sled 0.18.0

a modern embedded database
use std::ops;

use pagecache::{Measure, M};

use super::*;

fn lower_bound_includes<'a>(
    lb: &ops::Bound<Vec<u8>>,
    item: &'a [u8],
) -> bool {
    match lb {
        ops::Bound::Included(ref start) => start.as_slice() <= item,
        ops::Bound::Excluded(ref start) => start.as_slice() < item,
        ops::Bound::Unbounded => true,

fn upper_bound_includes<'a>(
    ub: &ops::Bound<Vec<u8>>,
    item: &'a [u8],
) -> bool {
    match ub {
        ops::Bound::Included(ref end) => item <= end.as_ref(),
        ops::Bound::Excluded(ref end) => item < end.as_ref(),
        ops::Bound::Unbounded => true,

/// An iterator over keys in a `Tree`
pub struct Keys<'a>(Iter<'a>);

impl<'a> Iterator for Keys<'a> {
    type Item = Result<Vec<u8>, ()>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {|r||(k, _v)| k))

impl<'a> DoubleEndedIterator for Keys<'a> {
    fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        self.0.next_back().map(|r||(k, _v)| k))

/// An iterator over values in a `Tree`
pub struct Values<'a>(Iter<'a>);

impl<'a> Iterator for Values<'a> {
    type Item = Result<PinnedValue, ()>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {|r||(_k, v)| v))

impl<'a> DoubleEndedIterator for Values<'a> {
    fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        self.0.next_back().map(|r||(_k, v)| v))

/// An iterator over keys and values in a `Tree`.
pub struct Iter<'a> {
    pub(super) tree: &'a Tree,
    pub(super) hi: ops::Bound<Vec<u8>>,
    pub(super) lo: ops::Bound<Vec<u8>>,
    pub(super) last_id: Option<PageId>,
    pub(super) last_key: Option<Key>,
    pub(super) broken: Option<Error<()>>,
    pub(super) done: bool,
    pub(super) guard: Guard,
    pub(super) is_scan: bool,
    // TODO we have to refactor this in light of pages being deleted

impl<'a> Iter<'a> {
    /// Iterate over the keys of this Tree
    pub fn keys(self) -> Keys<'a> {

    /// Iterate over the values of this Tree
    pub fn values(self) -> Values<'a> {

impl<'a> Iterator for Iter<'a> {
    type Item = Result<(Vec<u8>, PinnedValue), ()>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        let _measure = Measure::new(&M.tree_scan);

        if self.done {
            return None;
        } else if let Some(broken) = self.broken.take() {
            self.done = true;
            return Some(Err(broken));

        let start_bound = &self.lo;
        let start: &[u8] = match start_bound {
            ops::Bound::Included(ref start)
            | ops::Bound::Excluded(ref start) => start.as_ref(),
            ops::Bound::Unbounded => b"",

        loop {
            let value_guard = pin();

            if self.last_id.is_none() {
                // initialize iterator based on valid bound
                let path_res =
                    self.tree.path_for_key(start, &self.guard);
                if let Err(e) = path_res {
                    error!("iteration failed: {:?}", e);
                    self.done = true;
                    return Some(Err(e.danger_cast()));

                let path = path_res.unwrap();

                let (last_frag, _tree_ptr) =
                    path.last().expect("path should never be empty");
                let last_node = last_frag.unwrap_base();
                self.last_id = Some(;

            let last_id = self.last_id.unwrap();

            let inclusive = match self.lo {
                ops::Bound::Unbounded | ops::Bound::Included(..) => {
                ops::Bound::Excluded(..) => false,

            let res = self
                .get(last_id, &self.guard)
                .map(|page_get| page_get.unwrap());

            if let Err(e) = res {
                error!("iteration failed: {:?}", e);
                self.done = true;
                return Some(Err(e.danger_cast()));

            // TODO (when implementing merge support) this could
            // be None if the node was removed since the last
            // iteration, and we need to just get the inner
            // node again...
            let (frag, _ptr) = res.unwrap();
            let node = frag.unwrap_base();
            let leaf =
      "node should be a leaf");
            let prefix = &node.lo;

            let search = if inclusive && self.last_key.is_none() {
                leaf.binary_search_by(|&(ref k, ref _v)| {
                    prefix_cmp_encoded(k, start, prefix)
                .or_else(|| {
                    binary_search_gt(leaf, |&(ref k, ref _v)| {
                        prefix_cmp_encoded(k, start, prefix)
            } else {
                let last_key = &self.last_key;

                let search_key: &[u8] = if let Some(lk) = last_key {
                } else {

                binary_search_gt(leaf, |&(ref k, ref _v)| {
                    prefix_cmp_encoded(k, search_key, prefix)

            if let Some(idx) = search {
                let (k, v) = &leaf[idx];
                let decoded_k = prefix_decode(prefix, &k);

                if !upper_bound_includes(&self.hi, &*decoded_k) {
                    // we've overshot our bounds
                    return None;

                self.last_key = Some(decoded_k.clone());

                let ret = Ok((
                    PinnedValue::new(&*v, value_guard),
                return Some(ret);

            if !node.hi.is_empty()
                && !upper_bound_includes(&self.hi, &node.hi)
                // we've overshot our bounds
                return None;

            // we need to seek to the right sibling to find a
            // key that is greater than our last key (or
            // the start bound)
            match {
                Some(id) => self.last_id = Some(id),
                None => {
                        "if a node has no right sibling, \
                         it must be the upper-bound node"
                    return None;

impl<'a> DoubleEndedIterator for Iter<'a> {
    fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        let _measure = Measure::new(&M.tree_scan);

        if self.done {
            return None;
        } else if let Some(broken) = self.broken.take() {
            self.done = true;
            return Some(Err(broken));

        // try to get a high key
        let end_bound = &self.hi;
        let start_bound = &self.lo;

        let (end, unbounded): (&[u8], bool) = if self.is_scan {
            match start_bound {
                ops::Bound::Included(ref start)
                | ops::Bound::Excluded(ref start) => {
                    (start.as_ref(), false)
                ops::Bound::Unbounded => (&[255; 100], true),
        } else {
            match end_bound {
                ops::Bound::Included(ref start)
                | ops::Bound::Excluded(ref start) => {
                    (start.as_ref(), false)
                ops::Bound::Unbounded => (&[255; 100], true),

        loop {
            let value_guard = pin();

            if self.last_id.is_none() {
                // initialize iterator based on valid bound

                let path_res =
                    self.tree.path_for_key(end, &self.guard);
                if let Err(e) = path_res {
                    error!("iteration failed: {:?}", e);
                    self.done = true;
                    return Some(Err(e.danger_cast()));

                let path = path_res.unwrap();

                let (last_frag, _tree_ptr) =
                    path.last().expect("path should never be empty");
                let mut last_node = last_frag.unwrap_base();

                // (when hi is empty, it means it's the rightmost node)
                while unbounded && !last_node.hi.is_empty() {
                    // if we're unbounded, scan to the end
                    let res = self
                        .get(, &self.guard)
                        .map(|page_get| page_get.unwrap());

                    if let Err(e) = res {
                        error!("iteration failed: {:?}", e);
                        self.done = true;
                        return Some(Err(e.danger_cast()));
                    let (frag, _ptr) = res.unwrap();
                    last_node = frag.unwrap_base();

                self.last_id = Some(;

            let last_id = self.last_id.unwrap();

            let inclusive = match self.hi {
                ops::Bound::Unbounded | ops::Bound::Included(..) => {
                ops::Bound::Excluded(..) => false,

            let res = self
                .get(last_id, &self.guard)
                .map(|page_get| page_get.unwrap());

            if let Err(e) = res {
                error!("iteration failed: {:?}", e);
                self.done = true;
                return Some(Err(e.danger_cast()));

            // TODO (when implementing merge support) this could
            // be None if the node was removed since the last
            // iteration, and we need to just get the inner
            // node again...
            let (frag, _ptr) = res.unwrap();
            let node = frag.unwrap_base();
            let leaf =
      "node should be a leaf");
            let prefix = &node.lo;

            let search = if inclusive && self.last_key.is_none() {
                if unbounded {
                    if leaf.is_empty() {
                    } else {
                        Some(leaf.len() - 1)
                } else {
                    binary_search_lub(leaf, |&(ref k, ref _v)| {
                        prefix_cmp_encoded(k, end, prefix)
            } else {
                let last_key = &self.last_key;

                let search_key: &[u8] = if let Some(lk) = last_key {
                } else {

                binary_search_lt(leaf, |&(ref k, ref _v)| {
                    prefix_cmp_encoded(k, search_key, prefix)

            if let Some(idx) = search {
                let (k, v) = &leaf[idx];
                let decoded_k = prefix_decode(prefix, &k);

                if !self.is_scan
                    && !lower_bound_includes(&self.lo, &*decoded_k)
                    // we've overshot our bounds
                    return None;

                self.last_key = Some(decoded_k.clone());

                let ret = Ok((
                    PinnedValue::new(&*v, value_guard),
                return Some(ret);

            if !self.is_scan
                && !lower_bound_includes(&self.lo, &node.lo)
                // we've overshot our bounds
                return None;

            // we need to get the node to the left of ours by
            // guessing a key that might land on it, and then
            // fast-forwarding through the right child pointers
            // if we went too far to the left.
            let pred = possible_predecessor(prefix)?;
            let mut next_node =
                match self.tree.path_for_key(pred, &self.guard) {
                    Err(e) => {
                        error!("next_back iteration failed: {:?}", e);
                        self.done = true;
                        return Some(Err(e.danger_cast()));
                    Ok(path) => path.last().unwrap().0.unwrap_base(),
            while != Some(
                && next_node.lo < node.lo
                let res = self
                    .get(, &self.guard)
                    .map(|page_get| page_get.unwrap());

                if let Err(e) = res {
                    error!("iteration failed: {:?}", e);
                    self.done = true;
                    return Some(Err(e.danger_cast()));
                let (frag, _ptr) = res.unwrap();
                next_node = frag.unwrap_base();

            self.last_id = Some(;

fn possible_predecessor(s: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
    let mut ret = s.to_vec();
    match ret.pop() {
        None => None,
        Some(i) if i == 0 => Some(ret),
        Some(i) => {
            ret.push(i - 1);
            for _ in 0..4 {

fn test_possible_predecessor() {
    assert_eq!(possible_predecessor(b""), None);
    assert_eq!(possible_predecessor(&[0]), Some(vec![]));
    assert_eq!(possible_predecessor(&[0, 0]), Some(vec![0]));
        possible_predecessor(&[0, 1]),
        Some(vec![0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255])
        possible_predecessor(&[0, 2]),
        Some(vec![0, 1, 255, 255, 255, 255])
    assert_eq!(possible_predecessor(&[1, 0]), Some(vec![1]));
        possible_predecessor(&[1, 1]),
        Some(vec![1, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255])
        Some(vec![154, 255, 255, 255, 255])