sloth 0.2.0

Provides a generic wrapper struct for lazy initialization.
use std::cell::{
use std::ops::{
use std::borrow::{

// Constants

const EXPECT_VALUE_CELL_INITIALIZED:  &str = "option in value_cell must be initialized at this point";
const EXPECT_EVALUATOR_STILL_PRESENT: &str = "evaluator must still be present at this point";
const EXPECT_VALUE_CELL_PTR_NOT_NULL: &str = "value_cell as ptr must not be null";

// Interface

// struct Lazy<T, Eval>: Deref<Target = T> + DerefMut + AsRef<T> + Borrow<T> + BorrowMut<T>

/// Contains a value of some type `T`, lazily evaluated using a parameterless
/// function or a closure (`FnOnce() -> T`) passed to [`Lazy::new()`](
/// This type provides pointer-like interface to the evaluation result,
/// implementing [`Deref`](,
/// [`AsRef`](,
/// [`Borrow`](
/// and their `Mut` counterparts.
/// The result will be evaluated the first time it is accessed via any of `Lazy`'s methods.
/// # Accessing evaluated value
/// A `Lazy` value can be acessed in any of the following ways:
/// ```
/// use sloth::Lazy;
/// let mut lazy_value = Lazy::new(|| 2019);
/// let value: i32 = *lazy_value;
/// let value_ref: &i32 = lazy_value.as_ref();
/// let value_mut: &mut i32 = lazy_value.as_mut();
/// let value_copy: i32 = lazy_value.value(); // only for types implementing Copy
/// let value: i32 = lazy_value.unwrap(); // consumes lazy_value
/// ```
/// Due to [`Deref` coercion](
/// `T`'s methods may be called directly on [`Lazy<T, Eval>`](struct.Lazy.html), while references to `Lazy`
/// are coerced to references to `T`:
/// ```
/// use sloth::Lazy;
/// fn print_string_len(string: &String) {
///     println!("{} has length {}", string, string.len());
/// }
/// let mut lazy_string = Lazy::new(|| String::from("lorem "));
/// lazy_string.push_str("ipsum"); // can call T's methods
/// print_string_len(&lazy_string); // can pass as &T function param
/// ```
/// # Laziness
/// The evaluator function will not be called more than once,
/// regardless of how many times the value is accessed:
/// ```
/// use sloth::Lazy;
/// let mut evaluator_called_times = 0;
/// let lazy_value = Lazy::new(|| {
///     evaluator_called_times += 1;
///     25
/// });
/// assert_eq!(*lazy_value, 25);
/// let another_value = *lazy_value + *lazy_value;
/// assert_eq!(evaluator_called_times, 1);
/// ```
/// If a `Lazy` value is never dereferenced and none of its methods are called,
/// its evaluator function will not be invoked at all.
pub struct Lazy<T, Eval>
    where Eval: FnOnce() -> T
    evaluator_cell: Cell<Option<Eval>>,
    value_cell:     RefCell<Option<T>>

// Trait impls

impl<T, Eval> Deref for Lazy<T, Eval>
    where Eval: FnOnce() -> T
    type Target = T;

    /// Immutable dereference, allowing access to the contained value.
    /// This will invoke evaluator function if none of the methods
    /// or `*` deref operator were previously used.
    fn deref(&self) -> &T {

impl<T, Eval> DerefMut for Lazy<T, Eval>
    where Eval: FnOnce() -> T
    /// Mutable dereference, allowing access to the contained value.
    /// This will invoke evaluator function if none of the methods
    /// or `*` deref operator were previously used.
    fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {

impl<T, Eval> AsRef<T> for Lazy<T, Eval>
    where Eval: FnOnce() -> T
    /// Immutably borrows the evaluation result.
    /// This will invoke evaluator function if none of the methods
    /// or `*` deref operator were previously used.
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &T {

impl<T, Eval> AsMut<T> for Lazy<T, Eval>
    where Eval: FnOnce() -> T
    /// Mutably borrows the evaluation result.
    /// This will invoke evaluator function if none of the methods
    /// or `*` deref operator were previously used.
    fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {

impl<T, Eval> Borrow<T> for Lazy<T, Eval>
    where Eval: FnOnce() -> T
    /// Immutably borrows the evaluation result.
    /// This will invoke evaluator function if none of the methods
    /// or `*` deref operator were previously used.
    fn borrow(&self) -> &T {

impl<T, Eval> BorrowMut<T> for Lazy<T, Eval>
    where Eval: FnOnce() -> T
    /// Mutably borrows the evaluation result.
    /// This will invoke evaluator function if none of the methods
    /// or `*` deref operator were previously used.
    fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {

// Methods

impl<T, Eval> Lazy<T, Eval>
    where Eval: FnOnce() -> T
    // Interface

    /// Constructs a lazy `T` instance, whose value, if needed, will later be
    /// obtained from `evaluator` and cached.
    /// `evaluator` will be invoked only the first time this instance
    /// is dereferenced or one of its methods is invoked.
    pub fn new(evaluator: Eval) -> Self {
            evaluator_cell: Cell::new(Some(evaluator)),
            value_cell:     RefCell::new(None)

    /// Immutably borrows the evaluation result.
    /// This will invoke evaluator function if none of the methods
    /// or `*` deref operator were previously used.
    /// **`value_ref()` will be removed in sloth 0.3.0. [`as_ref()` or immutable * dereference](struct.Lazy.html#implementations) should be used instead.**
    #[deprecated(since = "0.2.0", note = "will be removed in sloth 0.3.0; please use as_ref() or * deref operator instead")]
    pub fn value_ref(&self) -> Ref<'_, T> {

        // Returns a Ref to the T instance contained within Option<T> referenced by value_cell
            |value_option| {

    /// Mutably borrows the evaluation result.
    /// This will invoke evaluator function if none of the methods
    /// or `*` deref operator were previously used.
    /// **`value_mut()` will be removed in sloth 0.3.0. [`as_mut()` or mutable * dereference](struct.Lazy.html#implementations) should be used instead.**
    #[deprecated(since = "0.2.0", note = "will be removed in sloth 0.3.0; please use as_mut() or * deref operator instead")]
    pub fn value_mut(&mut self) -> RefMut<'_, T> {

        // Returns a RefMut to the T instance contained within Option<T> referenced by value_cell_mut
            |value_option| {

    /// Consumes this [`Lazy<T, Eval>`](struct.Lazy.html) instance and extracts the evaluation result value.
    /// This will invoke evaluator function if none of the methods
    /// or `*` deref operator were previously used.
    pub fn unwrap(self) -> T {


    // Service

    fn as_ref_impl(&self) -> &T {

        unsafe {

    fn as_mut_impl(&mut self) -> &mut T {

        unsafe {

    fn init_once(&self) {
        if self.value_cell.borrow().is_none() {
            *self.value_cell.borrow_mut() = Some(self.evaluate());

    fn evaluate(&self) -> T {
        let evaluator = self.evaluator_cell


impl<T, Eval> Lazy<T, Eval>
    where T:    Copy,
          Eval: FnOnce() -> T
    /// Returns a copy of the evaluation result.
    /// This will invoke evaluator function if none of the methods
    /// or `*` deref operator were previously used.
    pub fn value(&self) -> T {
