slog-stdlog 1.0.0-alpha6

Standard Rust log crate adapter to slog-rs
//! Standard Rust log crate adapter to slog-rs
//! This crate allows using `slog` features with code
//! using legacy `log` statements.
//! `log` crate expects a global logger to be registered
//! (popular one is `env_logger`) as a handler for all
//! `info!(...)` and similar.
//! `slog-stdlog` will register itself as `log` global handler and forward all
//! legacy logging statements to `slog`'s `Logger`. That means existing logging
//! `debug!` (even in dependencies crates) work and utilize `slog` composable
//! drains.
//! See `init()` documentation for minimal working example.

extern crate slog;
extern crate slog_term;
extern crate log;
extern crate lazy_static;
extern crate crossbeam;

use slog::DrainExt;

use log::LogMetadata;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::io;

use slog::Level;
use crossbeam::sync::ArcCell;

thread_local! {
    static TL_SCOPES: RefCell<Vec<slog::Logger>> = RefCell::new(Vec::with_capacity(8))

lazy_static! {
    static ref GLOBAL_LOGGER : ArcCell<slog::Logger> = ArcCell::new(
            slog::Logger::root(slog::discard(), o!())

fn set_global_logger(l: slog::Logger) {
    let _ = GLOBAL_LOGGER.set(Arc::new(l));

struct Logger;

fn log_to_slog_level(level: log::LogLevel) -> Level {
    match level {
        log::LogLevel::Trace => Level::Trace,
        log::LogLevel::Debug => Level::Debug,
        log::LogLevel::Info => Level::Info,
        log::LogLevel::Warn => Level::Warning,
        log::LogLevel::Error => Level::Error,

impl log::Log for Logger {
    fn enabled(&self, _: &LogMetadata) -> bool {

    fn log(&self, r: &log::LogRecord) {
        let level = log_to_slog_level(r.metadata().level());

        let args = r.args();
        let target =;
        let module = r.location().__module_path;
        let file = r.location().__file;
        let line = r.location().line();
        with_current_logger(|l| {
            let s = slog::RecordStatic {
                level: level,
                file: file,
                line: line,
                column: 0,
                function: "",
                module: module,
                target: target,
            l.log(&slog::Record::new(&s, *args, &[]))

/// Set a `slog::Logger` as a global `log` create handler
/// This will forward all `log` records to `slog` logger.
/// ```
/// // only use `o` macro from `slog` crate
/// #[macro_use(o)]
/// extern crate slog;
/// #[macro_use]
/// extern crate log;
/// extern crate slog_stdlog;
/// fn main() {
///     let root = slog::Logger::root(
///         slog::discard(),
///         o!("build-id" => "8dfljdf"),
///     );
///     slog_stdlog::set_logger(root).unwrap();
///     // Note: this `info!(...)` macro comes from `log` crate
///     info!("standard logging redirected to slog");
/// }
/// ```
pub fn set_logger(logger: slog::Logger) -> Result<(), log::SetLoggerError> {
    log::set_logger(|max_log_level| {

/// Set a `slog::Logger` as a global `log` create handler
/// This will forward `log` records that satisfy `log_level_filter` to `slog` logger.
pub fn set_logger_level(logger: slog::Logger,
                        log_level_filter: log::LogLevelFilter)
                        -> Result<(), log::SetLoggerError> {
    log::set_logger(|max_log_level| {

/// Minimal initialization with default drain
/// The exact default drain is unspecified and will
/// change in future versions! Use `set_logger` instead
/// to build customized drain.
/// ```
/// #[macro_use]
/// extern crate log;
/// extern crate slog_stdlog;
/// fn main() {
///     slog_stdlog::init().unwrap();
///     // Note: this `info!(...)` macro comes from `log` crate
///     info!("standard logging redirected to slog");
/// }
/// ```
pub fn init() -> Result<(), log::SetLoggerError> {
    let drain = slog::level_filter(Level::Info, slog_term::streamer().compact().build());
    set_logger(slog::Logger::root(drain.fuse(), o!()))

struct ScopeGuard;

impl ScopeGuard {
    fn new(logger: slog::Logger) -> Self {
        TL_SCOPES.with(|s| {


impl Drop for ScopeGuard {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        TL_SCOPES.with(|s| {
            s.borrow_mut().pop().expect("TL_SCOPES should contain a logger");

/// Access the currently active logger
/// The reference logger will be either:
/// * global logger, or
/// * currently active scope logger
/// **Warning**: Calling `scope` inside `f`
/// will result in a panic.
pub fn with_current_logger<F, R>(f: F) -> R
    where F: FnOnce(&slog::Logger) -> R
    TL_SCOPES.with(|s| {
        let s = s.borrow();
        if s.is_empty() {
        } else {
            f(&s[s.len() - 1])

/// Execute code in a logging scope
/// Logging scopes allow using different logger for legacy logging
/// statements in part of the code.
/// Logging scopes can be nested and are panic safe.
/// `logger` is the `Logger` to use during the duration of `f`.
/// `with_current_logger` can be used to build it as a child of currently active
/// logger.
/// `f` is a code to be executed in the logging scope.
/// Note: Thread scopes are thread-local. Each newly spawned thread starts
/// with a global logger, as a current logger.
pub fn scope<SF, R>(logger: slog::Logger, f: SF) -> R
    where SF: FnOnce() -> R
    let _guard = ScopeGuard::new(logger);

/// Drain logging `Record`s into `log` crate
/// Using `StdLog` is effectively the same as using `log::info!(...)` and
/// other standard logging statements.
/// Caution needs to be taken to prevent circular loop where `Logger`
/// installed via `slog-stdlog::set_logger` would log things to a `StdLog`
/// drain, which would again log things to the global `Logger` and so on
/// leading to an infinite recursion.
pub struct StdLog;

impl slog::Drain for StdLog {
    type Error = io::Error;
    fn log(&self, info: &slog::Record, _: &slog::OwnedKeyValueList) -> io::Result<()> {

        let level = match info.level() {
            slog::Level::Critical => log::LogLevel::Error,
            slog::Level::Error => log::LogLevel::Error,
            slog::Level::Warning => log::LogLevel::Warn,
            slog::Level::Info => log::LogLevel::Info,
            slog::Level::Debug => log::LogLevel::Debug,
            slog::Level::Trace => log::LogLevel::Trace,

        let target =;

        let location = log::LogLocation {
            __module_path: info.module(),
            __file: info.file(),
            __line: info.line(),

        // Please don't yell at me for this! :D
        log::__log(level, target, &location, format_args!("{}", info.msg()));
