slice-of-array 0.2.0

Extension traits for casting between slices and slices of arrays. (&[T] <-> &[[T; n]])
#![doc(html_root_url = "")]

//! Extension traits for viewing a slice as a slice of arrays or vice versa.
//! Provides the following methods on `[T]`:
//!  * **[`nest`]**: `&[T] -> &[[T; n]]`
//!  * **[`flat`]**: `&[[T; n]] -> &[T]`
//!  * **[`as_array`]**: `&[T] -> &[T; n]` (the reverse is
//!    already provided by a coercion)
//!  * **`nest_mut`, `flat_mut`, `as_mut_array`** for `&mut [_]`.
//! Altogether, these let you swap between arbitrary representations
//! of contiguous, `T`-aligned streams of `T` data.  For instance,
//! to view a `[[i32; 6]; 5]` as a `&[[[i32; 3]; 2]; 5]`,
//! one could write
//! ```
//! # // FIXME: Dumb/confusing example. I actually wrote it wrong
//! # //        the first time, calling `flat()` twice because it
//! # //        didn't occur to me that the outer '; 5' is already
//! # //        automatically eliminated by coercion.
//! # //
//! # //        Almost makes a case for providing `.as_slice()`
//! # //        as an explicit form of this coercion.
//! #
//! # use ::slice_of_array::prelude::*;
//! # let _ = || {
//! #     let x: [[i32; 6]; 5] = unimplemented!();
//! #     let _: &[[[i32; 3]; 2]; 5] =
//! x.flat().nest().nest().as_array()
//! #     ;
//! # };
//! ```
//! Type inference generally works quite well, and as long as the
//! final shape is unambiguous there is no need to annotate types
//! in the middle of the method chain.
//! In cases where type inference is unable to determine the target
//! array size, one can use a turbofish: e.g .`x.nest::<[_; 3]>()`.
//! ```
//! use ::slice_of_array::prelude::*;
//! let vec = vec![[2i32, 2, 2], [7, 7, 7], [4, 4, 4], [1, 1, 1]];
//! assert_eq!(vec.flat(), &[2, 2, 2, 7, 7, 7, 4, 4, 4, 1, 1, 1]);
//! // note: this requires an annotation only due to polymorphism in PartialEq
//! let slc = vec.nest::<[_; 2]>();
//! assert_eq!(slc, &[[[2i32, 2, 2], [7, 7, 7]], [[ 4, 4, 4], [1, 1, 1]]]);
//! ```
//! [`nest`] and [`as_array`] panic on failure rather than returning options.
//! The rationale is that it is believed that these these conversions are
//! seldom needed on arbitrary user data which may be the wrong size; rather,
//! they are most likely used when bridging the gap between APIs that work
//! with flattened slices and APIs that work with slices of arrays.
//! Zero-cost conversions in owned data (e.g. between `Vec<T>`
//! and `Vec<[T;n]>`) are not provided, and are probably impossible
//! in consideration of e.g. custom allocators. If you need to
//! convert between such types, you can use these traits in tandem
//! with `<[T]>::to_vec` to perform a copy:
//! ```
//! # use ::slice_of_array::prelude::*;
//! let vec = vec![[2i32, 2, 2], [7, 7, 7]];
//! // copying into a Vec<i32>
//! let flattened = vec.flat().to_vec();
//! assert_eq!(flattened, vec![2i32, 2, 2, 7, 7, 7]);
//! ```
//! [`nest`]: trait.SliceNestExt.html#tymethod.nest
//! [`flat`]: trait.SliceFlatExt.html#tymethod.flat
//! [`as_array`]: trait.SliceArrayExt.html#tymethod.as_array

extern crate version_sync;

pub mod prelude {
    pub use super::SliceFlatExt;
    pub use super::SliceNestExt;
    pub use super::SliceArrayExt;

/// Marker trait used in bounds of `Slice{Flat,Nest,Array}Ext`.
/// This marks the array types approved for use with `slice_of_array`.
/// It is deliberately not implemented for arrays of size 0,
/// because said traits are otherwise perfect isomorphisms for
/// the inputs that they don't fail on;
/// Having `.flat().nest()` turn a `&[[i32; 0]]` of length 18
/// into a `&[[i32; 0]]` of length 0 gives me the heebie jeebies.
/// # Safety
/// For any implementation, `Self` must have the same size and
/// alignment as `[Self::Element; Self::LEN]`.  Furthermore, you
/// must be comfortable with the possibility of `[Self]` being
/// reinterpreted bitwise as `[[Self::Element; Self::LEN]]` (or
/// vice versa) in any possible context.
/// # Notice
/// **Please do NOT use this trait in public interfaces in your code.**
/// `slice_of_array` is not yet 1.0, is not ready (or even designed)
/// to be used as a public dependency.
/// However, feel free to implement this trait on your own private
/// wrapper types around arrays. (this use case is explicitly supported
/// because the author does it himself, and quite frankly, it's pretty
/// convenient!)
pub unsafe trait IsSliceomorphic: Sized {
    type Element;
    const LEN: usize;

macro_rules! impl_approved_array {
    ($($n:tt)+) => {$(
        unsafe impl<T> IsSliceomorphic for [T; $n] {
            type Element = T;
            const LEN: usize = $n;

        1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
    17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

// Validate some known assumptions of IsSliceomorphic "at runtime,"
//  in a manner which should get optimized into thin air.
fn validate_some_assumptions<V: IsSliceomorphic>() {
    use ::std::mem::{align_of, size_of};


        V::LEN * size_of::<V::Element>(),

/// Permits viewing a slice of arrays as a flat slice.
/// # Implementors
/// The methods are available on `&[[T; n]]` and `&mut [[T; n]]`
/// for all `T`, and `1 <= n <= 32`.  Of course, they are also
/// available on `Vec<[T; n]>` and any other type that derefs
/// or unsizes to `[[T; n]]`.
/// # Notice
/// The existence of this trait is an implementation detail.
/// **Please do NOT use this trait as a generic bound in your code.**
pub trait SliceFlatExt<T> {
    /// View `&[[T; n]]` as `&[T]`.
    fn flat(&self) -> &[T];

    /// View `&mut [[T; n]]` as `&mut [T]`
    fn flat_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [T];

/// Permits viewing a slice as a slice of arrays.
/// The new array dimension can often be inferred.
/// When it is not, a turbofish can be used: `.nest::<[_; 3]>()`.
/// # Panics
/// All methods panic if the input length is not divisible by `n`.
/// # Implementors
/// The methods are available on `&[T]` and `&mut [T]` for all `T`.
/// Of course, they are also available on `Vec<T>` and any other type
/// that derefs or unsizes to `[T]`.
/// # Notice
/// The existence of this trait is an implementation detail.
/// **Please do NOT use this trait as a generic bound in your code.**
pub trait SliceNestExt<T> {
    /// View `&[T]` as `&[[T;n]]` without copying.
    fn nest<V: IsSliceomorphic<Element=T>>(&self) -> &[V];

    /// View `&mut [T]` as `&mut [[T;n]]` without copying.
    fn nest_mut<V: IsSliceomorphic<Element=T>>(&mut self) -> &mut [V];

/// Permits viewing a slice as an array.
/// The output array length can often be inferred.
/// When it is not, a turbofish can be used: `.as_array::<[_; 3]>()`.
/// # Panics
/// All methods panic if the slice is not exactly the requested length.
/// # Implementors
/// The methods are available on `&[T]` and `&mut [T]` for all `T`.
/// Of course, they are also available on `Vec<T>` and any other type
/// that derefs or unsizes to `[T]`.
/// # Notice
/// The existence of this trait is an implementation detail.
/// **Please do NOT use this trait as a generic bound in your code.**
pub trait SliceArrayExt<T> {
    /// View `&[T]` as `&[T; n]`.
    fn as_array<V: IsSliceomorphic<Element=T>>(&self) -> &V;

    /// View `&mut [T]` as `&mut [T;n]`.
    fn as_mut_array<V: IsSliceomorphic<Element=T>>(&mut self) -> &mut V;

    /// Clone `&[T]` to `[T; n]`.
    /// This is provided because `.as_array().clone()` tends to cause trouble for
    /// type inference.
    fn to_array<V: IsSliceomorphic<Element=T>>(&self) -> V where V: Clone
    { self.as_array::<V>().clone() }

impl<V: IsSliceomorphic> SliceFlatExt<V::Element> for [V] {
    fn flat(&self) -> &[V::Element] {
        // UNSAFETY: (::std::slice::from_raw_parts)
        // - pointer must be non-null (even for zero-length)
        // - pointer must be aligned
        // - pointer must be valid for given size
        // - lifetimes are unchecked
        unsafe {
                self.as_ptr() as *const _,
                self.len() * V::LEN,

    fn flat_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [V::Element] {
        // UNSAFETY: (::std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut)
        // - pointer must be non-null (even for zero-length)
        // - pointer must be aligned
        // - pointer must be valid for given size
        // - lifetimes are unchecked
        // - aliasing guarantees of &mut are unchecked
        unsafe {
                self.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _,
                self.len() * V::LEN,

impl<T> SliceNestExt<T> for [T] {
    fn nest<V: IsSliceomorphic<Element=T>>(&self) -> &[V] {
        assert_eq!(0, self.len() % V::LEN,
            "cannot view slice of length {} as &[[_; {}]]",
            self.len(), V::LEN);

        // UNSAFETY: (::std::slice::from_raw_parts)
        // - pointer must be non-null (even for zero-length)
        // - pointer must be aligned
        // - pointer must be valid for given size
        // - lifetimes are unchecked
        unsafe { ::std::slice::from_raw_parts(
            self.as_ptr() as *const _,
            self.len() / V::LEN,

    fn nest_mut<V: IsSliceomorphic<Element=T>>(&mut self) -> &mut [V] {
        assert_eq!(0, self.len() % V::LEN,
            "cannot view slice of length {} as &mut [[_; {}]]",
            self.len(), V::LEN);

        // UNSAFETY: (::std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut)
        // - pointer must be non-null (even for zero-length)
        // - pointer must be aligned
        // - pointer must be valid for given size
        // - lifetimes are unchecked
        // - aliasing guarantees of &mut are unchecked
        unsafe { ::std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(
            self.as_ptr() as *mut _,
            self.len() / V::LEN,

impl<T> SliceArrayExt<T> for [T] {
    fn as_array<V: IsSliceomorphic<Element=T>>(&self) -> &V {
        assert_eq!(self.len(), V::LEN,
            "cannot view slice of length {} as &[_; {}]",
            self.len(), V::LEN);


    fn as_mut_array<V: IsSliceomorphic<Element=T>>(&mut self) -> &mut V {
        assert_eq!(self.len(), V::LEN,
            "cannot view slice of length {} as &mut [_; {}]",
            self.len(), V::LEN);

        &mut self.nest_mut()[0]

mod tests {
    pub use super::prelude::*;

    fn inference_lattice() {
        // Checks that chaining nest().nest() or nest().as_array()
        // can be done without explicit annotations on the first method call.
        let mut v = vec![(); 9];

        { let _: &[[(); 3]; 3] = v.nest().as_array(); }
        { let _: &[[[(); 3]; 3]] = v.nest().nest(); }
        { let _: &mut [[(); 3]; 3] = v.nest_mut().as_mut_array(); }
        { let _: &mut [[[(); 3]; 3]] = v.nest_mut().nest_mut(); }
        { let _: [[(); 3]; 3] = v.nest().to_array(); }
        { let _: Vec<[(); 3]> = v.nest().to_vec(); }

    mod failures {
        use super::super::*;

        #[should_panic(expected = "cannot view slice of length 8")]
        fn fail_nest_not_multiple() {
            let v = vec![(); 8];
            let _: &[[(); 3]] = v.nest();

        #[should_panic(expected = "cannot view slice of length 8")]
        fn nest_mut_not_multiple() {
            let mut v = vec![(); 8];
            let _: &mut [[(); 3]] = v.nest_mut();

        // bad array size tests;
        //  we try converting slices of length 1 or 6 into a length 3 array.
        //  These sizes were chosen to catch accidental acceptance in
        //    the case of sizes that divide evenly
        #[should_panic(expected = "cannot view slice of length 1")]
        fn as_array_too_small() {
            let v = vec![(); 1];
            let _: &[(); 3] = v.as_array();

        #[should_panic(expected = "cannot view slice of length 6")]
        fn as_array_too_large() {
            let v = vec![(); 6];
            let _: &[(); 3] = v.as_array();

        #[should_panic(expected = "cannot view slice of length 1")]
        fn as_mut_array_too_small() {
            let mut v = vec![(); 1];
            let _: &mut [(); 3] = v.as_mut_array();

        #[should_panic(expected = "cannot view slice of length 6")]
        fn as_mut_array_too_large() {
            let mut v = vec![(); 6];
            let _: &mut [(); 3] = v.as_mut_array();

    mod dox {
        fn test_readme_version() {

        fn test_html_root_url() {