sleef-sys 0.1.2

Rust FFI bindings to the SLEEF Vectorized Math Library
name = "sleef-sys"
version = "0.1.2"
authors = ["gnzlbg <>"]
links = "sleef"
build = ""
readme = ""
license = "MIT/Apache-2.0"
repository = ""
homepage = ""
documentation = ""
categories = ["api-bindings", "external-ffi-bindings", "no-std", "hardware-support"]
keywords = ["simd", "libm", "vector", "math", "ffi"]
description = """
Rust FFI bindings to the SLEEF Vectorized Math Library

appveyor = { repository = "gnzlbg/sleef-rs" }
travis-ci = { repository = "gnzlbg/sleef-rs" }
codecov = { repository = "gnzlbg/sleef-rs" }
is-it-maintained-issue-resolution = { repository = "gnzlbg/sleef-rs" }
is-it-maintained-open-issues = { repository = "gnzlbg/sleef-rs" }
maintenance = { status = "experimental" }

test = false
bench = false

libc = { version = "0.2", default-features = false }
cfg-if = "^0.1"

cmake = "^0.1"
bindgen = "^0.46"
env_logger = "0.6"

default = []
dft = []