sliding_windows 2.0.1

a non-copying implementation of a sliding windows iterator adaptor

This crate offers an ```Iterator``` adaptor, which yields "sliding windows" over the elements returned by the wrapped iterator.

It's worth to note that it does **not** copy elements, which makes the code relatively performant.

The backing storage is a ```Vec```, so this Iterator adaptor is not ideal for very large windows (>20 elements or very huge elements).

I'd happily accept a PR to implement the same functionality with a ```VecDeque``` or similar, see this [issue](

### Links

- [Documentation]
- []

### Install

Add this to your ```Cargo.toml```.

    sliding_windows = "2.0"

### Example

extern crate sliding_windows;
use sliding_windows::{IterExt, Storage};

let mut storage: Storage<u32> = Storage::new(3);

for x in (0..5).sliding_windows(&mut storage) {
    println!("{:?}", x);

// This outputs:
// [0, 1, 2]
// [1, 2, 3]
// [2, 3, 4]

For more examples please consult the [Documentation](

### This functionality in other languages/crates

- Ruby: [#each_cons]
- Python: [window]
- Rust (just for slices): [.windows()]
- Rust (for all Iterators, but copying): [.slide()]