Backend
             internal partial class Backend : IBackend
                 #if __IOS__
                 private const string DllName = \"__Internal\";
                 private const string DllName = \"backend\";
                 public bool Fun(int arg)
                     var ret = FunNative(arg);
                     return ret;
                 [DllImport(DllName, EntryPoint = \"fun\")]
                 private static extern bool FunNative(int arg);

    assert_multiline_eq!(actual, expected);

fn functions_taking_out_param() {
    let outputs = compile!(LangCSharp::default(), {
        pub extern "C" fn fun(o_app: *mut *mut App) {}

    let actual = fetch(&outputs, "Backend.cs");
    let expected = indoc!(
        "using System;
         using System.Collections.Generic;
         using System.Linq;
         using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
         using System.Threading.Tasks;

         namespace Backend
             internal partial class Backend : IBackend
                 #if __IOS__
                 private const string DllName = \"__Internal\";
                 private const string DllName = \"backend\";
                 public void Fun(out IntPtr oApp)
                     FunNative(out oApp);
                 [DllImport(DllName, EntryPoint = \"fun\")]
                 private static extern void FunNative(out IntPtr oApp);
    assert_multiline_eq!(actual, expected);

fn constants() {
    let mut lang = LangCSharp::new();
    lang.add_const("byte", "Custom", 45);

    let outputs = compile!(lang, {
        pub const NUMBER: i32 = 123;
        pub const STRING: &'static str = "hello world";
        pub const ARRAY: [u8; 4] = [0, 1, 2, 3];

        pub const STRUCT_VALUE: Record = Record {
            id: 0,
            secret_code: "xyz",

        pub const STRUCT_REF: &'static Record = &Record {
            id: 1,
            secret_code: "xyz",

        pub const EMPTY_STR: *const c_char = 0 as *const c_char;

    let actual = fetch(&outputs, "Constants.cs");
    let expected = indoc!(
        "using System;

         namespace Backend
             public static class Constants
                 public const int Number = 123;
                 public const string String = \"hello world\";
                 public static readonly byte[] Array = new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
                 public static readonly Record StructValue = new Record { \
                     id = 0, secretCode = \"xyz\" };
                 public static readonly Record StructRef = new Record { \
                     id = 1, secretCode = \"xyz\" };
                 public const string EmptyStr = \"\";
                 public const byte Custom = 45;

    assert_multiline_eq!(actual, expected);

fn arrays() {
    let outputs = compile!(LangCSharp::default(), {
        pub const ARRAY_SIZE: usize = 20;
        pub type Key = [u8; 32];

        pub extern "C" fn fun0(a: [u8; 10], b: [u8; ARRAY_SIZE]) {}

        pub extern "C" fn fun1(a: *const [u8; 10]) {}

        pub extern "C" fn fun2(a: *const Key) {}

    let actual = fetch(&outputs, "Backend.cs");
    let expected = indoc!(
        "using System;
         using System.Collections.Generic;
         using System.Linq;
         using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
         using System.Threading.Tasks;

         namespace Backend
             internal partial class Backend : IBackend
                 #if __IOS__
                 private const string DllName = \"__Internal\";
                 private const string DllName = \"backend\";
                 public void Fun0(byte[] a, byte[] b)
                     Fun0Native(a, b);
                 [DllImport(DllName, EntryPoint = \"fun0\")]
                 private static extern void Fun0Native(\
                   [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeConst = 10)] \
                   byte[] a, \
                   [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeConst = (int)Constants.ArraySize)] \
                   byte[] b);
                 public void Fun1(byte[] a)
                 [DllImport(DllName, EntryPoint = \"fun1\")]
                 private static extern void Fun1Native(\
                   [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeConst = 10)] \
                   byte[] a);
                 public void Fun2(byte[] a)
                 [DllImport(DllName, EntryPoint = \"fun2\")]
                 private static extern void Fun2Native(\
                   [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeConst = 32)] \
                   byte[] a);

    assert_multiline_eq!(actual, expected);

fn opaque_types() {
    let mut lang = LangCSharp::new();

    let outputs = compile!(lang, {
        pub extern "C" fn fun0(handle: *const Handle) {}

        pub struct Context {
            handle: *const Handle,

    let actual = fetch(&outputs, "Types.cs");
    let expected = indoc!(
        "using System;
         using System.Collections.Generic;
         using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

         namespace Backend
             public struct Context
                 public IntPtr Handle;

    assert_multiline_eq!(actual, expected);

    let actual = fetch(&outputs, "Backend.cs");
    let expected = indoc!(
        "using System;
         using System.Collections.Generic;
         using System.Linq;
         using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
         using System.Threading.Tasks;

         namespace Backend
             internal partial class Backend : IBackend
                 #if __IOS__
                 private const string DllName = \"__Internal\";
                 private const string DllName = \"backend\";
                 public void Fun0(IntPtr handle)
                 [DllImport(DllName, EntryPoint = \"fun0\")]
                 private static extern void Fun0Native(IntPtr handle);

    assert_multiline_eq!(actual, expected);

fn interface() {
    let outputs = compile!(LangCSharp::default(), {
        pub extern "C" fn fun(
            enabled: bool,
            user_data: *mut c_void,
            cb: extern "C" fn(user_data: *mut c_void, result: *const FfiResult),
        ) {

    let actual = fetch(&outputs, "IBackend.cs");
    let expected = indoc!(
        "using System;
         using System.Collections.Generic;
         using System.Threading.Tasks;

         namespace Backend
             public partial interface IBackend
                 Task FunAsync(bool enabled);

    assert_multiline_eq!(actual, expected);