slog-stream 1.2.1

`io::Write` streamer for slog-rs
//! `io::Write` streamer for slog-rs
//! One of the main drains not included in the core `slog-rs` create.
//! `Streamer` drain serializes logging records into stream of bytes
//! using given `Format` and writes it to a given `io::Write`.

extern crate slog;
extern crate slog_extra;
extern crate thread_local;

use slog::{Drain, DrainExt};

use std::cell::RefCell;

use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::io;
use slog::Record;

use slog_extra::Async;
use slog::OwnedKeyValueList;


thread_local! {
    static TL_BUF: RefCell<Vec<u8>> = RefCell::new(Vec::with_capacity(128))

/// Drain formating records and writing them to a byte-stream (`io::Write`)
/// Uses mutex to serialize writes to `io`. Use `AsyncStreamer` for better
/// performance, but without guarantee of immediate output.
pub struct Streamer<W: io::Write, F: Format> {
    io: Mutex<W>,
    format: F,

impl<W: io::Write, F: Format> Streamer<W, F> {
    /// Create new `Streamer` writing to `io` using `format`
    pub fn new(io: W, format: F) -> Self {
        Streamer {
            io: Mutex::new(io),
            format: format,

impl<W: 'static + io::Write + Send, F: Format + Send> Drain for Streamer<W, F> {
    type Error = io::Error;

    fn log(&self, info: &Record, logger_values: &OwnedKeyValueList) -> io::Result<()> {

        TL_BUF.with(|buf| {
            let mut buf = buf.borrow_mut();
            let res = {
                || {
                    try!(self.format.format(&mut *buf, info, logger_values));
                        let mut io = try!(
                            .map_err(|_| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "lock error")));

/// Stream logging records to IO
/// Create `Streamer` drain
pub fn stream<W: io::Write + Send, F: Format>(io: W, format: F) -> Streamer<W, F> {
    Streamer::new(io, format)

/// Stream logging records to IO asynchronously
/// Create `AsyncStreamer` drain
pub fn async_stream<W: io::Write + Send + 'static, F: Format + Send + 'static>(io: W,
                                                                               format: F)
                                                                               -> Async {
    Async::new(Streamer::new(io, format).fuse())